Chapter 243
It's okay to be ambiguous between a man and a woman, even if you're not a boyfriend or a girlfriend, you can do something more intimate like receiving water, or if you are very good friends, there is nothing wrong with it.

The premise is that you guys are really flirting, flirting, and ambiguous!Or, really good friends!
Mu Qingshen was not her friend, and secondly, he didn't want to play with her. She fetched water for him, but he just didn't want to accept it, was disgusted, and didn't want her to touch his things. In the end, she still insisted on going her own way. In the end, what she did made him extremely disgusted.

Holding the phone tremblingly in his hand, Ning Ran looked down, patter——

A tear fell on the phone.

The three photos, undoubtedly a ruthless knife, had bloodied the last shred of shame in her heart and exposed it to everyone.

Such broad daylight, with endless ridicule in her ears, her dignity was completely shattered at this moment.

Fu Qing poked the people around him with his elbow, and pointed to the anonymous account on the phone, "Is this you?"

Ling Lie shrugged, "I still want to ask you."

The two looked in the same direction together. Mu Qingshen had retreated into the crowd, and Gao Le was his flower protector.

Ling Lie leaned closer to Fu Qing's ear and said, "This kid has a lot of eyes, my sister can't play with him..."

"Hiss~" Fu Qing wanted to poke his elbow into his crotch.

Fu Xi looked at the phone and was also stunned. She subconsciously caught him where he was. From the air, his eyes met, and he pursed his lips towards her.

"It's you! It's you! Fu Xi, you shameless bitch, I'll kill you!"

Ning Ran suddenly screamed and rushed over, Fu Xi's instinct flashed, Ning Ran rushed quickly and anxiously, without stopping, she rushed towards the crowd, someone stretched out her hand and pushed her, and she fell to the ground.

There was a ring of toe caps in front of her eyes, and Ning Ran's tears streamed down her eyes.

Fu Xi stared coldly at the people on the ground. She wanted to give her a chance, and didn't want to make such an embarrassing scene in front of the public, but she didn't know how to repent, so don't blame her for being unrighteous!
"Ning Ran, do you want Mu Qingshen? Want him to like you and be with you? Let me tell you, you're dreaming!"

"The whole school knows that he is my Fu Xi's boyfriend. You want to snatch him away from me? Not to mention this life, but the next life, and the next life, don't even think about it!"

These words were uttered by Fu Xi loudly, with the loudspeaker held against his mouth, confident and resounding, everyone could hear them clearly.

Mu Qing turned his head deeply, and then flicked the resilient yellow hair on his head. Everything around him was still. He only heard these two words and saw her turn her head to one side, so she dared not confront him. The look of being ignored, the shyness of the little daughter's family...

His heart seemed to be hit by something, it was soft and warm, he was very happy, very happy, his brows were jumping with joy, a pair of beautiful peach blossom eyes, sparkling and moving.

dong dong dong-

I don't know why, the surroundings are so noisy, but my own heartbeat can be clearly heard, why I was so impulsive and said that sentence, he is my boyfriend, everyone in the school knows, in the next life, the next life, he will still...

Because he helped you, Fu Xi, he has been helping you all the time, you are grateful to him, and the affection is strong, so you blurt out...

Fu Xi, is that really the case?
Hanging by his side, the hand holding the loudspeaker slowly tightened.

Ling Lie leaned over again, "Look, what I said, my sister can't play with him..."

Fu Qing finally took out his eggs, Ling Lie bowed his body, "Aw~~~", and almost stepped on the people behind him.

"Brother, don't look drawn."

Gao Le waved his hand in front of Mu Qingshen's face, Mu Qingshen gave him a goosebump, continued to smile silly, his eyes drawn.

"So what if I like him? So what if I synthesized the video? Fu Xi, how dare you say that you didn't have sex with that man that night? How dare you say that you didn't betray Mu Qingshen?!"

Ning Ran wiped away tears, turned her head and glared at her fiercely.

She admitted everything, what else could she care about?She can't care about anything else, she just wants to drag Fu Xi into the water, she just wants to drag her into the water!

Fu Xi smiled, "Ning Ran, Ning Ran, why didn't you find out the details of the person before you framed him? You are right, I did have sex with that man that night, my brother pinched my nose and touched me What's wrong with my head? What's wrong with me being intimate with my brother?"

"What?" Ning Ran was dumbfounded.

"I mean, the man in the video is so familiar. He was here at the New Year's Eve party."

"Yes, yes, I have seen him on the screen..."

"Don't tell me, I really remembered. At the door, Fu Xi seemed to really call his brother..."

"Really, he is Fu Xi's brother?"


There was another wave of commotion around, and the guests who were specially invited by the school to be able to appear at the New Year's Eve party were all heavyweights. If he is really Brother Fu Xi, then, then, what is the background of this Fu Xi? ...

"I don't believe it, you lied!"

Ning Ran pulled it up, her eyes widening in disbelief.

Fu Xi smiled, with cold eyes, "My elder brother is the president of the Fu Group and a member of the school board of directors, my second elder brother is Mu Yeqin, a descendant of the first family in Zihai, and my sister-in-law is the former principal of our school, Ning Ran, what are you? Things, need me to bother to lie to you?"

In an uproar, Gao Le secretly tugged on La Muqing's sleeve, "Brother, did you know that sister-in-law is so awesome?"

Mu Qing glanced at him idiotically, "Nonsense."

"So, are you looking for others, or for others' money?"


Two horns sounded from behind, the crowd automatically moved out of the way, and two Lycans aggressively cut in.

The bodyguard opened the car door, and the people in the car got out, and the uproar was so loud that it couldn't be concealed:
"It's him, it's really the man in the video..."

"Oh my god, he's so handsome. I thought he was handsome in the video, but I didn't expect him to be so amazing..."

"Ah, I'm dying, and the principal and professor..."

In the other car sat Mu Yeqin and Li Mo, they were dragged by Fu Shiyun to support his sister.

Li Mo shouldn't be called the principal anymore, because things keep going on, she might have an accident one day, this principal really can't afford it.

Some time ago, she submitted a letter of resignation to the board of directors, and also posted the news on the forum. Now, the former principal, the descendant of Mr. Ying, is the father of Ying Ye.

Even so, when the classmates met her, they still kindly called her the principal.

As for Mu Yeqin, he will not be able to make up the few lessons he owes to the industrial design class this semester, so let's wait for the new semester.

"elder brother--"

Seeing Fu Shiyun, Fu Xi ran straight over, shouting "brother", shouting that she was full of grievances and buried in his brother's arms, Fu Xi's eyes were red.

Now, what else can everyone say?

Those who still believed in Ning Ran and had doubts about Fu Xi could be said to have been slapped in the face twice.

The two people in the video hugged each other right under everyone's noses. They are all called brothers, so what else can I say?

Who doesn't believe that can distort the facts blindly?

(End of this chapter)

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