Mrs. Han brought Han Ling'er into the princess mansion, and many people saw it.

In the end, when she left the mansion alone, many people saw her.

For a while, there were all kinds of speculations in the noble circle in Beijing. In the end, the news that Han Ling'er was left in the Princess's mansion as a slave and handmaid somehow spread.

After getting the news, Gu Ningshuang couldn't hold back anymore.

She immediately planned to call a few little sisters who had been friends with her to come and see the excitement.

Ever since Li Huang warned her, Ye Jiuning hasn't played with Gu Ningshuang for a long time.

After all, if Gu Ningshuang gets into trouble, Ping Yanghou can help her clean up the mess, but she has no one to back her up.

However, if Li Huang really left Miss Han's family in the mansion as a servant girl, she felt somewhat inappropriate.

In this way, Zuo Qing, the daughter of the doctor of the imperial censor, was brought in, and the three of them handed over the post in advance on the grounds of admiring the flowers. The next day, they brought the maidservant and came to the eldest princess's mansion in a mighty manner.

Ling Yuan murmured softly at the side: "When did those people have such a good relationship with His Highness, and they actually came to the mansion to enjoy the flowers? It seems that they have no good intentions. Why should Your Highness entertain them?"

As she spoke, she handed the stove filled with charcoal to Li Huang's hand.

Li Huang curled her lips: "I don't care what they do here, as long as they come, no one can leave so easily."

Ling Yuan was startled, and asked: "Your Highness, is this going to detain him?"

But none of those people are easy to mess with, in case their family finds them...

Although Li Huang's status is noble, it's not good to act recklessly.

Li Huang raised his chin, and laughed recklessly: "What are you afraid of? People have come to your door on their own initiative. If I don't treat you well, wouldn't it appear that I am being rude?"

With that said, she left her dormitory and went to the parlor.

As soon as she entered the door, Gu Ningshuang gave her a perfunctory blessing: "I have seen the eldest princess."

The other two followed suit.

Li Huang sat down on the main seat, and the servants immediately brought in tea and snacks.

"This season, it seems a bit premature for the few of you to come to Bengong's mansion to enjoy the flowers?"

Don't say that there are fewer flowers that can bloom in this season, even in the season when the flowers are in full bloom, there are not the most types of flowers in her mansion. Coming to her place to enjoy the flowers is better than going to the martial arts field to admire the weapons.

Facing her question, Gu Ningshuang was already prepared: "We know that there are several fragrant wintersweet trees in the Princess's mansion, and I thought it should be blooming at this time, so I took a look."

These winter plums are rare in other mansions, even if there are, they are small saplings, how can they compare to the few saplings in the eldest princess' mansion that were transplanted from other places with a lot of money?
Therefore, her excuse was really well chosen.

The other two also nodded.

Li Huang didn't expose them, and nodded immediately: "So that's the case, then let Ling Yuan lead you to the garden."

The winter plums in her mansion were indeed in bloom, and these people must have found such an excuse to come here after smelling them through the wall.

Anyway, she wants to see what kind of tricks this Gu Ningshuang is going to do.

"It's hard for the few of us to visit the door once, and let a maid lead us to the garden, doesn't it seem good?"

Gu Ningshuang said with a slightly dissatisfied tone.

Ye Jiuning wanted to ease the relationship with Li Huang, so she said in a timely manner: "Your Highness, it's rare that wintersweet blooms, let's go shopping together."

She doesn't dare to call Li Huang by his name now.

Zuo Qing didn't know Gu Ningshuang's purpose, he just thought that she was really invited to come to the princess mansion to appreciate the winter plums, so he followed suit and said: "Yes, Your Highness, it seems that it is not so cold today, why don't we go under the winter plum tree Let's make tea."

Li Huang raised his eyebrows: "Since everyone has said so, then I will accompany you to the garden for a sit."

She wants to see what this Gu Ningshuang wants to play.

Seeing this, Ling Yuan quickly ordered people to move all the utensils for making tea to the garden.

After a few arrived in the garden, the brazier and refreshments were ready.

Gu Ningshuang looked around, Li Huang asked curiously: "What is Miss Gu looking for?"

Gu Ningshuang followed Li Huang all the way, but she didn't see Han Ling'er at all, so she couldn't help asking curiously: "Eldest princess, I heard that my cousin is a guest in the mansion, why don't you see anyone now?"

Without changing expression, Li Huang sat down in the grand teacher's chair brought to her by the servants, lifted the tea cover, and poured a little tea into it.

She said in a leisurely tone: "It turns out that it is fake that you specially came to my palace to enjoy the plum blossoms, but it is true that you came to see Miss Han."

Ye Jiuning was afraid that Gu Ningshuang would fight Li Huang again without knowing life and death, and in the end everyone would be unlucky, so she hurriedly uttered a word to smooth things over.

"No, we just thought that the splash-ink painting His Highness made at the palace banquet that day was quite interesting, and wanted to take this opportunity to ask His Highness for advice."

As she spoke, she gave Zuo Qing a look.

Zuo Qing looked blank, that's not what he said when he came.

However, seeing that the corners of Ye Jiuning's eyes were about to cramp, she could not contradict her, so she nodded, "Yes, Your Highness's splash-ink painting is really wonderful, I wonder when Your Highness acquired such a good painting skill? "

She really wanted to know this question.

After all, it was rumored that apart from knives and guns, the eldest princess knew nothing about such elegant things as piano, chess, calligraphy and painting.

Now that they can splash ink and paint at will, how can this make them who study hard every day feel embarrassed?
The tea boiled very quickly, Li Huang picked it up, poured himself a cup, blew on it, and replied casually: "I just feel that painting with a brush is too troublesome, so I just learn it when I have nothing to do."

Everyone: "..."

They learn casually, so how can they live if they study hard?
"Your Highness is really humble. The painting skills at the palace banquet don't seem to be learned casually." Zuo Qing randomly found a chair and sat down, and poured himself a cup of tea, "I only heard that Your Highness is good at martial arts, but I don't know His Highness used to be able to paint, it seems that the rumors are not entirely credible."

Li Huang didn't answer this, because, out of the corner of her eye, she saw Gu Ningshuang seeming to be wandering around, but in fact, her eyes wished to search through the entire princess mansion.

There was a mocking smile on the corner of her lips: "Is Miss Gu looking for Miss Han? Then I'll let someone call her here."

Gu Ningshuang was in the middle of her heart when she heard the words, after a while Han Ling'er came out, she had to ask her carefully if she was working as a slave in this mansion.

If this is the case, then, after the opening of the dynasty, those censors will not let her go.

Li Huang saw through her thoughts at a glance, and sneered in her heart. This Gu Ningshuang has suffered so many losses, but she just doesn't have a long memory.

Forget it, since Pingyang Hou and his wife couldn't teach their daughter well, she did it for them.

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