Chapter 248

【Little Demon Girl】: "."

【Little Demon Girl】: "."

【Little Demon Girl】: "."

【Little Demon Girl】: "."


Juechen: "..."

[Ono called me every night]:?

[Little Demon Girl]: Doctor Jue, this is my expression today. I am unhappy, very unhappy, unhappy all day
Juechen: "..."

[Ono calls me every night]: (touch head) (touch head)
He deleted it and entered the expression: (hug)
After thinking about it, I deleted it again, and entered: What's going on?

[Little Demon Girl]: It's a story about liking, rejecting, and then the man shamelessly stealing a kiss while the woman is not paying attention
[Little Demon Girl]: Doctor Jue, he still confessed to me on WeChat, saying that I have no friends
[Little Demon Girl]: This has to be in front of me, I'll just dump him in the bag, I have a boyfriend!


[Little Demon Girl]: Then I sent him a photo

Juechen's heart skipped a beat, is there a picture of her boyfriend?What...boyfriend?

[Ono called me every night]: A picture of her boyfriend?

[Little Demon Girl]: Oh, I just found it on the Internet
Juechen: "..."


[Little Demon Girl]: Doctor Jue, can you change your WeChat name?

[Ono called me every night]: What's wrong?
[Little Demon Girl]: Xiaoye belongs to Xiaobai from my family. Look, you can find another one?
Juechen: "..."

Sooner or later, she will be pissed off by this girl.

Juechen looked at his watch, it was time to go to the hospital.

He didn't read what she said later.

Afraid of being pissed off.

Feng Yinan's operation is scheduled for today, after Juechen went to the hospital, he prepared everything and entered the operating room.

He performed the surgery, Madam Xuanyuan assisted him, and even the nurse who handed the equipment was replaced by a doctor expert. It was rare for them to have this opportunity to experience the skills of the doctor.

Feng Yinan's leg is old and sick, if it can be cured, it will be cured long ago.

To be honest, his leg only has a [-]% cure rate, which may not work for other doctors, but for Juechen and Mrs. Xuanyuan, this [-]% is enough.

Mrs. Xuanyuan voluntarily gave up being the main surgeon. She also wanted to learn. In Western medicine, she is indeed not as good as Juechen.

The operation continued until the afternoon, dusk, and darkness. At about ten o'clock in the evening, the lights in the operating room were not turned off.

The person was pushed into the ward, and the effect of the anesthesia was relatively long-lasting. It was not until the dawn of the next day that the person on the bed became conscious and opened his eyes.

When the sky is about to light up in winter, the outline of everything on the earth is not as light as in summer, but it is dim.

The evergreen oleander stands upright and tall, maybe the seeds are mixed, but a bunch of gray-green branches are drawn straight to the center of the lake, and the dew that has condensed overnight slips quietly, causing ripples in the center of the lake.

The scene inside the ward is far warmer than outside the window.

The light under the closet was shining quietly and came towards the hospital bed. Half of his face was lit up, while the other half was hidden in the darkness.

Turning his head slightly, the other half of his face was also reflected in the light, and the black shadow moved down to his neck.

Beside the bed, she was sitting on a chair, sleeping soundly on the edge of the bed, facing him.

His slender fingers stroked her cheek lightly, her hair was pinned behind her ears, and there was an infusion patch on the back of his hand, which had already been supplemented with nutrition.

His movements were very light, and he didn't wake her up. He pursed his lips contentedly, and closed his eyes again.

When I woke up again, it was already daylight.

Now there are other people in the ward, and Juechen and Mrs. Xuanyuan are examining him. Seeing that he woke up, Juechen asked, "Do you feel uncomfortable?"

Feng Yinan shook his head, his eyes searched the ward, after the doctor, next to Zhongli, he saw her.

The four eyes met, his pupils overflowed with smiles sporadically, and her brows and eyes also slowly stretched, revealing tenderness in a situation that was not easy to be noticed.

Madam Xuanyuan turned her head back, and said to the hospital bed: "For three days, your legs must not move, and then you can slowly move on the bed. After a week, I will teach you some rehabilitation exercises."

While informing the patient, she is also instructing the patient's family.

After thanking, Feng Yishu sent the two of them out the door.

On the corridor, Juechen heard someone calling him, so he turned into an office.

Well, it was the vice president, who laughed like a flower when he saw Juechen.

"Director Jue, come here—"

The vice-principal waved at him, and the words "something good" were written all over his face.

"As for the director, in fact, it's not a big deal..."

Seeing him smiling like a flower, I really thought there was something wrong, but when I got closer, I said this sentence again.

For other doctors, this is a big deal, but for Director Jue, it may not be a big deal.

There are very few places for doctors to study abroad once a year. I don’t know how many doctors can’t get in every year. The hospital reserves a place for Juechen every year, but Juechen refuses every year.

"Doctor Jue, this year, aren't you also refusing?" the vice president said, his eyes rolling.

If Director Jue doesn't go, this spot will naturally fall to him.

Juechen nodded, and asked casually: "Where are you going to study this year?"


Juechen raised his eyes to look at him, the vice president blinked, touched his face, why, why did he suddenly look at him like this...

"I thought about it," Juechen said, "The courtyard allows me to go every year, and I'm a bit ignorant to refuse every year. This year, let's go once."

"What?" Vice President Petrochemical.

"I will go once this year." After saying this, Juechen left.

"Are you hungry?" In the ward, Feng Yishu leaned slightly, looking at the person on the bed.

His injury was on his leg, and his stomach and intestines were not affected, so he could simply eat something.

Feng Yinan nodded, Feng Yishu turned around and left, he grabbed her wrist, "Yishu, don't leave me."

Feng Yishu looked back, the man on the hospital bed had downcast eyelids, like the eyes of a puppy when he was wronged, his face was haggard, and he was like a rag doll, the kind that could be picked up and thrown out with one hand.

Feng Yishu clenched her hand, she wanted to pull it out, but she still couldn't help herself, "Then let Zhong Li buy it?"

Feng Yinan nodded contentedly.

The streets of the city are criss-crossed. At night, the neon light illuminates the entire street. Overlooking from the sky, it looks like a golden dragon, with twists and turns, dazzling.

The bodyguard drove Juechen to the Capital International Airport. He left as soon as he said, packed his luggage during the day and arrived at the airport at night.

Before boarding the plane, I called Mu Yeqin, and when he said something, Mu Yeqin said "Oh", and finally, Juechen said, "I may not be able to make it in time for the Chinese New Year."

Mu Yeqin: "Okay, then I won't leave you a meal."

Juechen smiled, "When I come back, you can make it for me."


He was too lazy to talk nonsense with Juechen, and kept staring at the phone.

Yuanyuan climbed onto his lap, "Uncle, what are you looking at?"

What else can I look at, look at your aunt, why did you go, don't reply to uncle...

Mu Yeqin stared at the chat interface with [Xiang Yang], eager to see through.

On the other side, Nian Bai was lying on the bed, chatting with the neighbor opposite:
[Little Cabbage]: Huh?That's not good

[Xiang Yang]: But my sister-in-law really can't sleep, she's shivering alone in the bed in the middle of the night

[Xiangyang]: (woo woo) (woo woo)
【Little Cabbage】: "..."

It's so pitiful, the little sister-in-law wants her to sleep with her, it's so tangled.

There are obviously people in her family, as well as her younger brother, but the sister-in-law said that men and women are different, even if they are brothers and sisters, how can they sleep in the same room?

The truth is this truth.

After struggling with picking hands and rolling the bed...

[Little Cabbage]: Well, that's great

After reading Bai Yixi, he shouted to the door: "Shen'er, prepare to open the door and welcome the distinguished guests—"

(End of this chapter)

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