Chapter 107

When Gu Ningshuang heard the words, she rushed over in two steps in three steps. As soon as she entered the door, her eyes were about to burst!

But on the bed, Li Chuchu was lying on He Lin's body, naked, the scene was extremely filthy!

Everyone at the scene, especially those girls who hadn't left the cabinet, immediately blushed and looked away.

"I didn't expect the second princess to be such a prodigal!"

"Shameless! What a disgrace to the royal family!"

"Not in a hurry! Cover it up!"

The more sensible maid immediately reacted and stepped forward to cover Li Chuchu.

However, Gu Ningshuang only felt a surge of anger rushing to her forehead!

Because, she saw clearly who the man on the inside of the bed was!
At this moment, she couldn't care less about whether the other party was a princess, so she picked up the teapot on the table and poured it over.

Li Chuchu, who was originally a little delirious, suddenly became sober for a moment.


Li Chuchu's eyes were blurred, but he finally stopped and looked up at the crowd.

However, when she saw Gu Ningshuang and the people behind her, she became excited again in an instant: "It's just in time! I have a good show to watch with you today!"

Gu Ningshuang's eyes almost burst into flames.

Why didn't she know before that the second princess was so shameless?
"Li Chuchu, you are shameless!"

As she spoke, her hand almost passed her head, and she raised her hand and slapped him again.

Li Chuchu finally regained her senses after being slapped by her. She was stunned for a moment, and then saw that the whole room was full of people.

Her heart skipped a beat, her eyes subconsciously looked down, and she saw He Lin lying motionless on the bed, and her clothes were taken off so that only a shirt was left.


After reacting, she quickly covered her skirt, and rolled off of He Lin in embarrassment.

With red eyes, Gu Ningshuang roared: "Li Chuchu, I really didn't expect that you are such a despicable and shameless villain."

"Before I told me that the eldest princess was interested in Mr. He, so people should pay attention to it, but when you turned around, you climbed onto his bed by yourself!"

"Bah! I, Gu Ningshuang, am blind, so I will regard you as a good sister!"

After finishing speaking, she covered her face and rushed out the door angrily.

Li Chuchu was dumbfounded.

What's going on here?

Obviously she was going to lure that bitch Li Huang in, but why is she lying here?

Also, that scent...

Li Chuchu got up repeatedly, trying to check the incense burner.

But when she picked up the incense burner, she found that there was only a pile of ashes left in the burner.

Her complexion changed drastically, and she murmured: "No, this scent is wrong!"

However, none of the women around was interested in listening to her explanation, someone had already sent someone to inform the people in Prince Li's Mansion.

Such incidents happened one after another in Prince Li's Mansion. Everyone was from the backyard of the deep house, so they naturally understood what was going on.

Soon, Prince Li brought people here in person.

Along with Prince Li, there was also Gu Chenzhou.

Li Chuchu immediately panicked.

She quickly knelt down in front of Prince Li, and said sadly: "Uncle Emperor, I didn't, I was framed, was Li Huang, it was Li Huang who plotted against me..."

She cried and begged incoherently, pulling at Prince Li's robe and hem.

Prince Li gave her a disgusted look, resisted the urge to kick up, and pulled back the corner of his robe.

"Second princess, at this time, you still want to grab the eldest princess!"

"Thanks to her taking care of you so much since childhood! You are so heartless!"

After finishing speaking, he waved his hand and ordered the followers behind him, "Bring Master Biao back to the mansion, please take a good look at the doctor, don't let people make any trouble."

Everyone rushed forward, lifted He Lin up and walked out.

Li Chuchu looked at Gu Chenzhou with a pale face, and burst into tears instantly: "Brother Shen Zhou, you believe me..."

Gu Chenzhou opened his mouth, his eyes were mocking and contemptuous: "Believe it?"

"In this situation, do you want to tell me that you don't know anything!"

For a moment, Li Chuchu was stunned!

Her natural affection!
I just didn't expect that the person lying here would be me!
Gu Chenzhou dropped these words, glanced at her with disappointment, and left with a flick of his sleeves!

Those female relatives who were brought by Gu Ningshuang to search for someone saw that the matter had already been closed, so they couldn't stay longer, so they left one after another.

However, today's scene was really eye-catching. In less than an hour, the second princess fell in love with Mr. He's family and climbed onto his bed with medicine. It spread throughout the capital as if she had grown wings.

Li Chuchu just felt that the thunder was rolling, it was over, everything was over!

She had obviously put the medicine in the post house beforehand, so it stands to reason that Li Huang's master and servant would fall to the ground as soon as they entered the door.

However, not only did they escape, they even threw her on the bed!
That bitch Li Huang, could it be possible that she had given herself the antidote long ago?
However, there is no time for her to think about these things right now, because Prince Li has already entered the palace.

As soon as she returned to the second princess's mansion and changed her clothes, the palace sent someone to pass her on.

Such a big event, how could Li Huang not appreciate it with his own eyes?

Thus, Prince Li entered the palace on the front foot, and she also entered the palace on the back foot on the grounds of paying respects to the emperor.

As soon as she got off the carriage, she met Li Chuchu at the gate of the palace who was ordered to enter the palace.

Seeing her, Li Chuchu's emotions could no longer collapse, she immediately roared madly, and rushed towards Li Huang!

"Li Huang, how dare you plot against me, I will fight you!"

Seeing this, just as Ling Yuan was about to step forward to stop her, Li Huang glanced out of the corner of her eye, suddenly she pushed her forcibly without moving, and fell directly to the ground.

In this scene, Li Yuxiao who just heard the news bumped into him, and he shouted: "Li Chuchu, what are you doing?"

Li Chuchu's body was slightly stiff, and she turned her head with red eyes: "Third brother, she is going too far!"

She turned around and was about to pounce on Li Yuxiao, but Li Yuxiao strode towards Li Huang.

"Isn't your guard very powerful? Why didn't he protect you?"

"Could it be that he is specially using it to deal with this king?"


The corners of Li Huang's mouth twitched, if she hadn't seen him coming from the corner of her eye, she wouldn't have slapped him like this!
Fortunately, Li Yuze complained, but he still pulled Li Huang up carefully, checked her body for any injuries, and then gave up.

"Third brother~!" Li Chuchu cried unwillingly, "Do you know what she did to me?"

"To shut up!"

Li Yuxiao frowned, the story of Li Chuchu stunned He Lin with incense, trying to ruin his reputation and force him to marry her, has spread all over the streets.

He entered the palace for this reason.

Originally, he thought that if he could see that she had repented, it would be nice for him to plead for her because of the brother-sister relationship for so many years.

However, she was so unreasonable, she didn't think about her own mistakes when she did something wrong, and even wanted to pour dirty water on others.

No matter how domineering Li Huang was, at most it was just a quarrel between the youngest daughters, and he never did anything excessive to her.

With the dignity of Princess Li Huang, she would not even bother to do such things as destroying people's innocence.

Therefore, facing Li Chuchu's accusation, he denied it without thinking.

"You have been captured and revealed yourself, yet you still dare to bite Huang'er."

"Don't think that you didn't know if I wasn't there at the time. I have heard about it. When those people rushed into the house, you were still... undressing."

Li Yuxiao couldn't say the last three words.

(End of this chapter)

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