Mo Jingzhan nodded: "Your Highness ordered, how dare I not obey?"

After discussing the business, Li Huang realized that now that this guy is in her room, he no longer treats himself as an outsider.

She squinted her eyes and reminded: "Why don't you check it soon? I don't have time to entertain you."

On Mo Jingzhan's handsome and cold face, a hint of grievance appeared silently: "Your Highness won't keep me for dinner now? It seems that I should be a bodyguard."

Li Huang: "..."

After confessing his identity, there is something wrong with this guy's style of painting!
Before this time, he was afraid that his face would get colder than hers, so he left immediately.

"His Royal Highness refuses to stay for dinner. It seems that I can only go to the East Palace for dinner."

As he spoke, he stood up pretendingly, as if he was going to leave.

Li Huang: "!!!"

It's even threatening!

Li Huang only glanced at it, then raised his eyebrows: "Ping Yanghou really spent a lot of money in order to get back that gun."

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your compassion, and I will take my leave."

Ling Yuan looked at his running back in embarrassment, curled her lips and said, "This old Ping Yanghou can be regarded as a hero, why did he give birth to such a mediocre person?"

Li Huang stretched out his hand and patted her on the forehead: "Don't underestimate him, he is not good at leading troops to fight, but if he has a crooked mind, ten of you are not enough for him to kill."

When he held the gun barrel, he finally breathed a sigh of relief.

In addition, he intentionally brought up the issue of the tip of the gun because he wanted to test it out, to see if Li Huang had discovered the inner world of this gun.

Ling Yuan thought of the group of people who robbed them on the way, all of them had extraordinary skills, especially the man wearing a ghost mask at the head.

I don't even want my face for a meal!
However, he forgot that not everyone can watch someone's liveliness. When Mo Jingzhan handed him a list with a blank face, asking him to find out all the information of these people within three days, he His face immediately fell down.

Taking a deep breath, she called out angrily, "Ah Yuan, ask someone to set the meal, and add more bowls and chopsticks!"

Pingyang Hou snatched the land with his head, and said in a sincere tone: "Please see that the eldest princess sees that we only have this little thought left in Pingyang Hou's mansion, raise your hands high, and return that gun to this humble minister!"

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed heavily, then, stretched out his hands, and caught the gun that Ling Yuan handed over.

None of these things can be afforded by the current Pingyang Hou Mansion.

Hearing her mention of the assassination, Marquis Pingyang broke out in a cold sweat, and said again and again: "I don't dare, but if the eldest princess really doesn't want to pay it back, I'm afraid that my old lady will not let you go. To cause trouble for the eldest princess, now that the eldest princess is pregnant, I am really grateful."

But, I can't beat it!

However, Mo Jingzhan didn't give him room to protest at all, so he dropped the list and left.

As long as it doesn't require their entire Hou Mansion.

Marquis Pingyang thought she didn't agree, so he gritted his teeth and said, "If His Highness likes something else in Marquis Pingyang's mansion, I can agree."

With so many people on the list, how could he find out in three days?

"After all, this gun is too eye-catching, I don't want to be stabbed again."

For a moment, the entire living room was silent.

Li Huang raised his hand and caressed the tip of the gun. Out of the corner of his eye, he paid attention to Ping Yanghou's reaction, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly.

When he got the item, he hurriedly bowed and said goodbye, fearing that if he was too late, Li Huang would regret it.

Just when Marquis Pingyang thought she was going to find out something, she suddenly said: "Well, since Lord Marquis has said so, it's not good for me to force this gun."

However, the list in that gun is really very important to their Pingyang Houfu.

But it's great that Mo Jingzhan didn't act like a monster next time, he obediently went to work after eating.

As she spoke, she gave instructions to Ling Yuan who was next to her, and Ling Yuan went to the armory and brought the gun over.

These things are enough to exchange for ten red cherry guns.

"The Marquis of Pingyang cares so much about that gun, I see, it's not just because of the ancestral inheritance, right?" Li Huang looked at Pingyanghou who was prostrate on the ground with a half-smile, and asked intentionally, "Could it be that the gun What ulterior secret is hidden in the gun?"

Ping Yanghou tried his best to control his gaze, not to stare at the gun.

"Although I found a good craftsman to repair it, but after all, there was a flaw, so I didn't plan to use it again, but the child used it to make a lottery in the group arena, and the words have already been released, and the minister is not good at saying that. People who don't believe in it think that no matter who wins the lottery, it's better to discuss with the other party as easy as possible."

What he said was extremely beautiful, and Shengsheng gave him a high-sounding reason for his guilty conscience.

Li Huang looked at him, feeling...very angry.

Li Huang caressed the things sent by Pingyanghou's mansion, a sneering smile appeared on the corner of his lips: "It seems that Pingyanghou emptied out his old lady's private treasury in order to redeem that gun."

The next day, Pingyang Hou came with generous gifts.

Fortunately, Li Huang was able to disguise well, and a look of surprise appeared on his face at the right time: "The tip of the gun was broken?"

However, the hand hidden in the sleeve was tight and loose, and the palm of the hand was already covered with sticky sweat.

When Mo Jingzhan heard this, the corners of his lips curled up immediately, and the ass that had just left the stool immediately sat back.

Li Huang didn't agree to him immediately, but sat on the high seat, slowly scraping the foam from the teacup.

"Your Highness, Mrs. Pingyang Hou is a woman, how can she hire so many assassins?"

Xiao Yunlan, who hid in the dark and had a panoramic view of all this, couldn't help but "tsk", and thought to himself, his young master is really in deep trouble.

Marquis Pingyang's complexion changed drastically, and he kowtowed again and again: "Your Highness is serious, but it is just a gun handed down from the ancestors. How can there be any secrets? This matter is also the fault of my humble minister. Originally, this gun has been Those who were enshrined in the ancestral hall were somehow broken off by someone."

Ling Yuan covered her head and murmured: "A person with a wicked mind like him will have to kill himself sooner or later, so slaves should not compare with him."

She couldn't even imagine, if Mo Jingzhan hadn't appeared in time, would they still be alive?

When mentioning that group of assassins, Li Huang couldn't help but think of the way that ghost-masked man looked at her, and nausea suddenly filled his stomach.

She always felt that the ghost-faced man seemed very familiar to her.

"Look at those assassins, it doesn't look like they specialize in killing people." Li Huang didn't care about it before, but now that he thinks about it carefully, the martial arts moves of those people are still somewhat different from those of professional assassins.

It is true that they are all masters, but the style of play of that group is more like... people in the army.

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