Mu Feng wanted to chase, but was stopped by Mo Jingzhan: "Don't chase, I know who sent them."

Ling Yuan put the sword back into its sheath and asked, "Who is it?"

Mo Jingzhan glanced around and said, "Go back to the Princess's mansion first."

Ling Yuan understood immediately, and escorted Li Huang back to the carriage, and asked Mu Feng, "Can the carriage be repaired?"

Mu Feng checked the wheel and found that something was stuck inside the wheel: "It's not a big problem, you can help His Highness get into the carriage first."

Ling Yuan nodded, and helped Li Huang get into the carriage.

The things in the wheels were quickly cleaned up, and Mu Feng sat back in the car, ready to beat the horse and leave.

Before leaving, he glanced at Mo Jingzhan: "Why don't you get in the car?"

This guy is not polite on weekdays.

Although they are also guards, he is not convinced that Dudu can sit in the same carriage with Li Huang, but after a long time, his subordinates will get used to it.

What a damn habit.

Mo Jingzhan glanced at him faintly, and said, "I'll protect you in the dark, you guys go first."

Mu Feng thought of the other party's skills, so he didn't say much, and drove quickly towards the princess's mansion in the carriage.

Fortunately, nothing else happened along the way, and the carriage returned to the Eldest Princess' Mansion smoothly.

"Your Highness, the martial arts moves of those assassins don't look like people from Dayuan. Could it be that they were brought by those envoys?"

As soon as she entered the door of the sleeping hall, Ling Yuan couldn't help asking.

Li Huang sneered: "Those envoys are not that stupid."

Even if it is the most arrogant Baili Kingdom, they will not act hastily before they have figured out the current strength of Dayuan.

While taking off Li Huang's cloak, Ling Yuan asked, "Isn't it Luo Guifei again?"

The woman had just been released from the restraint, so she couldn't help but want to attack them, it was too impatient.

Soon, Mo Jingzhan gave her the answer: "It's Concubine Xu."

Hearing this answer, Li Huang was not very surprised. After all, it was her idea that the emperor ordered Liu Wenda to go to Dianzhou. Concubine Xu was not angry for a while, and it would not be too much to kill her to vent her anger.

However, those assassins today obviously did not come here to take her life.

Ling Yuan turned her head around and asked, "Could it be possible that Concubine Xu is trying to blame those envoys who came to Beijing?"

Mo Jingzhan found a chair by himself, sat crookedly, with his legs up on the armrest, propped his forehead and looked at Li Huang and asked, "Your Highness, don't you want to know where Concubine Xu hired these killers from outside the territory?"

Li Huang followed his words and asked, "Where did you hire him?"

Assassins outside the territory, the price is not low.

With Concubine Xu being a widow, where did she get the money to hire assassins?
Satisfied with her cooperation, Mo Jingzhan took out a piece of paper from his pocket and handed it over.

Li Huang took the paper, unfolded it, and raised his eyebrows: "The killer of the Shadow Pavilion?"

Mo Jingzhan nodded: "That's right, those assassins just now were from the Shadow Pavilion. Your Highness knows that if you want to hire the assassins from the Shadow Pavilion, besides spending a lot of money, can you exchange them in other ways?"

As for the rules of these organizations in Jianghu, Li Huang is not as familiar as Mo Jingzhan, but she has also heard a little about the Shadow Pavilion.

"I heard that this killer organization is very large, and it has absorbed killers from all over the world. As long as they can come up with an exchange that makes them excited, they can trade."

As soon as Li Huang's words fell, Ling Yuan couldn't help asking: "But, what other valuables can be exchanged for Concubine Xu? Even if she wants to cede the land of the city, she doesn't have the right as a concubine in the harem, does she? Not fresh enough..."

So, what promise can she make to others?
Mo Jingzhan curled his lips: "This is the interesting part. Guess what she promised?"

Ling Yuan glanced at Li Huang, Li Huang frowned and thought for a moment, then murmured.

"The envoys of the Baili Kingdom just had a conflict with this palace. If something happens to my palace, my father will be the first to suspect them. The conflict between the two countries will further expand."

"If they succeeded in assassinating Ben Gong today, then the consequences would not be so simple."

If she died in the hands of those assassins today, the old emperor might send troops to attack Baili in a fit of anger.

Just to kill her to vent her personal anger, Concubine Xu wants to start a war between the two countries, which is too selfish!

Mo Jingzhan reminded: "Your Highness, the Shadow Pavilion is originally for the business of killing people. When the two countries are at war, other countries will naturally not watch, and their business in the Shadow Pavilion will continue to flow..."

At that time, will they still worry about not having money in their account?
Li Huang frowned: "Isn't this an empty-handed white wolf?"

This Concubine Xu is a little bit of a thief, and those in the Shadow Pavilion are also willing?

Seeing that she still had doubts, Mo Jingzhan explained to her: "The Shadow Pavilion has been oppressed by the Yunwai Tower for these years, and it is almost impossible to survive. If they don't want to think of a way, those assassins will probably have to kill them." Ran."

The interior of the Shadow Pavilion is not monolithic either.

Li Huang understood that the Shadow Pavilion might really have entered a dead end, and in order to survive, they could only muddle the water.

Soon, the body of the assassin lying on the street was discovered by patrolling officers and soldiers, and it was reported to the imperial court early the next morning.

On the first day of the Lunar New Year, he was not allowed to go to court. When the old emperor heard that someone had openly assassinated his precious daughter outside the palace wall, Long Yan was furious.

"Your Majesty, at the palace banquet last night that Baili envoy was humiliated by the Eldest Princess, and the Eldest Princess was assassinated in a blink of an eye. This is too coincidental."

The commander of the City Patrol Battalion said unevenly.

"The general checked and found that none of the assassins were from Dayuan. The subordinates felt that even if Baili Kingdom did not do it, the other envoys would inevitably want to fish in troubled waters."

The old emperor's face was gloomy. After being furious, his rationality returned a bit, and the more he thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong.

After a while, he finally said: "You have nothing to do here, go and call the Minister of Dali Temple to me."

The commander of the patrolling battalion responded and withdrew.

Not long after, Dali Siqing, who was going to enjoy the rare spring break of the year at home, was bitterly called into the palace to work overtime.

Half an hour later, all the foreign envoys staying in the post house were questioned by the Minister of Dali Temple.

The third prince Baili was not happy, he threw out a teacup before the nobleman of Dali Temple stepped into his room.

"These people are your vassal states, but Baili is not. You have no right to restrict our freedom. I want to see your Majesty the Emperor of Dayuan!"

Seeing his arrogance, Dali Temple Minister sternly said: "Third Prince Baili, this is Dayuan's territory, not a place where you can run wild!"

"My eldest princess of Dayuan was assassinated last night. I asked a few questions according to the rules. If you are innocent, I will release the restriction of this post house."


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