Prosperity and luxury: Madam is crazy

Chapter 267 Reminiscing the past, the clues gradually become clear

Chapter 267 Reminiscing the past, the clues gradually become clear
Feng Yishu made a dish of steamed sea bass, vegetarian crab powder, crystal shrimp, served with two dishes and one soup, which took up half of the table.

Feng Yinan tasted the fish with chopsticks, Feng Yishu sipped the soup, and kept peeking up to observe his reaction.

To be honest, she is not a good cook. She hasn’t cooked a single meal during her eight years abroad, but now that she’s back, she’s studying hard.

"Yi Shu, your craftsmanship is getting better and better."

Feng Yishu has honey in her heart, but she doesn't show it on her face.

"Next time I kill the fish..."

Feng Yishu raised her eyes to look at him, and Feng Yinan met her eyes, "You can use a flat knife or a rolling pin to dab your head first, so that when you scrape the fish scales, you can press the fish head from the tail to the fish head. Save effort."

"But... isn't that what you do?"

"What?" Feng Yinan was slightly taken aback.

On that night more than ten years ago, as usual, she lifted the plate he brought, spilling all the food in it, and the boiling hot soup scalded him all over, and it also scalded the back of her hand.

As always, he was not angry, and as always, his first concern was not his own safety, but her.

He took her to the bathroom, put her hands under the faucet, and rinsed her with cold water.

As always, she kicked him, bit him, grabbed the soap box and hit him...

He said, "Yi Shu, be good."

He locked her in his arms, not letting her move around, lest she hurt himself.

The big mirror on the sink reflected the figures of the two of them.

The self in the mirror has deep red eyes, and there is always overwhelming hatred hidden in it, wishing to destroy this world, including destroying him.

However, the person she wanted to destroy was protecting her.

His head was slightly lowered, and from her angle, he could see the corner of the half of the curved lips. Even though the blood flowed down the side cheek, even if there were other scars on his body, he didn't care. Hand with red seal.

This person has been holding hands and laughing like this since the first day he came into the house.

No matter how she hurt him, how she tried to destroy him, he was always so gentle, his eyes could speak, always calling her affectionately, "Yi Shu, Yi Shu..."

The sound of washing water echoed in the silent bathroom, everything around was quiet except for the sound of running water, Feng Yishu's heart gradually settled down, she no longer trembled, she snuggled into his arms obediently, and no longer struggled.

The cool ointment was applied on the back of the hand. She sat at the end of the bed, and he squatted in front of her. The gurgling Milky Way in his eyes shone with broken stars, reflecting her face. He said, "Yi Shu, I don't want to drink winter melon soup, Let me make fish soup for you, okay?"

She watched him go out.

Feng, Yi, Nan...

She never called his name, but she called it countless times in her heart.

She stepped on the carpet with bare feet, followed him secretly along the path he walked.

South of Feng, there is a secret that you will never know, and your girl is also unaware of it.

That girl who is full of hatred in her heart and regards the world as a purgatory has already subconsciously relied on you from the bottom of her heart, always secretly following you behind your invisible back...

At that time, his legs were still fine.

At that time, I was able to stand in front of her, run up and down tirelessly, from morning to sunset, and take care of her day after day.

It's stupid, at that time, she watched him chop off the head of the fish with her own eyes, probably, it was also the first time he killed a fish.

"I remember, I will try next time."

Feng Yishu's eyes were red, and she quickly covered her eyes to hide herself.

Feng Yinan looked at her, the taste of honey in his heart melted on his face.


"There is a major discovery..."

In the police station, high-end conference touch screens occupy the center wall, and Si Jin stands in front of him, with text and some photos reflected on him.

"Zhou Yan cooperates with Falun. He transports goods for Falun. We found out that the destination of the goods is Falun's secret underground space."

"However, there was another batch of goods, which went the other way, and arrived at Nancheng, Hu Yaohong's factory."

With the pen in Si Jin's hand, the end of the pen suddenly tapped on the photo of Hu Yaohong on the screen, and everyone's hearts trembled.

The police officers sat facing the screen, and a female police officer lowered her head to take notes and said, "Then those big families..."

Another police officer took her words: "Those big families, some transported their goods to the underground space, and some of them were like Zhou Yan, and the goods flowed into two batches."

"Then what is the connection between Fa Lun and Hu Yaohong?"

Si Jin recalled that when Li Mo and Mu Yeqin went to visit the factory in Nancheng, they met Fa Lun's people there...

Fallon, what do you want from there?

Could it be that there is some common purpose between them, so that Fallon can get what he wants from Hu Yaohong?
Si Jin turned to the screen, and the faces of Fa Lun and Hu Yaohong came into view at the same time.

"So Zhou Yan lied?"

Si Jin looked at the little policeman who spoke up, "Yes, he was flustered. He lied, but he didn't tell the whole story. Zhou Yanxing may not know where the goods went, but he definitely knows one thing."


"What kind of goods are you transporting?" Si Jin's voice suddenly sank.

Everyone's heart was pounding.

Xiaotian said: "Sir, you told me last time you called that you knew what Zhou Yan had shipped..."

"Yes, during the three years of Zhou Yan's reign, Zihai City had the most missing people."

Si Jin zoomed in on Zhou Yan's photo and stared at it: "We have extracted blood from Falun's underground space and Hu Yaohong's factory, and the results showed that it matched some missing persons. It confirmed my suspicions."

"They are lucky, they are people."

Si Jin turned around, everyone's blood pressure soared, Xiao Tian opened his eyes wide, "People, so many people, that is to say, the people who have disappeared all over the world for many years may be related to them."

Si Jin sneered, "With them alone, it won't be a success. There are people behind Hu Yaohong to support them."

"A small bakery seller suddenly became rich, and last time we tested the blood of Hu Yaohong's daughter in Peach Blossom Hall, there is every reason to suspect that Hu Yaohong did all this because of involuntary control."

"The person behind it threatened his daughter and provided him with funds to force him to do things for him."

"It's crazy," a police officer murmured, "There are so many people, what can they do..."

"Do an experiment."

Si Jin closed her eyes, on the viaduct, the exploding car, in the valley, landslides and earthquakes, that weird speed, terrifying power...

Passed through my mind one by one.

How can this kind of superhuman being exist naturally, unless artificial human beings are created.

so you……

But the faces of Bing, Limo, Nianbai, and Xiaoyu replaced the flashing images in his mind...

Who is it.

"Sir, what about those corpses?"

Si Jin opened her eyes, and the corpse may not be unavailable for experiments, but there are many places for it to go.

"Xiaotian, issue a summons warrant to summon Zhou Yan in accordance with the law."

The voice fell for two seconds, and a policeman ran in from outside, "Sir, it's not good, Zhou Yan died at home..."

(End of this chapter)

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