Chapter 121
One can imagine the feeling of being splashed with two basins of cold water in such a weather.

"Say, who ordered you?"

Li Yuze's voice obviously dropped a few degrees.

Xiao Linzi knew that the strategy of bringing troubles to the east had failed.

Li Huang saw his eyes twinkling, and immediately curled his lips into a sneer: "You don't have to think about using the guard of this palace to provoke His Royal Highness, this is a problem between me and him, we will settle it in private, but your little life can If you can’t keep it, let’s talk about it.”

Xiao Linzi's face turned pale, knowing that he had kicked the iron board.

He struggled for a while, and then said: "The slave doesn't know who that person is. Every time he appears, he wears a silver fox mask. Everyone calls him Fourth Lord."

"This servant has been serving His Highness the Prince since he was a child, and he doesn't want to betray his master. However, he poisoned this servant, and this servant doesn't want to die, Your Highness..."

As he spoke, he struggled to get off the stand, and wanted to kowtow to Li Yuze, but because he pulled the wound, he was writhing in pain.

For a while, the snot and tears were mixed together, and it was really hot to see.

Before Li Yuze opened his mouth, the chief manager Cao couldn't listen anymore, and he kicked him regardless of his injuries.

"You bastard, your dog's life belongs to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince. How dare you betray your master!"

Cao Quan's eyes turned red with anger. If His Highness the Crown Prince hadn't been kind, this bastard would have starved to death long ago.

For more than ten years, in the East Palace, he has never been treated harshly. Fortunately, he did the thing of framing his master in order to survive for a few days.

Xiao Linzi spat out a mouthful of blood and passed out immediately.

Li Huang was afraid that he would really be beaten to death, so he said: "Since he said he was poisoned, let the imperial physician take his pulse and see what kind of poison it is, maybe we can find some clues from it. "

A word to awaken the dreamer.

Being reminded by her, Li Yuze immediately gave Cao Quan a look.

Cao Quan immediately said: "Old slave, go and ask the doctor to come."

After speaking, he ran out quickly.

The atmosphere in the hall suddenly became a little stagnant.

Li Yuze coughed dryly twice, as if he wanted to find something to talk about, but when he opened his mouth, it turned into: "You set up a trick for Chu Chu to let her take advantage of herself?"

This tone sounded a bit questioning.

Li Huang twitched the corners of her lips, and the smile didn't reach her eyes: "What? I set up a trap for Li Chuchu, and touched the bottom line of His Royal Highness?"

Li Yuze choked when she asked such a rhetorical question.

"I don't have that intention."

He was just curious. She seemed to know so many things in advance.

Li Huang flicked his wide sleeves, and said calmly: "It seems that His Royal Highness and I are not close enough to give each other cards, so you just need to know that, after all, you are also brothers and sisters of the same mother. , it doesn’t do me any good either.”

Besides, she didn't bother to say a word.

Li Yuze was a little annoyed by her alienated attitude and tone, he frowned: "Do you have to speak to Bengong in this tone?"

Li Huang tilted her head to look at him: "What does His Highness the Crown Prince want me to say? Like Li Chuchu coquettishly shaking your arm and calling you the Crown Prince's brother?"

Li Yuze was choked again, his face darkened.

Obviously, she was very close to his elder brother when she was a child, but now, she really speaks with thorns everywhere.

Li Huang tilted her head to look outside the door, if it wasn't for waiting for a result, she really wouldn't be bothered to stay here for a moment.

Fortunately, at this time, Cao Quan came in a hurry with the doctor.

"The next official sees His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and the Eldest Princess."

Li Huang said indifferently: "My lord, you don't need to be too polite, first check if this slave is poisoned, and what kind of poison is it?"

The doctor nodded, and hurried to Xiao Linzi's side to feel his pulse.

After a while, he clasped his hands and said: "Your Highness, there is indeed poison in this servant's body, but the poison is not fatal, it just happens from time to time every month, and it is more painful."

When Li Huang heard it, couldn't she die?
Li Yuze asked: "Then what kind of poison is this?"

The doctor thought about it, and said: "This poison seems to be Yueyuehong from the Western Regions. When it attacks, it feels like being eaten by thousands of ants. It must be bleeding."

Therefore, as the name implies, it is called Yueyuehong.

"Western Region?" Li Huang frowned, "Isn't this country destroyed decades ago?"

Now, where did the Western Regions come from?
The doctor folded his hands and replied: "Princess, the Western Regions are destroyed, but the members of the royal family of the Western Regions are not extinct. This kind of moon red is the unique secret medicine of the royal family, which is specially used to intimidate and lure. .”

Li Huang was thoughtful, Li Yuze waved his hands and said: "It's time for the doctor, you should go back first."

The doctor bowed his hands and left.

Seeing that the matter had come to an end, Li Huang immediately got up and said goodbye: "The younger sister also left."

Li Yuze looked at her leaving back, and his eyes sank.

She hated him so much!

Li Huang left the East Palace and got on the carriage back home.

Ling Yuan asked: "Your Highness, this person can even buy people from the East Palace, will he extend his hand to the palace?"

Thinking that there is still a demon concubine Luo family in the palace, Li Huang's expression is not so good.

If the person behind the scenes really wants to reach out to the palace, Concubine Luo is undoubtedly the best candidate.

It seems that just to get rid of this hidden danger, she should think of a way to remove this woman from the palace!

the other side.

Gu Chenzhou also received the news that Li Huang was married to Mo Jingzhan.

"What? Give a marriage to Prince An's son? How is this possible!"

Gu Ningshuang said confidently: "The content of the imperial decree has been spread. It is indeed the Prince An's son whose whereabouts are still unknown. Moreover, the wedding date has been set."

Gu Chenzhou's heart sank to the bottom all of a sudden.

She is going to marry Prince An's son?

How could she marry Prince An?


He couldn't help but watch her jump into the fire pit.

Gu Ningshuang saw that his face was bright and dark, and was about to ask him what he was thinking, when he saw his face was ashen, blowing away like the wind.

The movement was so fast that she couldn't react in time.

"Brother, where are you going?"

When she chased him out, Gu Chenzhou had disappeared.

Li Huang never expected that just as her carriage was about to drive into the princess mansion, Gu Chenzhou suddenly stopped her way.

"Princess, I have something to tell you."

Li Huang lifted the curtain of the car, his eyebrows and eyes were cold: "I have nothing to say to you, have you not had enough of the lesson from last time, Gu Shizi?"

Mentioning the matter of being thrown out of the mansion last time, Gu Chenzhou's face froze instantly, but thinking that Li Huang was about to marry someone else, his heart became inexplicably flustered.

"I heard that His Highness is going to marry Prince Na'an's son?"

Mo Jingzhan, who just came back from Yunwailou, was about to climb over the wall and enter: "..."

He turned around with great interest, as if preparing to watch a play.

(End of this chapter)

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