There is a swing over there, Qianmo sits on it and swings, Juechen walks around behind her, holds the swing with both hands, and gently pushes it up.

He lowered his eyes, and her face, her every move, always fell into his eyes.

From the day he decided to treat her, he suddenly thought of this place somehow. He thought, she might like this place, she might feel happy, and she would be more relaxed when treating her, and the treatment effect might be as good as will be better.

Juechen turned his face and looked around. It turned out that this place was not so beautiful. It was he who contacted Fu Shiyun and spent a lot of time to remodel it.

Butterflies who don't know where come from, lingering in groups.

There was a butterfly that spread its wings in front of her, and it could be as big as two hands together. Qianmo had never seen such a big butterfly in his life, and he clicked his tongue again.

She stretched out her hand, and lightly touched the butterfly with her fingertips. The butterfly did not fly away in fright, but instead flew towards her cheek and rubbed it.

Qianmo was pleasantly surprised, the butterfly landed on her hand, she touched it lightly, feeling a little strange, this butterfly is not a virtual image, it feels like a real thing, but it doesn't feel real.

Qianmo quickly sensed that this is an aerial touch technology, which is different from the fog screen projection just now.

A small butterfly flew to her finger, as if wearing a butterfly ring for her, which was very beautiful.

"Like it?"

His voice came from behind.

Qianmo nodded subconsciously, she was completely intoxicated, "Jechen, go higher."

Juechen laughed when he heard the words, and he pushed the swing frame very high with his hands, as if he was about to fly into the sky.

Qianmo opened her arms, with butterflies lingering around her body, she laughed heartily.

She happily called out his name directly, forgetting to politely call him "Doctor Jue, Doctor Jue" as usual.

This is a fairyland, a world of fairy tales. Qianmo never thought that one day she would step into a fairy tale in reality.

The path under the feet is made of reddish-brown wooden boards, and continues with a wooden bridge. After crossing the bridge, there is a laboratory surrounded by glass on all sides, just like in Paris.

The inside can see the outside, the outside cannot see the inside.

However, what was in front of him was no longer a laboratory, it was transformed into a treatment room by Juechen.

There are doors on all sides, Qianmo opened one to go in, and the goal was two reclining chairs, Qianmo lay down on the chairs consciously.

"Qianmo," Juechen sat next to her and said, "I want to hypnotize you and put you in a dream, can you cooperate?"

Qianmo nodded, turned his face to look at the scenery outside the glass wall, and slowly closed his eyes in his clear voice.

A wave is brought up by the wind, and the entire sea of ​​flowers spreads infinitely, with no end in sight.

It is paved on the ground and can be connected to the sky.

"Tell me, what did you see?"

"Flowers, so many flowers, magnolias, lilacs, carnations..."

"anything else?"

"The sky is so blue..."

"what are you doing?"

"I am, I am running..."

In the sea of ​​flowers, she is wearing a white dress, jumping, running, and dancing...

Laughter spread all over the world.

"Is it just you? Is there anyone else? Is there anyone calling your name?"

Juechen looked at the person on the recliner and guided her step by step. She obediently described everything in the dream.

She was babbling, whispering, her voice became lower, and Juechen couldn't hear what she was saying clearly, so she moved over and put her ear against her lips.

She whispered: "You, you, don't go..."

"Tell me, who is he?"

He also lowered his voice, as if talking to himself, but he was actually asking her.

"I don't know, I don't know, he is wearing a white shirt, calling me Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian, Xiaoqian..."

"Don't go, you don't go, who are you, come back and see me..."

In the dream, he was drifting away along the river bank, and she tried her best to catch up, but she couldn't catch up. She tried her best to keep him back: "Don't go, come back and see me..."

He still walked forward regardless, as if he couldn't hear her call, he was getting farther and farther away from her.

She cried, cried aloud, crying to keep him, to no avail.

Qianmo was crying. On the couch, she was sobbing softly, her eyes were closed very unsteadily, and the crystal tears kept sliding down her temples.

Concentrating on those two lines of tears, Juechen was momentarily at a loss, not knowing what to ask and what to do next, so he just stared at her.

During this short period of time, an indescribable feeling lingered in my heart, and there was a slight pain in the slight numbness.

Juechen was puzzled why he had such an inexplicable emotion, and before he could react, his fingertips had already quietly touched her cheek, wiping away another tear that slid down for her.

In the dream, she seemed to feel it. Before he could move his hand away, she grabbed his hand for a moment, covered her face, and burst into tears.

He left, and he disappeared in a white shirt. She threw herself on the ground, crying heartbreakingly, she didn't understand why she was so sad, she held her heart, it hurt so badly, she couldn't breathe...

"He's gone, gone..."

Juechen looked at her, and she said, "He's gone..."

Qianmo, is that person very important to you, that's why you cry so sadly?

She suddenly smiled again, Lihua smiled rainingly, and said: "I caught you..."

Unconsciously, she pulled his hand to her lips and kissed it.

Juechen was shocked.


Fu Xi took out the clothes from her bag and hung them up in the closet one by one. Fu Qing was making her bed.

Fu Qing is used to doing this. Anyway, since she was a child, he made the bed and tidyed the room for her sister when she lived in school.

Mu Qingshen and Ling Lie were squatting on the ground to unpack the blind box. I don't know if their hands were sore, but Mu Qingshen's brows had already formed a pimple.

Impatiently, Ling Lie stood up and kicked the box twice, then squatted down again.

Mu Qing said deeply, I also want to kick.

He held back.

Ling Lie looked at Mu Qingshen and said, "Which fool are you talking about, who can buy so many blind boxes?"

Mu Qingshen didn't say anything, Ling Lie glanced at him again, "You didn't buy it for her, did you?"

Now Mu Qing made a deep sound, and glanced at him calmly, "I must be sick, why should I buy her a blind box?"

"It's not you?" Ling Lie showed an expression of "I'm wrong?", and muttered to himself: "I can't, besides you, who else would spend so much time pampering her?"

It is enough for other people to pet them openly and aboveboard, why bother to be so sneaky?
Only men and women who are not innocent will be sneaky, and they will be sneaky about everything.

Mu Qingshen's denial did not dispel Ling Lie's doubts, but made him feel even more that he was being stubborn.

Mu Qingshen's eyelashes flickered, and Ling Lie saw his eyelashes flicker.

Picking up a small doll that was opened out of a blind box, he weighed it in front of Mu Qingshen's eyes a few times, and Ling Lie said, "Giving someone a gift secretly must be someone who secretly loves her, so you don't have to express it." , are you not worried at all?"

Mu Qing furrowed her eyebrows deeply, Ling Lie, that bastard, is really a ghost.

How should he answer this question?

Don't you worry?Don't worry about what you say you like people?
Are you worried?Worrying about what you like?How many days has it been since the blind box was delivered, you have to worry, why is there no sign at all?

Unless there is an answer, this blind box...

Ling Lie poked his cheek with his finger, "Do you want me to find out this idiot and beat him up in front of you?"

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