Li Huang looked at them with a look of disgust: "If you don't know anything, what's the use of keeping you?"

Even ordinary people knew that when envoys from various countries came to Beijing, anyone who wanted to make a noise would rush forward and beat them to death.

These people who are greedy for money, just because others gave them some money, they want to come to the peace of their own country. If they are not forced to work as coolies for three to five years, how would they know the pain of earning money?
"My lord, since we are the first offenders, please forgive us."

"That's right, we just frightened these people these days, and we didn't do anything excessive. You have a lot of adults, please forgive us this time."

Who knows, it's fine if he doesn't say that, but once he says that, the common people over there will stop doing it.

"Bah! Thanks to your kindness, you can say it out loud. What do you mean by not doing too much? Don't you have enough things to destroy us these days?"

"That's right, don't these things cost money? You walked all the way just now, and how many things were chopped up. We still sell these things to you. Do you want them?"

"Yes, I'll sell it to you, do you want it?"

Those common people gathered around and blamed those rascals.

Several people were scolded with guilt, but one of them rolled his eyes and immediately kowtowed to Li Huang: "My lord, if the villain is willing to compensate you for the loss of the past few days, can you hold us high and let us go?"

When everyone heard that they were willing to pay, they immediately regained their spirits.

Mrs. Xu reminded: "These days, you have not only destroyed the things of these hawkers along the street, but also those restaurants and restaurants. You have also confiscated a lot of silver from Mrs. Ma's shop. These, you Can you all pay?"

The man thought for a while, then gritted his teeth: "Pay, we are willing to pay even if we sell everything. I just ask all the fathers and folks to intercede for us. Let us forgive this time. We promise that we will not dare to do it again in the future."

After all, the common people are still kind. When they hear that their losses can be compensated, they are still very willing to give them a chance to reform themselves.

So, someone pleaded for him: "Your Highness, if they are willing to compensate us for the loss, why not just let them go this time?"

Others also said that as long as they can get compensation, they will not pursue it.

Now that the sufferers have said so, Li Huang can't hold on tightly.

So, he said: "Since everyone doesn't care about it, then naturally this Palace will not insist on arresting you. However, for your looting and destruction in the past few days, are you sure that you can afford it?"

Those people looked at each other in blank dismay, but they still nodded as they didn't want to be sent to the officials.

At worst, I took out all the money given by the masked man and paid for it.

Mrs. Xu, who had been silent all this time, stood up and said at this time: "The scares we have received these days cannot be settled by paying the price. You have to pay at least three times. Otherwise, you should go to Dianzhou to mine. Bar."

When the gangsters heard that they were going to mine in Dianzhou, their faces turned pale.

It was a place where one could escape death, no matter how short of money one was, no one wanted to go to that ghostly place.

"My lord, we will pay three times as much. As long as we are not caught, we are willing to pay even if we write an IOU."

Several people said and kowtowed their heads again.

Li Huang flicked the sleeves of his robe, and said calmly: "Since you are all willing to pay, then send someone back to get the silver. Others, squat in the corner over there for now. If you don't bring the silver over before dark, you will be killed." The palace can only send the others to officials."

After the words fell, she pointed at one casually: "It's just you."

The person who was ordered was overjoyed, and quickly kowtowed to thank him, and then promised a few brothers: "I will definitely come back with money to save you."

After speaking, he ran away in a hurry.

Seeing this, Mrs. Xu approached Li Fan and asked worriedly: "Your Highness, are you not afraid that he will run away?"

Li Huang sneered: "As long as he dares to run away, the hidden guards of this palace will send him directly to the official."

Only then did Mrs. Xu realize that the dark place who had been hiding in the dark place had followed her long ago.

"Your Highness, it's cold, let's find a place to sit and have a cup of hot tea." Mrs. Xu suggested, "There is a wine shop in front, why don't we sit there."

Li Huang nodded and let Ling Yuan stare at those people, she followed Mrs. Xu to the nearby wine shop.

Unexpectedly, as soon as the two of them entered the door, they heard a businessman dressed as a barbarian bragging over there.

"I think back then, your Da Yuan was also defeated by our Bei Hu, and your late emperor was also defeated by our Bei Hu Grand Marshal."

The people around couldn't listen anymore, and someone retorted: "Don't talk nonsense, can our Dayuan lose to you Beihuna and other small shrimps?"

Standing on Dayuan's territory, the Beihu man was not afraid of being beaten, so he immediately raised his hand to make an oath: "I lied to you to die."

Some people were not convinced, and said: "Then tell me, since you all defeated us, why didn't you make any demands on us?"

When everyone heard it, they all agreed: "That's right, why do you Beihu come to pay tribute to our Dayuan every year?"

The Beihu man snorted and said: "Speaking of which, you Dayuan are insidious. When you were defeated, you really gave us millions of gold and silver."

"Then, your emperor said that you can do business with us in Beihu, and you will not be charged customs duties from our Beihu people."

Dayuan is a country rich in materials and has business relations with surrounding countries. When there is no war or natural disasters, it is indeed very rich.

At this moment, a commoner in Dayuan asked: "Your tariffs are not charged anymore, and you still say that we are insidious. I think you just don't know what's good and what's wrong."

The rest of the people couldn't stand listening anymore, and started rolling up their sleeves one by one, as if the other party would beat him up if he couldn't explain why.

Seeing this, the Beihu man hurriedly said, "We don't charge our tariffs, but we in Beihu don't have anything for you Dayuan people to buy, right?"

Hu people are mostly animal fur, these things, and they only want to get them in winter.

"But you, Dayuan, are different. You have silk embroidery, handcrafted decorations, and those exquisitely crafted porcelain vases. The pen, ink, and paper are all good."

"In the end, all the money was earned by you."

The Beihu man became more and more angry.

"Giving out the 100 million gold and silver with your Dayuan was just a formality, and you earned it back in the end."

"You Emperor Dayuan really know how to plan."

"If you can't beat it, just rely on doing business to empty our money. Look at the other small countries around you, which one is not like this?"

Li Huang laughed out loud when he heard this.

Those who were engaged in the chat heard laughter and turned their eyes in unison.

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