"Frao is my fiancée, but she was taken away. On the day after she disappeared, something happened to our house..."

On Si Jin's side, Young Master Bai was being interrogated, and when he mentioned his family, Young Master Bai burst into tears and burst into tears.

Si Jin picked up two evidence bags containing two photos, "Do you know them?"

Young Master Bai pushed his glasses, took a closer look, pointed to the left and said, "I know this," he looked to the right again, looked carefully, and shook his head.

Si Jin looked to his right hand, "Since you know him, do you know his name?"

"Fallon," Young Master Bai replied.

The photo was placed on the table, and Si Jin tapped the table with his fingertips, "We found out that they are all your father's business partners, and the other is Hu Yaohong, don't you have an impression?"

Young Master Bai thought about it carefully, but still shook his head.

"I was more impressed by that Falun. He had visited his father several times. He wanted to cooperate with my father, but my father refused. My father told me that Falun is not a good thing. If I meet him in the future This kind of person, he told me to hide away."

"Cooperation? What cooperation?" Si Jin keenly picked out the key words in his words.

Young Master Bai shook his head again, "I really don't know about this. Every time Falun sees him, he is very secretive. When he returns home, my father keeps silent to me. I ask him and he doesn't say anything. The more I know, the more he knows." The less, the better for me."

Si Jin stared at the two photos on the table and frowned, and the little policeman next to him looked at him.

Si Jin asked in detail about Master Bai's business affairs in recent years, and then talked about the Fu family, and he talked endlessly about what Young Master Bai knew.

After leaving the interrogation room, Si Jin summoned a policeman and said, "Xiaotian, try to find out whether the major families have cooperated with Fa Lun and Hu Yaohong, and help me contact the Shangcheng Rong family."

"By the way," Si Jin called Xiao Tian to stop him when he was about to leave, "Fa Lun and Feng Ruyan should follow up at the same time, they are most likely in the same place."


Shangcheng and Nancheng are closely related, but they are far richer than Nancheng, and can rival two Zihai cities.

When the Bai family went to Loukong, Si Jin finally asked Young Master Bai where he was going, and his answer was still:


He wants to go back, back to Master Rong.

Seriously, the Bai family is covered by the Rong family, and the Rong family is also the protective umbrella of the Fu family.

The Bai family and the Fu family are equivalent to the right arm of the Rong family. Now, the right arm is dead and the other is injured. Master Rong may be worried about it.

Moreover, the entire upper city is in a state of panic, and Master Rong has to stand up to appease him.

Si Jin was thinking about these things in the corridor, and was about to break his head. The little police officer passing by said, "Sir, someone is looking for you."

As soon as he entered his office, Ling Lie behind the window turned around and smiled at Si Jin with two rows of teeth.

Si Jin also smiled, "Why are you here?"

"I miss you." Ling Lie pulled him to sit on the sofa, watching his brows knit together, "Brother, don't you have a lot of troubles lately?"

Si Jin leaned on the sofa with her face up, without speaking.

"Brother, can you go back during the Spring Festival? You haven't been home for a long time, and your parents miss you very much."

Si Jin turned to look at him, "Hui, I promise you, I won't break my promise."

Ling Lie showed two rows of teeth again, and Si Jin chased him away: "Isn't the exam coming soon, why don't you study hard, and run around all day long? Go back soon."

"Why do you worry about my homework, I have already finished reviewing." Besides, does he use reviewing?
Ling Lie took Si Jin's arm, smiled and the smile disappeared. He wanted to say something to comfort his brother, but he couldn't think of words.

Si Jin saw through his thoughts, and joked: "I heard from that kid Fu Qing, are you dating recently?"

Ling Lie burst into red ears immediately, "W-Where is it?!"

Obviously there is, but you still have a guilty conscience and don't admit it, why do you dodge your eyes?

Si Jin laughed loudly, "If you have it, you can do it, and I won't let you do it? You are a big man, why are you so innocent?"

"Hey, which girl, bring me to help you as a staff officer?"

Si Jin approached him, and jumped up from the sofa, "I'm going to see Second Brother and the others..."

He patted his butt and left, leaving behind a series of laughter from his brother, and he was heard shouting: "They are in Ning'an Hospital—"


The twilight is like a big gray net, closing quietly.The crescent moon hangs in the sky, and the river water is shimmering with silver light.

At night, it became cold again, the wind blew the branches outside the window, Qianmo stared out of the window in a daze, "Doctor Jue."


"Won't it bother you if I sit here?"

Juechen looked up at her, the girl was leaning on the sofa, her long coat wrapped her whole body, only her head was exposed, seeing him, met his eyes, and blinked at him.

"will not."

He continued to bow his head to write and draw on the paper.

With his hands in his pockets, Qianmo looked at the person behind the desk with a smile on his lips, "Doctor Jue."


"Are you busy these days?"

"Well," Juechen turned over a page of paper in the folder, "You are also one of my busy schedules, don't worry, I will take care of you."

The smile on the corner of Qianmo's mouth widened, she leaned forward, resting her elbows on her legs, and resting her chin on the back of her hand, "Doctor Jue."


"Since the last time you treated me, I've been having that dream non-stop at night."

The tip of the pen paused, and Juechen met her gaze. He didn't speak, just looked at her quietly.

She said: "It's exactly the same as the scene in my mind. Every time I dream of him leaving me, I wake up. I still can't catch up with him, can't see him clearly, and he still calls me Xiaoqian and Momo."

As Qianmo spoke, her expression gradually turned sad, she seemed to be immersed in that dream, and she was a little fuzzy.

"Miss Qianmo—" Juechen suddenly said, pulling her back from her thoughts, "I'm short of manpower and an assistant here, would you like to come?"

"Ah?" Qianmo didn't understand why he said this without warning, and she was dumbfounded.

Juechen twisted the pen twice, and the pen retracted into the barrel. He put the cap on the pen again, and said, "It will be much more convenient to be my assistant. I can treat you when I'm free, so you don't have to make an appointment in advance."

"But, I don't know anything about medicine." Qian Mo said.

On the table, Juechen crossed his fingers and shrugged, "It doesn't matter, I won't give you some jobs related to professional knowledge to deliberately make things difficult for you, and I won't give you dirty work to make things difficult for you. consider?"

Qianmo propped her hands on her sides, the heels of her long boots touched the ground, and swayed from side to side, "But, I still have a job..."

"Go to the bar every day?"

"You—" Qian Mohuo stood up and stared at him.

Juechen didn't shy away from it, let her stare openly, he bumped into her several times, she came out of the bar.

Qianmo stomped her foot angrily and left.

In less than three seconds, she folded back again, Juechen calmed down, expecting that she would fold back.

She poked her little head in through the crack of the door, "Doctor Jue, the salary is pretty good, how good is it?"

Juechen looked at her with a smile, "How much do you want?"

Qianmo rolled his eyes and raised five fingers, "I will share with Dr. Jue how much he earns."

Juechen nodded, "Deal."

Qianmo raised his eyebrows, so easy to talk?

She withdrew silently.

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