Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 188 Can Doctor Jue Interpret Dreams?He's crazy

Chapter 188 Can Doctor Jue Interpret Dreams?he/she is crazy
Eleven hours ago, Paris, night, 23:04——

The night sky is vast, and the hospital is quiet and safe.

There are no colorful neon lights, the paths are winding and winding, and there are only two rows of round-headed street lamps winding along them, illuminating the entire garden.

The figure on the path slanted, passing behind and passing the flowerbed on one side.

Even though the glass in front is hidden in the light, standing in front of it, it is still pitch black.

She still couldn't see inside.

Just fell asleep and had a dream. In the dream, she was as lingering as usual, but she still couldn't tell the direction. In the sea of ​​flowers, the source of sound was in all directions, illusory, and she couldn't catch it...

"Xiaoqian Xiaoqian, Momo Momo..."

"Knock Knock-"

She touched the glass and knocked on it.

Somehow, I came to this flower field, and somehow I came to it, as if there was some kind of traction in the dark.

The laboratory was very quiet, except for the sound of the centrifuge, and the sudden knocking sound behind him, making him pause for adjusting the microscope.

Turning his head, the round-headed street lights shone down and penetrated the glass, and her figure clearly fell into his pupils.

There is no other scene in the black pupils, only two small hers are reflected...

She opened her hands and pressed against the glass. It was very cold and cold. Isn't she cold?
How could she not be cold? She was wrapped in a long down jacket, down to her ankles, with the zipper pulled up to her head, her neck hidden in it, and half of her hair was pressed by the collar.

Fat and bulging, she was very petite. At this moment, she seemed a little helpless.

He couldn't help but step forward.

Through the glass, her fingertips touched her hand as if they were away, and then arched her knuckles and knocked, and her face bloomed in an instant.

She raised her hand and stuck it to the glass again, Juechen frowned, turned and walked out.

Qian Mo was looking in with all her heart, wondering if he was standing in front of the glass looking at her, when the door on the right suddenly opened, which startled her.

"Jue, Doctor Jue? Why did you come out?"

"Someone interrupts my work, can I not come out?"

Qian Mo grinned embarrassingly, he had already taken off his white coat, only wearing a sweater, and came to her with a smile, "Are you kidding, why haven't you rested so late?"

Qian Mo drooped her mouth, "I was asleep, but I had a dream and couldn't fall asleep. Doctor Jue, if you need to be busy, do it quickly."

He came out in such thin clothes, maybe he took off his white coat, and he might have time to wear his coat in the future.

Qianmo turned her head and walked away. Under the street lamp, she felt that she was the only figure in the whole world. Juechen suddenly spoke and stopped her: "Do you have something to tell me?"

Qianmo turned her head, truly opened up her thoughts, and nodded.

"Then wait for me, I'll be right out."

"Yeah," Qianmo nodded again, watching him walk in.

When he entered the door, it was not a laboratory, but a small room. Juechen tore off the hanging white coat and put it on, before pushing the door open and entering the laboratory.

The serum just finished separating at this time, he quickly took it out, labeled it and packed it.

Then collect the slides, collect the microscope, clean up the laboratory bench...

He originally waited for the serum to be separated to look at the slides, so he didn't look at them today, and looked at them tomorrow.

When I came to the small room, I took off my white coat, washed my hands and disinfected it, and this time, I put on the down jacket in the closet.

It would probably take a long time to chat with her, how could he not wear clothes, he was weak and couldn't bear it.

However, I still didn't wear thermal underwear on my legs...

The side door opened again, and the people under the street lamp turned their heads. At that moment, Juechen thought, if it snows now, it should be very beautiful.

Even if there is no snow, it is beautiful.

"Doctor Jue," she bloomed again, and ran towards him.

"Doctor Jue, are you really not busy? Am I really bothering you?"

Juechen stretched out his wrist in front of her, motioned her to look at her watch, and said, "It's almost 11:30, and my working hours never exceed 11:30, so you don't bother me, because I just happen to have nothing to do today. Busy working."

"That's good," Qianmo came to his side, walking side by side with him on the flower field path.

Juechen didn't speak, and waited quietly for her to speak. She said, "Doctor Jue, can you interpret dreams?"

Juechen raised his eyebrows, "Let's hear it?"

"A beautiful sea of ​​flowers, carnations, lilacs, magnolias... There are countless flowers of all colors. When I stay there alone, there will always be a voice calling me Xiaoqian Xiaoqian. I can't find the specific voice." Where is the source..."

Because she couldn't find it, she couldn't even follow it, and she couldn't remember how many years she had been shouting about.

"Doctor Jue, isn't it a bit weird? I, am I normal?"

Qianmo stared at him nervously, her question and her little scared expression made him laugh.

"What's wrong with dreaming?" Juechen asked back, "When a person enters a dream, sometimes it means that the hidden memory in his subconscious is activated, and various images will appear in the form of dreams."

"Implicit memory? What is an implicit memory, which exists in the subconscious mind and cannot be remembered?"

Juechen shook his head, "No, it refers to those things that we know but are hard to describe..."

Youdi realized something, Juechen stopped talking here, "You, did you... have amnesia?"

Qianmo met his gaze, "It's not that I lost my memory, it's that I lost my memory."

Juechen's footsteps stopped, for some reason, his heart skipped a beat, and he panicked immediately.

Qianmo simply turned around to face him, trying to look into his eyes, "I don't remember anything from the past, I don't know who I am, where I came from, I know what my name is, or is it because of the voice in the dream?" , sometimes call me Xiaoqian Xiaoqian, sometimes call me Momomomo..."

Juechen panicked even more, his fingertips hidden in his pockets were shaking.

He's never felt this way before, and he doesn't know what's wrong with him.

"Doctor Jue, I hope I can remember..."

Qianmo lowered his head, and his voice was meowing like a kitten, lingering and pitiful.

Juechen looked at the top of her head without saying a word.

After a long time, she raised her head, her eyes were red, "Doctor Jue, can you help me?"

He nodded, "Don't cry, it's cold."

She turned her face away and smiled.

She almost couldn't help but threw herself into his arms, she went crazy.

He stared fixedly at her side face, and almost couldn't help pulling her into his arms, he was crazy.


The classroom was full of students, and one of them was looking at his mobile phone, secretly upset.

Okay, she naturally understood what he was asking, struggled for a while, and finally typed out this line:
[Xiaobaicai]: After school, I'll wait for you downstairs at No. [-]
That end smiled.

[May you love deeply]: OK

【May you love deeply】: What do you like to eat

[Xiaobaicai]: Anything is fine, I am not picky about food
so nice hello?

[May you love deeply]: OK

The school bell rang, [Xiao Bai Cai] was startled, two hours passed so quickly?

[Xu You are deeply in love] Breathe a sigh of relief, get out of class is finally over, these two hours have been so fucking slow, he sat there, the stool seemed to have nails growing on it, it was uncomfortable to sit on.

"Brother, brother, shall we go first?"

Gao Le pointed out the door, Mu Qingshen nodded and asked them to order food first.



When Mu Qingshen came to the No. [-] building, he called out, and the person who was playing with Can Xue at his feet looked back.

(End of this chapter)

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