101 Threat
The shopkeeper was a beautiful woman in her early thirties, upon seeing this, she could only politely say: "My lord, this small shop only serves female customers, your silver ticket... I am sorry that the young lady cannot accept it."

The maids or mothers-in-law from various prefectures who were queuing up didn't know what was going on when they saw this situation. In order to avoid harming Chi Yu, they all retreated a long distance.

Zhao Si scanned and scanned among them, but he did not find a single man.

But he was not convinced: "How do you know they weren't sent by those young masters in the mansion to help buy them?"

The female shopkeeper still explained to him in a good temper: "Young master, every discount ticket sent out in the shop is recorded, and if the man who comes with the ticket is a man, he will not be able to enter our teahouse." , so you'd better drink your tea elsewhere."

When Zhao Si heard this, he became even more unhappy: "You guys are obviously playing tricks. Is there any place in the capital where women can enter but men can't? Is it possible that the tea sold in your shop can also make women have children? No?"

However, no matter what he said, the female shopkeeper always said the same thing: "Please don't embarrass us, my lord, the shop does not serve male customers, as my lord said just now, there is no place in the capital where men can't go, so, you Why bother to stick to our small place?"

Zhao Si saw that the other party would not enter, so he rolled up his sleeves and started to do it: "Brothers, give it to the young master! The young master still doesn't believe it, there are still places in the capital that the young master can't go to!"

Originally, he was just curious about the difference in this teahouse, but when the other party stopped him, he became more enthusiastic.

Today, if he couldn't get the entrance ticket he wanted, he wouldn't leave.

As his words fell, the gang of dogs behind him were about to roll up their sleeves and prepare to strike.

Seeing that Zhao Si was getting more and more outrageous, Li Huang immediately shouted: "Stop!"

Zhao Si, who was about to threaten the female shopkeeper with force, froze immediately.

He was too familiar with this voice, having just suffered a loss at Prince Li's Mansion two days ago, and immediately cursed inwardly.

He turned around and changed his smiling face in an instant: "So it's Her Royal Highness the Eldest Princess, what's the matter? No matter how powerful the Eldest Princess is, she can't care where others go for tea, right?"

The sword in Ling Yuan's hand was pulled out of its sheath with a "chuckle": "Presumptuous! It's okay to be rude when you see the eldest princess, and dare to speak wild words! It seems that the princess was merciful at Prince Li's mansion two days ago. !"

Zhao Si's face changed when he mentioned the matter of Prince Li's Mansion that day.

That day, Princess Li grabbed him and wanted to kill him, if it wasn't for his mother kneeling in front of her and begging in every possible way, she also took out the token of the life-saving grace owed by Prince Li's mansion back then, asking to let him go this time.

Prince Li had no choice but to let him go back to the mansion.

Unexpectedly, after being imprisoned for two days, just as she was leaving the house, she ran into this difficult princess again.

In line with the principle that a good man does not suffer immediate losses, Zhao Si decided to hold back his anger.

So, he bent down and saluted, and said without sincerity: "I have seen the eldest princess."

Those onlookers and those who were queuing had already knelt down on the ground.

As for the dog legs behind Zhao Si, those with sharp eyesight had already knelt down, but one or two of them must have been fat and fat, muttering something in a low voice.

"Even if she is the eldest princess, she is not qualified to manage other people's business affairs, right?"

Li Huang's gaze immediately turned towards the person who made the sound.

She looked at the person who spoke, and hooked her fingers at him: "You, take a step forward."

The man was confused, but still took a bold step forward.

Li Huang watched condescendingly: "Which family are you from? What's your name?"

Forced by her terrifying gaze, he resisted the urge to tremble in his calves, swallowed, and replied, "Father, the head of the Imperial College is Yuan Qing, my name is Yuan Hao."

Li Huang raised his eyebrows: "So it's that rotten sixth son of the Yuan family."

Yuan Hao lowered his head in embarrassment, not knowing how to answer these words.

Li Huang asked him: "Do you know why your father is only a master of the sixth rank, but his father Yongping Bo can lead the official position of the third rank?"

Yuan Hao shook his head.

The smile on Li Huang's face faded a bit: "Because, when they fight, they only need to sit in command and don't need to charge forward. If they win, they will take credit for it. If they lose, you guys will be useless."

As soon as these words fell, let alone Yuan Hao, the rest of the dog legs around him also changed color.

The eldest princess's mouth is really unforgiving.

The fathers of these people are all officials below the fifth rank.

And the reason why these people only follow Zhao Sima's head is because his father has a title?
She was warning them that Zhao Si's family was protected by a noble title, no matter how serious the disaster might be, they would not be killed, but it was different for them to speak lightly.

Those with sharp eyesight have already retreated silently.

Everyone can see that the eldest princess is not dealing with Zhao Si. If they insist on bumping into each other, then the eldest princess will not show mercy.

Seeing them retreating further and further away, Zhao Si was so angry that his face turned green, and he cursed secretly for nothing.

He turned his head to look at Li Huang, pouted his neck and said: "The doors in this capital are open for business. I have never heard of a business that only accepts female customers and does not entertain male customers. I just want to know what is sold inside, and what is sold outside. What's the difference, isn't the eldest princess taking care of such trivial matters?"

Li Huang strode into the store, found a chair and sat down: "I don't care about business matters, what did you want to do just now? Continue."

Zhao Si looked at her in surprise, and for a moment didn't understand what kind of medicine she was selling in the gourd.

"Are you sure you don't care about business?"

Li Huang nodded: "It doesn't matter, I just came to see the excitement, you continue."

Zhao Si glanced at her again, telling me to stop if you don't care.

Is it just to find the best viewing angle?
He roared inwardly, but on the surface he put on a big brother look, and turned his head to look at his younger brothers: "The eldest princess has said that she just stopped by to watch the fun, why are you hiding so far away?"

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, unable to tell whether it was true or false for a while.

What the eldest princess said just now doesn't look like she just came to see the excitement.

With such hesitation, Zhao Si kicked his ass.

"You guys, don't you want to hang out anymore? Just say it if you don't want to hang out!"

As soon as the faces of the few people changed, it was a threat!

The threat of red fruit!

(End of this chapter)

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