Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 206 Xiao Shen is a pervert, crying in fright

Chapter 206 Xiao Shen is a pervert, crying in fright
With a few harsh sounds, the locomotive stopped suddenly in a semi-surrounding manner, and the woman was surrounded in the center, screaming "ah" in fright.

All the people on the locomotive took off their helmets. Through the light, the woman could see that all of them looked unhappy. One of them had green hair, and his blue earrings shone faintly in the dark night.

There was another person who didn't take off his helmet, so she couldn't help but look at him.

She was very scared in her heart, but she didn't want to be cowardly on the face, and desperately encouraged herself to face him boldly. Under her gaze, he raised his hand and took off the helmet.

His face was exposed in the air, and the fright in her eyes turned into surprise in an instant, "Mu Qingshen?—"

She ran over.

In the light, the little girl's eyes were red, she timidly shed tears, and asked in a low voice: "Are you with them? Why are you chasing me?"

She grabbed his sleeve very carefully, her voice was soft and pitiful.

Like this, I want him to hug her into his arms so damn hell, let's just push her down! !

Mu Qing licked her teeth deeply, feeling irritable! !
The boy with the earrings said: "I said girl, you betrayed our boss, can we not arrest you?"

"Your boss?" Fu Xi turned to look at him, as if asking: Who is your boss?

The boy smiled and spat out two words: "Xiao Shen."

As if being struck by lightning, Fu Xi mechanically turned his face to face the person in front of him again, "You, you are Xiao Shen?"

Mu Qing smiled calmly, "I'm not, I'm just working under his hands, and he sent me to catch you."

Fu Xi took a few steps back, thinking that he had done a good job of keeping secrets and erasing all traces, but unexpectedly, he was still found.

Sure enough, Xiao Shen was not easy to mess with.

What to do, what should she do, it is rumored that Xiao Shen is a big pervert, once it falls into his hands, it is easy to peel off the skin and bone, and he has a good time with girls.

Woooooo... The more Fu Xi thought about it, the more frightened she became, and the more she thought about it, the more frightened she became, and finally couldn't hold it back, and burst into tears with a "wow".

He opened his throat and faced the sky, weeping bitterly.

Xiao Shen: "..."

Xiao Shen's younger brothers: "..."

"Mu Qingshen, are you really going to take me back? What will Xiao Shen do to me? Will he cram my tendons and break my bones, and then throw me into a ravine and let me fend for myself? ?”

Fu Xi cried louder as he spoke.

Mu Qing couldn't hold back a smile, and said with a straight face: "How can I say that you and I have the feeling of being in the same school, I will intercede with Xiao Shen, and the previous steps will be saved, and I will throw you into the ditch directly. Let you fend for yourself."

Fu Xi's legs went limp, and she collapsed on the ground, "Mu, Mu Qingshen, don't scare me..."

Seeing her sitting on the cold ground, Mu Qingshen frowned calmly, and lifted his long legs out of the car.

At this moment, he is like a demon in Fu Xi's eyes. Seeing him coming step by step, her buttocks kept moving back, Mu Qingshen stretched out her hand, and she shrank even more. Mu Qingshen clicked his tongue and grabbed her Lifted her by the arm.

Tears were all over his face, and he wiped her with his big palm indiscriminately, which was not gentle. Fu Xi was frightened by him, whether he came to catch himself or to catch himself, you can grab it if you want, give it to someone If you can't be happy, don't be so nice to her all of a sudden...


Fu Xi let out a "burp" from being frightened.

The younger brothers gathered together in a pile, and one of them poked the chest of the boy with earrings, and couldn't help muttering: "Boss, what are you doing? Why is he so abnormal? This girl betrayed him, no matter how cute she is, He shouldn't be interested in sex at this time, right?"

The boy with earrings pursed his lips and gave a "shush", "Look quietly."

"Since you're so afraid, why did you betray him in the first place? Why did you do it if you knew it earlier?"

Mu Qingshen continued to wipe her tears with a helpless tone.

"I didn't betray him," Fu Xi was so aggrieved, tears rolled down one after another, and this was rubbing more and more, he deliberately reprimanded with a stern face: "Don't cry anymore!"

Fu Xi was silent for a moment, "Hi~ I just got up to go to the toilet that day. Who knew that someone invaded at that time, so I didn't intercept it immediately. When I came back, I found that the network system had been torn apart."

Mu Qingshen: "..."

"Really?" He locked his eyes on her in disbelief.

She Chickie nodded, "Hmm..."

Let's start from the beginning of the story. If Fu Shiyun hadn't captured his line, Mu Yeqin wouldn't have found out about his relationship with his sister, and wouldn't have arrested him to threaten his sister.

That day, Mu Yeqin almost killed him and hurt his sister. It was impossible for Mu Qingshen not to investigate later, and then let him know that it was indeed the newcomer who had a problem.

But it wasn't because the technology was immature that people took advantage of the loopholes, but because the water was released deliberately, and he didn't intercept it at all.

The newcomer probably knew that he had caused trouble, and by the time Mu Qingshen went to settle the score, he had already disappeared all traces and fled.

She really knows how to escape, and she really has the ability to hide for such a long time under A Yao's pursuit.

In the end, the truth made him speechless again, and he went to the toilet...

She didn't stop it on purpose, but because she went to the toilet...

What happened now, ever since he knew that she was the one they were looking for, the anger in his heart decreased day by day until it disappeared.

He didn't intend to do anything to her at first, but now he can be ruthless and reprimand her?

"Mu Qing hiccups deeply~ What I said is true~, I know Xiao Shen is very powerful, so how dare you hiccup~ betray him? Can you help me say a few words in front of him, hiccup~ let him calm down ..."

She grabbed his sleeve and tugged lightly, her voice soft.

"Oh," Mu Qing sighed deeply, "Don't worry, Xiao Shen and I have a good relationship, I will make it clear to him, and I will not hold you accountable anymore."

It doesn't matter whether what she said is true or not, she was frightened and frightened, and she cried and cried, so let's forget it.

"Really?" Fu Xi's eyes brightened immediately, but then dimmed again, with a bit of disbelief.

"Well," he smiled, his eyes lingering on her face, "how can you cure your hiccups?"

"Eat, eat roasted sweet potatoes, it will be fine..." She blinked.

He grabbed her wrist, led her to the side of the locomotive, and then put one arm around her waist and exerted force. Before Fu Xi could react, she had already been carried into the car.

He sat in front, his broad body shielded her from the cold wind for a moment, he turned around and put the helmet on her head.

Mu Qing twisted the handle deeply twice, and the motorcycle started, but Fu Xi was still stiff and dazed.

Mu Qingshen held her hand back, pulled her around his waist, and said, "Hold me tight."

The car started, and the moment it rushed forward, she accidentally threw herself on his back due to inertia, and her arms were involuntarily tightened.

Inside the helmet, Mu Qingshen pursed her lips.

The younger brothers naturally rode to keep up, and several motorcycles were deafening, and drove to the bustling area again.

(End of this chapter)

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