"The tip of the gun is empty!"

Li Huang was surprised, there really was something inside!
Mo Jingzhan turned the gun head over and found that there was really something inside.

He pulled out the contents and found that it was a perfectly rolled parchment.

"This...could it be the enemy's defense plan?"

Li Huang guessed.

This was the weapon used by the first generation of Pingyanghou when they conquered the world. Apart from the enemy's defense map, she really couldn't think of anything else.

Mo Jingzhan unfolded the sheepskin scroll and found that many names were copied densely on it.

He frowned: "This is a list."

Moreover, there are many people on it that he is familiar with.

"What's so secret about this list?" Li Huang took the list, glanced at it, and guessed, "This is not a list for bribery, right?"

But many of the names above are all female relatives in the inner house, even if they want to accept bribes, it won't hinder these women, right?
Mo Jingzhan shook his head: "I will ask someone to look into this matter. Your Highness should pretend that you haven't read this list."

His intuition told him that this list was very important, otherwise, people would not hesitate to assassinate the eldest princess in the capital in broad daylight to get this gun.

The two were thinking about it when Ah Yuan's voice sounded outside the door: "Your Highness, Pingyang Hou is here."

Mo Jingzhan raised his eyebrows and looked at Li Huang: "It seems that this gun is really important."

It came to the door so quickly!
Li Huang reinstalled the gun head and motioned him to go into the back room to hide.

Mo Jingzhan nodded and stepped into the back room.

Not long after, Pingyanghou's deep voice sounded outside the door: "My minister sees His Royal Highness the Eldest Princess."

Li Huang stood on the steps, looked down at the other party, and said indifferently: "Ping Yanghou, you don't need to be too polite, you came here this time, but for the red cherry gun inherited from your ancestors?"

Pingyang Hou cupped his hands and replied respectfully: "Your Highness, I came here just for that gun. I don't know if His Highness can part with you. Pingyang Hou Fu is willing to exchange that gun with other things."

Li Huang looked at Pingyang Hou's face, and said playfully: "But, I like that gun, since Pingyang Hou's mansion invited it out as a lottery, could it be that they didn't intend to let anyone win it at all? "

Pingyanghou was a little embarrassed, but he still answered truthfully: "His Royal Highness, that is the treasure of the town house of Pingyanghou's mansion. It was indeed not intended to let it fall into the hands of others. No matter who wins the first prize, my minister Willing to pay any price to get that gun back."

If you can't change it back, you can only use extraordinary means.

That gun is related to the fate of the entire Pingyang Hou, and it must not fall into the hands of others!

Li Huang sneered, and said in a cold voice: "So, if this palace refuses to change, are you going to send someone to the eldest princess mansion to snatch it?"

Marquis Pingyang knelt down when he heard the words: "Your Highness knows the lesson, I dare not!"

Although he has the heart, but he doesn't have the guts.

The guards of the Princess's Mansion are all transferred from the palace, all of them are masters, he sent someone to rob, is he desperate?
Li Huang looked down at him, and asked in a leisurely tone: "What? Those assassins on the way just now, weren't Ping Yanghou's handwriting?"

When Pingyanghou heard the words, his face turned pale: "Your Highness, where did you start with this? I would never dare to send someone to assassinate Your Highness!"

He had prepared some manpower, but those manpower were still standing around the ring!
Li Huang: "Pingyanghou dare not do anything, but Pingyanghou's wife dares!"

She just said this casually. After all, Gu Ningshuang is the heart of the Han family. Now that she is forced to find a merchant in a hurry to marry out of the capital, can she not feel any hatred in her heart?

Unexpectedly, as soon as she said this, Ping Yang Hou's face changed.

His eyes flickered, and he hurriedly said: "The eldest princess is joking, the bitch is just a woman, how can she have that ability?"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but wiped the sweat that oozed from his forehead, and forced a smile with difficulty.

Li Huang narrowed her eyes, did she hit the mark?
"Pingyanghou, you'd better think about it clearly. If I let this palace find out that the matter is really related to your Pingyanghou's mansion, then this palace will no longer care about the achievements of your ancestors!"

At this time, Pingyang Hou dared not mention anything about the red cherry gun, he repeatedly responded: "Yes, yes, I will restrain the female family members in the mansion, and I will never let them show off in front of the princess again."

As he spoke, he kowtowed three times in a row, then bowed his hands and said goodbye.

How confident he was in getting that gun back when he came, how embarrassed he was when he left.

As soon as Pingyang Hou left, Mo Jingzhan came out from the back room.

His tone was firm: "Those assassins just now have nothing to do with the Pingyang Marquis Mansion!"

Li Huang nodded: "I can see it too."

She was just saying it casually, but she didn't expect it to be really tricky.

It seems that the imperial court's tolerance towards the Pingyang Marquis Mansion these years has given them ambition!

"Your Highness, in order not to startle the snake, I'm afraid I have to return this gun."

Mo Jingzhan stared at the list on the parchment, rubbed his smooth chin, and a sharp light flashed across his eyes.

Li Huang immediately understood his plan and snatched the sheepskin scroll.

She walked to the table, picked up a pen and quickly copied a copy, and then stuffed the parchment back into the gun head as it was.

"Ling Yuan, put the gun away, and let him redeem it when Pingyang Hou brings enough barter next time."

Ling Yuan took the gun and replied, "Yes."

Mo Jingzhan blew the ink on the paper, and stuffed it back into his sleeve.

Li Huang narrowed his eyes, raised his hand and grabbed his wrist: "That belongs to me!"

Mo Jingzhan took it for granted: "Your Highness and I will soon become a family, and what your Highness has is mine."

Li Huang reached out to grab the note, but Mo Jingzhan held it up high, avoiding her hand.

"Mo Jingzhan, are you still shameless?"

She found that the young man in front of her always easily ruined her dignified and elegant image!
"Your Highness, it is safer for me to keep the list."

What he said is the truth. Now it is not known whether this list is hidden by the old Pingyang Hou or the current Pingyang Hou. How could she be allowed to hold the list?
However, seeing her hopping and failing to reach, angry like a lion cub, he suddenly thought of teasing her a little bit.

"Your Highness is talking so much, is it because you want to have some kind of skin-to-skin relationship with you by accident?"

Li Huang's face immediately turned red.

"You... nasty, shameless!"

She stomped on his foot in anger, and then rushed out of the room angrily.

Really pissed her off!

How could there be such shameless people in this world?

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