Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 211 Cleaning up the bastards 2, regardless of being ruthless

Chapter 211 Cleaning up the bastards 2, regardless of being ruthless


It was another bottle of wine, and Zhou Chi was in a daze, unable to stand still, and fell back to the sofa.

Mu Qing pulled his hair deeply, and suddenly pressed down on the coffee table, while Zhou Chi pressed his face against the coffee table. "You can't get used to me, do you want to attack the people around me?"

Duan Xinyao threw out a switchblade, threw it forward, Mu Qingshen caught it, and Zhou Chi's hand was also shackled on the coffee table. Mu Qingshen raised the knife and Gao Le yelled: "Brother, he doesn't use a knife!" move me-"

With Mu Qingshen's stabbing, Gao Le's heart was pounding.

The knife was held in the air, and the speed of falling was not slow. The tip of the knife pierced the skin, and then ruthlessly threw it through the flesh and blood. Zhou Chi screamed mournfully.

Gao Le's sound did not stop Mu Qingshen.

The light of the private room is blue and dim, and countless interlaced patterns are reflected on the glass floor, as if the blue enchantress is in full bloom in the darkness, which is thrillingly beautiful.

The blood smeared on the black heart glass tabletop was also thrilling.

The young man was holding a knife, and fierceness shot out from his brows and eyes.

What Fu Qing said was right, Mu Qingshen was a lunatic, and when this person became insane, no matter how ruthless he was, he would not leave any room for it.

Everyone present felt their hearts tremble.

Gao Le was in a hurry, and pulled Duan Xinyao hard, "Why did you give him the knife?"

Duan Xinyao turned to look at him. Like Mu Qingshen, he had a fierce look between his brows.

At that moment, Gao Le realized that he and them were not on the same level.

In their world, bloodshed is commonplace, and their rule of survival is to lick blood from the edge of a knife.

"Gao Le, where are the others, did they bother you?" Mu Qingshen's voice sounded at the right time, interrupting his thoughts.

Gao Le shook his head, "No."

"Really?" Mu Qing looked up at him deeply.

Gao Le shook his head again, "No, the injury on my body was all left by Zhou Chi."

"Brother, enough is enough," Gao Le looked at the pierced hand on the coffee table, "Brother, the price he paid is enough, let's go, I want to go to the hospital..."

Mu Qing pulled out the knife deeply, and the blood splashed in the air.

Zhou Chi was so painful that his face was sweating profusely, and he couldn't scream anymore.

The weather is getting late, and the evening wind is getting colder and colder, and the irrigation is getting stronger.

Today is not suitable for riding a motorcycle.

Mu Qingshen took Gao Le from Duan Xinyao and said, "Ah Yao, let's rent a car, we will drive to the hospital."

Duan Xinyao rented an extended Rolls-Royce, and several people squeezed in.

On the way to the hospital, Gao Le was not at peace.

Especially when his butt was next to the Rolls-Royce cushion, he felt a little dazed.

It's not because sitting in a Rolls-Royce, it's nothing unusual for them to grab a lot of Rolls-Royce, but because Mu Qingshen, and the people sitting beside him, made him suddenly .

He felt that he only really knew Mu Qingshen today.

That's right, he admires Mu Qingshen very much, he worships him from the bottom of his heart, that's because he is the F1 champion for consecutive years, a myth, a legend in the racing world, and a god of Mu, that's why he worships him.

The rest, what is Mu Qingshen?

Just like him, an ordinary person, an ordinary student.

But today, Mu Qingshen made him break this cognition.

Gao Le has a feeling in his heart, maybe, maybe Mu Qingshen is not as simple as it seems on the surface...

While thinking about it, the hospital was already in front of them. Several people got out of the car, and Gao Le was helped into the hospital.

The little nurse at the front desk told them the location of the doctor on duty, and they turned a corner. At this moment, a voice came from behind: "Mu Qingshen?—"

Mu Qing turned her head, and Juechen, who was wearing a coat, walked in gracefully.

"Doctor Jue? Are you still in the hospital so late?"

Juechen nodded, his eyes fixed on the injured Gao Le, and he glanced up and down, "What, there was a fight?"

Mu Qing smiled embarrassedly, Juechen glanced at him and said, "Come with me."

Juechen led the person to his office, the sofa was already empty, he just went out, and he sent the tormenting little fairy to send her back home.

Juechen said, "Help him inside."

Mu Qingshen helped Gao Le to the examination bed in the inner room. It was a little cold in the office. Juechen turned on the air conditioner to warm him up for a while before asking Gao Le to take off his clothes.

After some inspections, Juechen said: "Fortunately, I didn't hurt any bones, just take some medicine, it will hurt, bear with it."

"Okay." Gao Le Chicken Peck Mi nodded.

Juechen began to apply the medicine in earnest. Wherever he went, Mu Qingshen followed him there, and the look in his eyes when he applied the medicine was quite strange.

"Well, Doctor Jue, I want to ask you something..."

"What?" Juechen continued to stare at the wound without moving away.

"Did anyone come to see you today?"

Qianmo's face flashed in Juechen's mind, and he continued to apply the medicine, saying, "No."

Mu Qingshen let out a "Huh", "No?"

No, during lunch, didn't Miss Qianmo threaten that she would take down this man tonight?Why not?

Could it be that you got cold feet?

"Well, Doctor Jue, let me ask you another way." Mu Qing stared at him closely, "It's a beauty. Is there any beauty who came to you?"

This time, Juechen's hand paused, and Mu Qingshen caught the short reaction.

Mu Qing smiled deeply, hey, it's dew.

Sister Qianmo, you can do it, don't you really make me laugh? ...

Otherwise, if you meet someone, what can you not say? Why does this pure-hearted and ascetic Master Jue hide it?

It's obvious there's a ghost in my heart.

Juechen clicked his tongue and turned his head. Mu Qingshen met his eyes and immediately stopped laughing.

For some reason, his eyes were as strict as his old father's. Mu Qing pulled his ears, and lowered his head obediently.

"Go and sit outside, I'll call you when it's done."


Mu Qingshen went out obediently, on the sofa outside, Duan Xinyao was leading the flight, and Mu Qingshen joined the team.

That face flashed in his mind again, Juechen frowned impatiently, he wanted to scratch his ears.

Juechen gave Gao Le some deep wounds to deal with, and gave him medicine for the rest, and asked him to go back and wipe it himself.

There are also two boxes of oral medicines, and I told him to eat them on time, so that he will recover faster.

"Goodbye, Doctor."

In front of Juechen, these thorny teenagers behaved like children one by one, waved to him, and left in a gust of wind.

The lights in the hospital are sensory, as long as someone walks, the lights will turn on.

It's bright outside.

"Boss, Zhou Chi is not young. His grandfather is the mayor of Zihai City, his father is from the Water Affairs Bureau, and his uncle Zhou Zheng is also a famous director..."

At that point just now, Duan Xinyao wasn't all playing games, he had already figured out Zhou Chi's situation.

"Well," Mu Qing replied casually, while Gao Le was stunned, "Wait, wait a minute, who do you think his grandfather is? Mayor of Zihai City?"

Gao Le looked at Duan Xinyao, and Duan Xinyao nodded.

Gao Le stomped his feet fiercely, "Fuck! So it's this little brat!"

(End of this chapter)

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