This floor is a gourmet city. Once you come out, the aroma of various delicacies floats in the air.

Walking among the crowd with bare feet, she watched the people at the table on the left gulping down noodles and drinking soup, and the chef over there was grilling lamb kebabs, swallowing saliva constantly, and her stomach growling even more.

In such a place to eat, a beggar appeared, who would be unlucky to see him, and hid far away, and some people even scolded: "Go away—"

She flinched, covering her ears to block out the sound.

Suddenly, she saw a group of men in black among the crowd in front of her, she hurriedly turned around and fled, and the bodyguard also spotted her, "The second lady is there—"

In the department store, the beggar girl in ragged clothes ran forward desperately, and the man in black behind her also chased her fiercely, alarming the passers-by, who all talked about what happened, what are they doing? ...

When passing a corner, a hand suddenly stretched out, and before she could scream, she was pulled in.

The owner of that hand took her all the way forward and turned out of the department store...

The bodyguard lost it, and I don't know where he went.

The lights on the street were colorful, and inside the car, she screamed: "Let go of me, who are you?!..."

"Don't be afraid, I won't hurt you, and I won't take you away."

A woman's voice was cold and emotionless, but listening carefully, it was gentle.

She could hear the tenderness, and she calmed down a little. The woman still held her hand, fixed her hand and said, "Miss Nian, it's me. Take a good look, don't you recognize me?"

With the dome lights on, the interior is bright.

Through the hair, Nianbai looked carefully at the woman in front of him, for a long time, whispered: "Miss Yishu?..."

Feng Yi smiled, "Well, it's me."

The hair covered a large area, Feng Yishu tried to reach out, Nian Bai dodged back a little, Feng Yishu stretched out his hand again, touched her hair, and gently brushed it away for her.

That face was finally revealed, the dirt mixed with blood was all over the face, and even the eyes were dumbfounded, without the expression of the past.

But it was still red, terribly red.

Feng Yishu sighed softly, Nianbai's eyes seemed to stay on her face, and seemed to penetrate her, looking at something.

Feng Yishu said: "I know, you have been avoiding him and don't want him to find you, right?"

Nianbai's eyes finally focused, now Feng Yishu can be sure that she is really looking at him.

Nian Bai didn't speak, just stared at her like this.

Feng Yishu met her eyes, and continued: "I know what's wrong with you, I don't want him to find you, because I'm afraid of hurting him, right?"

Nianbai's eyes overflowed with spirit, and with popularity, he turned away tears.

"Come with me, go to my place, I will not tell anyone, let alone him, you can live in my place with peace of mind, as long as you want, no one will find you, and you don't have to work so hard every day Avoid him all the time, and you still don’t have enough to eat, okay?”

"Look at you, you're covered in injuries, you won't last long."

Feng Yi said more and more, the tears in Nianbai's eyes flashed more and more, "Why help me?"

Feng Yishu smiled at her, "Because you helped me too."

"Is it that simple?"

"Of course not," Feng Yi stroked the top of her hair, "I know you have a good relationship with Mrs. Xuanyuan, I hope you can persuade her to give Feng Yinan a leg."

"South of Feng? Mr. Feng?..."

Nian Bai's expression was in a trance, but she didn't lose her memory, and she remembered whoever was mentioned.

"Well," Feng Yishu nodded, "Is that okay? I came to you today only for this one condition, purely for this one condition."

In fact, there was another reason. He was also anxiously looking for her, and she wanted to help him find her.

Nianbai's lips were chapped, she pursed it lightly, and said in a hoarse voice, "Okay."

The car started, Nianbai leaned on the seat, sleepiness swept over her instantly, her eyelids were fighting, and after a while, she fell asleep.

She was so tired, her nerves had been tense for so many days, and now when she relaxed, the sleepiness that had accumulated for many days came like a flood.

Although the heater was turned on in the car, her hands and feet were still cold. Feng Yishu put the blanket that had been in the car all year round on her body.

Because that person suffers from leg pains from time to time, and especially cannot catch cold, she keeps a blanket in the car all year round.

Even during the eight years when I left, this blanket was prepared, um, like eating, it has become a part of life and a habit.

Feng Yishu also has a house elsewhere, and the car drove into the gate of Luoshuiyuan.

Here is also the same as Jiuzhangting, the maple leaves all over the courtyard and the heavy snow, one after another, why do you like maple trees so much?

There is a voice in my memory: "I like maple trees the most..."

Falling into the water, as the name suggests, there is a place where the water falls, and the sound of falling water can be heard from time to time.

The car stopped, Feng Yi pushed the people beside her, and Nian Bai woke up from the dream.

She moved her butt to the door of the car and was about to get out of the car when a pair of fur slippers appeared under her feet. The bodyguard put down the slippers and stood up, then stepped aside.

Nian Bai gave Feng Yishu a grateful look, put on his shoes, and followed her in.

The room was very warm, the doctor had been waiting on the sofa for a long time, when she saw someone coming in at the door, she locked on to Nian Bai and frowned, her injury was not good.

Feng Yishu looked at the doctor, "Excuse me."

The doctor reassured her, and the servant led them upstairs.

When going upstairs, Nian Bai turned his head and said, "Miss Yi Shu, thank you."

Her eyes were not so red, and the bloodshot eyes were much less, and a sincere smile appeared.

Feng Yishu also bent her lips slightly, turned and left.


"Master, Miss, she..."

"No news yet?"

"En." Zhong Li hummed lightly and lowered his head.

The wind blew, the maple leaves fluttered outside, and hit the window one by one, Feng Yinan reached out to pick it up, and a car drove in outside, illuminating the courtyard and the maple forest.

Feng Yinan's eyes were glued to the car, watching her get off the car, the eaves blocked her figure.

She came in, his hand was withdrawn, she came to him, squatted in front of him and said, "Yinan, I helped you find her."

Feng Yinan got excited and held her hand.

This time, she unexpectedly didn't push him away, and stared into his eyes, "She's with me, she's injured, I've asked a doctor to see her, she'll be fine, and she'll be able to eat and sleep in peace later , are you at ease too?"

Feng Yinan's nose twitched, and she murmured hoarsely: "Yishu..."

"She's fine, she's fine, she'll be fine..."

Like Feng Yi comforting a child, Feng Yinan nodded, wanting to pull her up and hug her into his arms, but he tried his best to restrain himself.

"Yi Shu, I want to meet her..."

"Don't see, Yinan, she doesn't want to see any of us, especially those who are kind to her. I promised her that she wouldn't tell others, but I didn't want to hide it from you, so I told you. Listen to me once, okay?"

"it is good."

Feng Yi smiled.

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