The lights went out, and Mu Qingshen was unconscious when she was pushed out of the operating room.

There was a medicated tape on Fu Xi's neck, and the rest of her body was bruised and purple, and there were many large and small injuries. The doctor advised her to take a good rest, but she refused to listen and insisted on waiting for someone to come out.

Now, sitting by the hospital bed and guarding him.

The ward was very quiet, the sound of the ECG monitor was beeping, beeping, and the boy who used to be a high-spirited boy was lying here with a pale face.

His hair was shaved, and a circle of gauze trembled on his forehead.

Fu Xi stared at him for a moment, and his mind echoed what he said to her three hours ago in the car with his eyelids open:

"Kid, do you know why I asked you out today?"

"Find, find me to play..."

He smiled and glanced out of the window, "I'm telling you, I like you..."

Fu Xi's eyes turned redder.

"It was over there, taken away by someone..."

In another room, Mu Yeqin was staring at the tablet on the table. Xiaochun continued, "No wonder we have been unable to find anyone. The factory has been dilapidated for a long time, and there is no surveillance around it. This video was intercepted from a satellite..."

Mu Yeqin's gaze was like a torch. In the video, Ning Ran ran away in a panic, and was kidnapped by a passing car as soon as he stepped onto the road.

The ring on the left middle finger was crystal clear, and Mu Yeqin stroked it back and forth.


"Uncle, are you alone?"

Zhou Chi walked upstairs and downstairs, only to find that Zhou was sitting on the sofa.

"Otherwise, who else do you want?"

Zhou Zheng was upset and irritable, even his tone of voice was smug.

The ashtray in front of him was full of cigarette butts.

Zhou Chi sat over. He wanted to ask, "Uncle, where is your little beauty?" But seeing his bitter and bitter face, as if someone owed him eight thousand, he changed his words: "Uncle ,What’s wrong with you?"

"Oh," Zhou Zheng was so annoyed that he lit another cigarette.

That little bitch Ning Ran knew that this was not a safe thing, he shouldn't have brought it back in the first place!

Now that Second Young Master and Fu Shao came to ask for someone at the same time, where would he find someone for them?

He glanced at the watch on the wall, how long has it been, why hasn't that little bitch come back?

In January, the sun at noon is not so hot, the sun shines through the gaps in the branches and leaves, and the shadows falling on the ground are mottled.

Ning Ran got out of the car and was thrown into the mottled area.

There was a woman in front of her with her back to the sun, Ning Ran looked up, feeling unattainable.

She backed away in horror, "You, who are you?..."

The woman squatted down, eye level with her, "The one who saved you."

"help me?"

Ning Ran was puzzled, the panic in his heart was still undiminished, and he was on guard.

"That's right, Ning Ran, do you know who you offended this time?"

Ning Ran clenched her hands tightly, her eyes drooping slightly, "I know, she is the little princess of the Fu family."

The woman laughed loudly, "You don't know, you don't know what the Fu family means, let alone that she is also the favorite of the Mu family."

"Zihai City's sz Mu's family can change it if they want to change it. Just your Zhou Zheng, the former sz's son, do you think you are next to a rich man? Heh, you are just a mere gnat, and you are not even qualified to serve them tea and water."

Surprised, Ning Ran opened her mouth slightly.

She knew that Fu Xi's identity was not simple, but she didn't expect it to be so difficult.

Thinking that she is just the daughter of a merchant family, in front of a real powerful person like Zhou Zheng, shouldn't she have to bow her head?

She is stupid, she is too stupid.

"There's also that Mu Qingshen, the man you love so deeply..."

Ning Ranhuo raised his head.

The flower pond fountains have dried up, leaving only piles of rocks.

The lush branches and crowns at the back became her backdrop. The woman looked at the gate of the villa, "Xiao Shen, who has the eyes of the sky, there is no corner in the world that escapes his sight."

Ning Ran's heart was pounding, and she jumped up quickly.

Sky Eye, Sky Eye...

She didn't know what Xiao Shen was or what it meant, but she was clear to Tianyan. At this moment, she finally had an idea of ​​who she had offended.

She is a small citizen, confronting these people is tantamount to hitting a stone with a pebble.

If she hadn't been lucky enough to meet this woman in front of her, she would have been crushed long ago.

"What about you? Who are you?" Ning Ranhuo stood up, "You can save me from them, you..."

Ning Ran's face was horrified.

Satisfied with her reaction, the woman raised her lips high, "You don't need to know who I am, you just need to know that I am someone who can compete with them."

"You, only I can save you."


Why did such a powerful person help her?
The woman stretched out her hand, and the white petals landed on the pink gloves, "Help you, of course it's not the Bai Gang, you hate Mu Qingshen, I hate his sister, we have a common enemy."

Ning Ran looked at her, the woman withdrew her hand and held the petal in her palm.

"You want me to work hard for you?"

The woman glanced over with half-smile eyes, "No, no, I want your life."

Ning Ran was startled, the woman whispered a few words in her ear, Ning Ran lost all color in an instant, his muscles twitched, his lips moved, and he couldn't utter a word.

The woman's eyes fell on her face, and that smile was like a snake's letter. Ning Ran's hair went straight from the soles of his feet to his scalp, and he didn't dare to look directly at her.

The moment the woman put her hands on her shoulders, Ning Ran froze, "I will give you strength, let you live forever, and do everything you want, isn't that good?"

"Or, do you want to step out of this gate and be caught by them?"

The woman moved her hand away, and Ning Ran limply fell to the ground, as if she was her marionette.

"The living dead, if I become...will it..."

"No, you will only become stronger and have supreme rights. At that time, no one will dare to bully you," the woman bewitched in her ear, "Including..."

"Zhou Zheng."

Ning Ran's eyes suddenly burst out with hatred, Zhou Zheng! !
"Okay, I promise you," Ning Ran suddenly made up his mind, "However, I want the Zhou family to die first, and Zhou Zheng. Life is better than death."

Ning Ran bit the last four words very hard, and the woman hooked her lips sweetly, "No problem."

Three days later—

"At about 1 am on January 6, homicides occurred successively in Shiyan Community and Huaibei Road..."

There were thirteen deaths and one injury in Shiyan Community, and seven deaths in Huaibei Road.

It was still daylight in the early morning, and in the news, the police had already cordoned off.

The informant was the servant who was lucky enough to get his life back.

Three members of Zhou's family in Shiyan District, bodyguards, other servants, etc., as well as Young Master Zhou, his bodyguards and nanny on Huaibei Road, were all killed.

Especially the young master on Tuesday, who died in such a miserable state, who would not feel cold after seeing it, and moaned twice at the corpse.

The roots of the Zhou family were completely broken.

Si Jin had just returned from the Chinese New Year, so she couldn't live in peace, so she rushed to the scene early in the morning.

The servant has been rescued in the hospital and has recorded a statement.

The assailant, masked and bold, broke into the house directly and swung a knife at them.

The bodyguards of the Zhou family were also well-trained and could be wiped out in an instant. First, the assailant had extraordinary skills; second, more than one person did the murder.

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