What did Gu Shizi mean by that just now?
Could it be that the growing princess has something to do with this guard?
Mo Jingzhan's face changed immediately after hearing these words.

He can tolerate such a piece of trash flashing in front of his eyes from time to time, but he will never allow this piece of trash to tarnish Li Huang.

"Since Gu Shizi can't speak, then stop talking!"

As soon as the words fell, he swung his fist to the front.

This time, Gu Chenzhou didn't even have time to see clearly how he punched, he was thrown flying more than ten feet, and then he spit out a mouthful of teeth, and his whole mouth was crooked.

Mo Jingzhan sneered: "Dayuan's law stipulates that those with damaged faces are not allowed to be officials. It seems that the heir of the Marquis of Pingyang, it's time for someone else to do it."

After saying that, his figure flashed in front of Gu Chenzhou again like a ghost, and then, raindrops of fists fell on him densely.

This scene made the onlookers dumbfounded.

This guard has such a strong attack power, the majestic Pingyang Hou Shizi was beaten so helplessly!
Just watching from the audience, they all felt pain for Gu Chenzhou.

"Gu Shizi, admit defeat, if you continue to fight, your life will be gone!"

This arena was set up by the Marquis of Pingyang, if a martial artist beats the host to death, what is it?

"You little guard, dare to kill the heir of Pingyang Hou Mansion, even if you are protected by the eldest princess!"

Anyone can see that Gu Chenzhou's leg is probably useless.

Here, Prince Beihu has come to the Princess Chang's mansion in disguise, and has successfully taken away a batch of hidden weapons, and left the city soon.

Because most of his teeth were knocked out, and his mouth was full of blood.

Gu Chenzhou didn't come up in one breath, and passed out immediately.

Mo Jingzhan looked at Gu Chenzhou condescendingly, as if looking at a dead dog.

Unexpectedly, the majestic Pingyanghou's mansion would rely on these methods to gain limelight. It seems that after the death of the old Pingyanghou, the old Pingyanghou is already in decline.

Seeing that Gu Chenzhou's little life was about to die, the servants and guards of Pingyang Marquis Mansion swarmed up, trying to rescue Gu Chenzhou.

With a big hat on, even though Gu Chenzhou was beaten to death, he didn't dare to faint.

As for the third prince Baili, the purpose of this test has been achieved, Dayuan's current strength is really beyond his calculation, so, for the sake of his own life, he hastily bid farewell to the old emperor and prepared to return home.

The scene was suddenly dead silent!
What a terrifying combat power!

The most powerful Baili country among the neighboring countries has left. The other small foreign countries originally wanted to stay for a while, and then explore the reality of Dayuan. strength.

He said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "Gu Shizi, I think what you said just now was good. With this face, even if you look better than you, even if you want to seduce, you are not unqualified!"

Mo Jingzhan looked at the entourage with cold eyes, and the entourage was shocked by the murderous aura emanating from him, and the next words were directly stuck in his neck.

Moreover, the opponent's fist was really heavy, and every inch of his skin was so painful that it was hard to breathe.

"My lord, hurry up, call the doctor!"

In the end, it was the Zhongzheng official who was afraid that someone would be killed, so he hurriedly stopped him and said: "Young master, Gu Shizi has no strength to fight back. If he is sentenced to lose, you should stop."

Ling Yuan chuckled lightly, and said, "He really wants it, but he has to have that ability."

This damned and familiar attack made him feel fear for no reason.

He held on and spit out a sentence: "You... Submit!"

However, at this moment, Mo Jingzhan seemed to have red eyes, how could he stop so easily?

Because all the front teeth were knocked out, his speech was very leaky, but combined with his expression, it was not difficult to tell what he said.

After receiving the news, Li Huang raised his eyebrows: "Isn't he going to ask the genius doctor to detoxify his old father? The title of dutiful son will be given up so soon?"

Gu Chenzhou's scream broke through the sky.

"I heard that the concubine of your Pingyang Hou's mansion ended up like this because of talking nonsense all day long. What's the matter? It's embarrassing that your Pingyang Marquis's contribution is so great that you don't take the royal family seriously?"

It hasn't been much, and he was beaten to death. If he dares to do something, let alone a filial son, whether he can go back alive is still another matter.

There was a turmoil in the arena.

The onlookers keenly sensed the gossip.

Especially Mo Jingzhan's violent one-sided slap on the field, which made everyone's scalps numb and their hearts chill.

However, fortunately, Mo Jingzhan did not take his life, but directly pulled out the Canglong Yinyue Spear that was inserted in the weapon rack beside him.

"Alternatively, hire another group of people to rob the Princess' Mansion!"

"I will take the lottery. If Marquis Pingyang is reluctant, he can still bring a generous gift to the Princess's mansion to exchange it!"

This boy from Dayuan is really terrifying!


"It seems that the rules of the Marquis of Pingyang are really so big from top to bottom."

After saying that, he slapped Gu Chenzhou's leg with his palm.

They dared to go to Dayuan to provoke them when they were full!
Therefore, those timid and fearful people also prepared to say goodbye.

After speaking, he pointed his toes, held the knife and walked away.

Gu Chenzhou's personal entourage boldly said in a loud voice.

However, dozens of them rushed up, but none of them could get close, and they were all beaten to the ground in two or three hits.

Mo Jingzhan didn't care about the discussions behind him. He took Pingyanghou's beloved knife and went straight back to the princess mansion.

However, Gu Chenzhou was already stunned by the beating. When he realized that the other party didn't use all their strength when they first confronted him, he couldn't call out anymore.

Someone couldn't help shouting.

Before the guard left just now, he used "again". Could it be that Marquis Pingyang regretted the long spear that the eldest princess brought up before?
This Pingyang Marquis Mansion is really interesting, since it took the treasure out to make the lottery, and didn't want the lottery to fall into the hands of others, he co-authored it just to use the treasure to attract people to cooperate with their Gu family to show off.

As for Dong Yu, who wanted to do something together but failed to do so, he was in a state of desperation right now.

Because, they are still locked in the prison, waiting for their lord to send messengers to rescue them.

As a victimized country, Xi Chuan and his party will not leave until they see the fate of Dong Yu and his gang.

So, after leaving most of the envoys, it finally ushered in Uncle Luo Guo's birthday.

However, Li Chuchu, who was crying and begging Li Huang to take her to the banquet a few days ago, did not come.

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