Chapter 272

Ling Lie said: "She is my sister-in-law's best friend."

"Damn it," Fu Qing chased him out.

The elevator door closed slowly, but was suddenly blocked by a hand. Qian Mo looked up, and Fu Qing was smiling at her with two rows of teeth showing, "That fairy sister, we are relatives!"

Fu Qing grabbed her hand excitedly, "Sister, my sister-in-law is your best friend..."

Qianmo raised his eyebrows, strike up a conversation?Want to fuck her?
She withdrew her hand calmly, "Little friend, do you want to date your sister?"

Fu Qing didn't nod or shake his head, but still smirked at her, Qianmo raised a finger and swayed from side to side, "No, my sister has a boyfriend, now I'm going to see him."

Qianmo's winky heart melted Fu Qing's heart.

The elevator door closed, blocking Fu Qing's crying face.

There are quite a lot of people in Ning'an Hospital every day, and Juechen is buried in writing medical records.

There was a knock on the door of his office, "Doctor Jue—"

He looked up, and she stood at the door, looking at him with a smile.

The two of them hadn't seen each other since the... last night's... nonsense, but when they met this time, it seemed that they both tacitly forgot about that night, and there was no embarrassment on each other's faces.

Qianmo walked in and said, "Doctor Jue, I'm looking for you to treat my illness."

"Wait a moment," Juechen organized the medical records and put them in a cabinet, took off his white coat, put on his coat, and said, "Let's go."


Isn't it healing?Where are you going?

Juechen saw her question, and said, "Take you to treat the illness."

Qian Mo's question mark got bigger, and he followed him out of the hospital and got into the car in a daze.


Blue flowers, pink trees, green grass...the world is magnificent, a mighty scene.

The wind messed up her hair, Qianmo looked at the boundless beauty, and exclaimed in shock, "Where is this?..."

"My place," Juechen said, looking forward together with her, "the scenery here is beautiful, quiet and safe, and it is the best choice for your treatment."

Qianmo stepped into this majestic forest created by stereoscopic projection as if his soul had been sucked in.

Not all are created by virtual technology, the true and the false are mixed.

Almost everything here will glow, just like the big shots in "Avatar", those glowing flowers and plants.

Glowing jellyfish and fireflies were floating in the air, Qianmo stretched out her hand, and the jellyfish pierced through her palm, scattered and gathered again, this was fake.

There were fluorescent mushrooms growing on the fallen tree trunk, Qianmo turned around and asked, "Is it poisonous?"

Juechen shook his head, "Go and touch it, it's fake."

The mushrooms are fake, but the tree trunks are real.

Qianmo sat on the luminous tree trunk, her eyes sparkled.

Her pupils reflected the luminous beauty, Juechen looked at her and felt that it was very beautiful.

Trees that really glow are created and born through genetic technology, not only trees, but also other plants.

There are some organisms on the earth that naturally emit light, such as jellyfish, such as fireflies, and insert DNA fragments of these organisms into plants to create sustainable luminous plants.

This is already the lowest level of technology, and Juechen's research institute can achieve it, creating DNA, so as to create plants that can emit various colors at will.

Not only plants, but also animals.

The tree on this side is pink, and the tree on the other side may be yellow.

There are a few willow trees with thick and thick branches hanging down, emitting green and purple light...

Qianmo went to touch it, some branches penetrated the palm of her hand, and some were held in her palm.

Oh, as if hearing the call of an elk, Qianmo turned his eyes sideways, and in the depths of the forest, there was indeed a small deer leaping past.

Juechen said: "Most of the animals here are fake. If they are real, they have to be fed, which is too troublesome."

Even in front of their eyes, they are difficult to recognize.

And knowing that the one in Mu Yeqin's hand is the end of the sky, and there are very few of them, how did Feng Yishu know?
It's not that Mu Yeqin didn't suspect that her purpose of getting close to her was the end of the sky.

But thinking about it again, Feng Yishu probably didn't know that the end of the sky was an ancestral item of his family, and this was the one he wore on his hand, right?

But if it's not for the end of the sky, what is it worth her to do so much to marry him?
"Second Young Master, I can't answer this question," Feng Yishu couldn't answer how she knew that the end of the sky was in his hands.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air, and Feng Yishu's eyes were firm. She was telling Mu Yeqin not to ask any more questions, there would be no results, and she would not say anything more.

Mu Yeqin wisely didn't open his mouth again.

Even if the matter was settled, before leaving, Feng Yishu asked again:
If she hadn't agreed at that time, would he have really fired that shot?
Mu Yeqin's answer was: no.

Just because of Feng Yinan's kindness to help his girl before, Mu Yeqin was also constrained, and he couldn't fire that shot.

Feng Yishu understood, and stepped out of the gate of the mansion.

The Second Young Master never made any unsure games, and she lost this bet.

Feng Yinan has already boarded the car, waiting for her in the car.

The car drove smoothly on the main road. After a brief silence in the car, Feng Yinan said, "Yi Shu, thank you for coming today."

The two sat on the back seat, Feng Yinan glanced to the left from time to time, Feng Yishu could feel his gaze.

She opened her lips slightly: "Last night, you..."

"I didn't eat well."

When Feng Yinan interrupted her, Feng Yishu couldn't help but look at him, is this person a roundworm in her stomach, she knows what she wants to ask?
On the mobile phone in his pocket, Mu Yeqin sent a message:

[Mu Yelu]: Just now Feng Yishu made a request to me, she hopes that Juechen can heal your leg
"Mu Wild Donkey", Feng Yinan's note to him.

Staring at the phone, the corners of Feng Yinan's mouth twitched, his brows twitched with joy, as happy as a child.

He put the phone back into his pocket, moved it towards her, leaned over, and said, almost close to her ear, "Yishu, the way you protected me just so handsome."

The warm breath poured over her, Feng Yishu propped her hands on the seat, leaned back, she turned her head slightly, and was face to face with him, eyes met.

Feng Yinan's eyes were driving, and Feng Yishu was sparked by his hook.

The car suddenly drifted to the left, Feng Yinan fell forward, his face almost touched hers, almost had an unexpected kiss.

Because of the sentence "Yi Shu, the way you protected me just now... so handsome", Zhong Li in front was startled.

He didn't expect that his family's always mature and stable son would suddenly change into a different person one day, so he slipped his hand, turned the steering wheel to the left, and the car drifted along.

Feng Yinan fell down, and her head was resting on her lap, Feng Yishu was so startled that she almost slapped her hand and snorted, she lowered her eyes to look at the person below, and reached out to support his head, "Get up..."

"I, my chest hurts, I can't get up..." Feng Yinan clutched his chest, looking weak and dying, "Yishu, it was windy last night, and I went to the beach, and today I was kidnapped again, I I feel really uncomfortable all over, I feel like I have a fever, if you touch it, do you have a fever?"

Feng Yinan grabbed her hand and pulled it towards his forehead.

Zhong Li in front kept looking at the rearview mirror, driving absent-mindedly.

He wants to see something, but he can't see anything, oh, the anxiety in his heart...

The hand was warm from his palm, Feng Yishu was startled again, she broke free from her hand and helped him up.

(End of this chapter)

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