"Ah Yao, Xiaoxi is gone, Xiangming Road Anhe Park, when crossing the road, she disappeared..."

"Boss, don't worry..."

On the other side, A Yao quickly operated the keyboard, and several intersections appeared on the huge screen instantly. He zoomed out on the Xiangming road section, and the time went back to 7 minutes ago, when Fu Xi was taken into a black commercial vehicle.

"The car doesn't have a license plate, boss, I'll send you the location..."

The vehicle's screen showed the location of the car, and it was heading towards the suburbs. Mu Qingshen took a shortcut and drove there.

The black commercial vehicle was driving smoothly on the asphalt road. It was pitch black in front of the eyes, and the hood was too thick to allow even the light to penetrate.

The woman in front glanced at the rearview mirror from time to time. She was obviously kidnapped, but the people behind her were too calm, which made her very upset.

Look, the young lady of the great family, no matter what the situation, she will not lose her courage, she can stand up to the scene...

Why do you compare yourself with others?
The hands on her legs were clenched, and her trousers were pinched into creases.

Fu Xi was indeed very calm. Under the hood, she closed her eyes and fully opened her other senses to feel everything outside.

The second brother told her not to panic.

When he taught her how to race cars, he deliberately familiarized himself with the terrain of Zihai City.

Zihai City is too grand, it took her nearly a year to travel all over Zihai, and it took three years to get familiar with all the big and small corners of Zihai.

She was taken into the car from Xiangming Road, turned left at the intersection after seven kilometers, turned around after about 10 minutes, stepped on the intersection, and exited Xiangming Road.

Then drive straight along the current road. If you have a good guess, there is an abandoned factory a few kilometers ahead.

This place can only be regarded as the boundary of Xiangming Street. It is still far away from the suburbs, but it is sparsely populated. If these gangsters want to do anything to her, the abandoned factory should be enough.

Her cell phone was thrown away, and she couldn't get in touch with the outside world, but she had met Mu Qingshen before.

He is Xiao Shen's person, I don't know if he will contact Xiao Shen, it doesn't matter, even if he doesn't contact Xiao Shen, he will still find his second brother, and he will definitely come to save himself.

Don't panic, Fu Xi, you are not alone.

Between his legs, Fu Xi clasped his hands together, comforting himself while silently counting the time. Sure enough, the car stopped after about ten minutes.

Fu Xi was roughly pulled down and pushed into the abandoned factory.

As soon as the headgear was taken off, even with closed eyes, one could feel the light through the eyelids.

Fu Xi slowly opened his eyes, saw the person in front of him clearly, and smiled coldly, "It really is you."

The hatred in Ning Ran's eyes undisguisedly wanted to kill her, "You guessed it a long time ago?"

The corner of Fu Xi's mouth was full of sarcasm, "There are many people in Zihai who have hatred against me, but you are probably the only one who misses me the most."

"Heh," Ning Ran raised his hand violently...


Fu Xi's head was hit in the wrong direction, and five bright red fingerprints instantly appeared on his fair face.

She was about to rush forward, but she was held back by two burly men, and there were five or six such men around her. These people looked like usual thugs, and they were not something Fu Xi, a ten-dan Taekwondo, could handle.

Ning Ran punched her on the bridge of the nose again, causing Fu Xi's nose to bleed, and tears rolled from his eyes because of the pain.

Without waiting for it to slow down, the fists came down like raindrops crazily, Ning Ran had a ferocious face, venting the hatred accumulated for a long time.

Fu Xi didn't cry out in pain, and in the end, she was beaten to the ground.

When Mu Qing rushed over, what he saw was the dying person on the ground, and his eyes turned red instantly.

He stared at the person in front of him with scarlet eyes, "Ning Ran, you should die!—"

Ning Ran was startled, she didn't expect him to come after him so quickly, she took out the knife and swung it, pulling the person on the ground to hold her throat, "Don't come here, or I'll kill her!"

Mu Qingshen stopped halfway.

The windows on the wall couldn't hide the wind, blowing in and brushing everyone's faces.

The original beautiful face, now blood-stained, a pair of full eyes, filled with fragmented tears, pierced Mu Qingshen's heart, he comforted softly: "Little Xi, don't be afraid..."

Fu Xi shook his head, I'm not afraid.

When I saw you, I was not so afraid.

"Ning Ran, what exactly do you want?"

Mu Qing looked at her deeply, his tender brows and eyes froze in an instant.

Seeing his change, Ning Ran laughed out loud, and slid down two lines of tears with a smile.

"Mu Qingshen, without her, you wouldn't have looked at me more, would you?"

She asked very lightly.


He answered decisively.

Ning Ran closed her eyes, "Okay, then I will fulfill you."

The corner of her mouth curled up cruelly, and she slammed a phantom stick, Mu Qingshen's waist bent instantly, and another stick was thrown behind her back, Mu Qingshen raised her body.

The big man held up the stick and smashed it desperately, almost breaking his spine.

He wanted to resist, but looking at the person in front of him, his life was in his hands, so he couldn't resist.

It was sunny outside, and the sun shone through the clouds. The bright flowers in the withered grass by the roadside were bathed in the halo of light, making them very pleasant to look at.

There were bursts of cries from the abandoned empty building next to it, and Fu Xi shouted: "Stop, stop—"

"Ning Ran, don't you just want me to die? I stole your beloved, and you should take revenge on me, not him!—"

Even though the knife was on her neck, she rushed forward without hesitation, scratching the blade, blood oozing from her neck.

Ning Ran gave her a slap, and walked slowly towards the ground.

Mu Qingshen was beaten until he was curled up on the ground, his whole body was in severe pain, and he was hit on the head again, his mind was confused, but the pain forced him to be clear.

The palm of his hand was stepped on by a big man, and the thick and hard rubber soles were grinding back and forth, as if to crush him into a pile of minced meat.

Mu Qing grinned in pain, Ning Ran came to squat down in front of him, and lifted his face, blood streaked down his forehead, dyed the corners of his eyes red, flirtatious.

Ning Ran looked deeply, once upon a time, this face was always in Midnight's dream, and she couldn't even touch it in her dreams.

Now that she finally touched it, she ran her fingertips across and gently stroked away the bloodstains at the corners of his eyes. It felt so real, but it made her dazed, "Mu Qingshen, hug me..."

Mu Qing smiled deeply, "You let her go first."

In a word, bring her back to reality.

Ning Ran grinned, smiled brightly, and hugged him tightly.

Passing her, Mu Qingshen looked at the people behind, while Fu Xi's eyes were full of tears and worries.

With a sudden muffled snort, Mu Qing spit out blood from the corner of his mouth, which fell on Ning Ran's shoulder, staining her clothes red.

Fu Xi stared, "Mu Qingshen—"

Mu Qing lowered his head deeply, and the knife inserted into his chest rose and fell with his breathing.

The bright red blood pierced Ning Ran's eyes red, and even hurt her pupils, as if it injected new vitality into her, a new soul, and a joy she had never had before.

Ning Ran looked up to the sky and grinned grimly.

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