Chapter 263

"So, my nephew didn't understand what Uncle Tang wanted to express after talking for so long?"

Fu Shiyun stepped onto the stage with sharp eyes and a sense of oppression.

The old man smiled but didn't smile, the old fox's heart was fully revealed, "Nephew, if something happened, it should be resolved. If you are unable to restore the situation, you should hand it over to someone who is capable."

"Oh?" The audience was silent, only the laughter of Fu Shiyun echoed, Fu Huan, Fu Huan, this time, I really underestimated you.

In the past, no matter how powerful he was, he would not dare to play tricks in public, but today he was really shameless and raised his eyebrows for a while.

Who are the people sitting underneath?

Big families and big forces control the lifeblood of a city, a city, or even a wider space.

Did Fu Huan gather these people together just to let everyone see Sima Zhao's heart?

No, this is even more of a win-win battle.

Listen to this chorus, everything is well arranged.

Fu Huan began to play tricks on buying people's hearts!

Everyone is also a discerning person, and no one can see what is on their minds.

When the water is heavy, it can capsize the boat.

No one dared to guess what this elder sister of the Fu family was thinking.

Dressed in a fierce purple that bloomed forever, Mu Jingchen narrowed his eyes slightly.

Those who support Fu Huan and those who do not support Fu Huan, and those who are firm and neutral and play with the wind...

In a word, the man's heart was shocked, and his face became ugly.

"Uncle Yong, you forgot, the day before yesterday I not only had wine with Uncle An, Miss Kang's tea art is also a must."

he?Mr. Bo's men? ...

Fu Shiyun, how should you reverse the market?

It is true that you screwed up the business of the Fu family. Put the money aside, what about those people who sacrificed their lives for nothing for the Fu family?More and more, you can't stop it at all, and now the elders in your family are getting more and more dissatisfied with you.

What kind of banquet, there was no banquet at all a few days ago, and Mu Yeqin deliberately mentioned Uncle An, just to remind him that a man must not forget his roots.

Mu Yeqin has been playing with the ring on Li Mo's hand, put her hand back on her lap, and stood up as well. For a moment, all eyes were on him.

The An family will always advance and retreat with the Mu family. When Mu Yeqin mentions the An family, he also refers to himself. His gaze swept away, and many people lowered their heads.

The corners of Mu Yeqin's raised lips were flattened, staring at Fu Chenru thoughtfully, he has already sent someone to that place, I don't know...

She seems to be partial to purple. When she first saw her, she was also wearing a purple dress. She sat there dignifiedly, and Yuanyuan called her "Mom, mom..."

Why did Mr. Bo's people appear here?

Mr. Bo, she was able to catch Mr. Bo's people!
No, it's impossible! ...

The bodyguards followed closely behind. Fu Die put his hands in the pockets of his coat, strolled in the yard, looked at the stage with a slight smile, "Uncle Tang is very capable, with a few words, you can block my stupid brother from coming to the stage?"

"It's also you who minimized the loss of everyone's interests. Your ability is obvious to all. Who would question it?"

"Of course it's my Miss Chenru." A "boy" next to Fu Chenru stood up righteously, "If you don't get credit, you don't take credit, but since it's my lady's credit, it can't be taken away for no reason."

Is it true that you can't get off the stage, or just can't get off the stage?

If you just want to gain a foothold in the Fu family, then why do you need to rely on external forces? There are already many elders in the family who favor him. He wants to rely on outsiders to kill Fu Shiyun and the four brothers and sisters of the Fu family all at once. ah.

But don't forget, your Yong family can have today, can sit in this joint force, it all depends on whose blessing.

Fu Chenru looked around and lowered his head slightly, "Uncles, Chenru is young, how dare she take on such a heavy responsibility, I'm afraid Chenru can only live up to the great expectations of her uncles."

"That's right, I have to thank Young Master Fu..."

If Fu Shiyun is not victorious in today's battle, those who support him will be chilled, and those who follow the wind will be pushed to Fu Huan's side.

Some people even signed a joint letter, and each letter was like a thousand stones on the eldest sister, forcing her to revoke your inheritance qualifications.

But, Fu Shiyun, how do you go against the market?

Before some people had time to be happy, there was a sound outside the door.

Now that you have chosen the old man, it's fine if you don't stand with the surnamed An, but you still dare to stand up to show your presence, so you can't wait to find death?

Everyone turned their heads in unison, the door was kicked open, something passed before their eyes, and then fell heavily on the ground.

"Then uncle, tell me, who is suitable for this capable person?" Fu Shiyun couldn't help laughing, his fox heart made people a little uncertain.

Taking a closer look, it was a person, bleeding all over his body, with his face down, and when that person turned his face, the faces of the old man and Fu Chenru turned pale.

"Where is it, Chen Ru?" A respectable old Patriarch stepped forward, "If you hadn't turned the tide, how many lives would have been lost last night."

The sound of high-heeled shoes touched people's hearts step by step. Fu Die stepped onto the stage and met her silly brother's eyes. The silly brother's eyes were full of doubts, wondering why she appeared here?

"That's right, Chen Ru, if you refuse again, hehe, what can we uncles say..."

Fu Chenru spoke in a timely manner, and with one sentence, the man straightened his back again.

Even though there are still Mu family and Feng family behind him, but relying on them alone to fight against so many families, this road is not easy.

Most of the people here have more or less been favored by the Mu family. Even if they want to be shameless and fight against the Mu family, they can just let them go.

Mu Yeqin looked at the man in the corner, "Uncle Yong, I don't know how happy you and Uncle An were at the banquet the day before yesterday?"

"How disrespectful? What a disrespectful one."

The old lady looked down the stage unintentionally, and a voice came from the corner: "The battle at sea was fierce last night, and dozens of cargo almost fell into the hands of thieves, but fortunately, the Fu family took action in time to save our loss .”

It's really riding on the grass on the wall. Wherever the wind is strong, it will go where?

The old man's eyes flicked across Mu Yeqin viciously, and when he met his gaze, the corners of Mu Yeqin's lips curled up with a trace of contempt.

It is estimated that Fu Huan gave them a script, so they can recite it by heart.

The words have come to this point, even if Fu Chenru still looks embarrassed, he has no choice but to: "Then Chenru, I have no choice but to be disrespectful."

"Young Master Fu? How did I hear that it was Miss Chen Ru who came out last night?"

"is it?"

The old man stared at the figure that walked in, in disbelief.

Many people also raised their heads.

She was not far away in Ningguo, how could she come back by chance?
"Sister, you are finally here..."

Fu Shiyun is full of grievances, silly brother, then he will play the role of a silly brother.

Fu Die patted him on the shoulder, and the silly brother went down. Fu Die smiled half-smile, with a slightly sarcastic expression, "I don't know what the uncles and uncles are here today. Has the power intervened?"

In the end, her voice was suddenly cold, which made some people's hearts tremble.

(End of this chapter)

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