Two people are half the same, is it interesting to laugh at a hundred steps at fifty steps?

Li Huang ignored him and went straight to the gate of the mansion.

Li Yuxiao followed closely behind, constantly showing Li Huang the benefits of being in power, and promised that in the future, his princess must pass her eyes first.

Li Huangquan thought it was a mosquito screaming in her ears, and didn't even bother to pay attention to her with a superfluous look.

However, this doesn't prevent him from climbing into Li Huang's carriage with the cheek to insist on sitting in the same carriage with her to forcefully restore his relationship.

Li Huang kept a blank face the whole time.

She never knew before that Li Yuxiao was so difficult to deal with.

Even Ling Yuan, who was walking with the car, was a little numb.

The carriage soon arrived at the gate of the East Palace. Li Huang got out of the carriage, and immediately saw Li Chuchu who got off the carriage just like her.

She raised her eyebrows involuntarily, and before she could open her mouth, Li Yuze who got out of the car took the lead and said, "Brother Prince Huang invited you?"

The servants of the Eastern Palace were all stunned: "What's going on?"

The painting appreciation meeting was held in the garden of the East Palace, and the princes and ladies from various aristocratic families were almost there. Li Yuze ordered people to show the paintings.

Li Yuze's entourage introduced: "Anyone with discerning eyes must have seen it. This is Master Wu's pinnacle work, a picture of a court banquet, but well, it's hard to tell if it's real or not, so please come up and check it carefully, ladies and gentlemen. gone."

Sure enough, halfway through the reward for the painting, all the young masters and ladies who approached the painting fainted.

Li Yuxiao glanced at Li Huang subconsciously: "There is something wrong with this person."

Everyone stretched their necks, and saw a seven-foot-long scroll with a picture of a night banquet in the former court.

Li Yuze just wanted to ask Shang Lihuang to go to the study to say a few words, but before this person walked out of the garden, something happened over there, and he frowned.

After he got out of the carriage, he subconsciously turned around to help the people in the carriage.

Li Huang's heart skipped a beat, she always felt that Li Chuchu was going to do something.

These words made everyone boil.

It was her father who had a vicious vision, and all the noble girls in the capital just picked out such a person for him.

After the words fell, a larger carriage drove up behind him. After the carriage stopped, Gu Chenzhou's handsome face was the first to appear.

Fang clasped his hand and gracefully got off the carriage, Shi Shiran saluted Li Huang and Li Yuxiao.

After she turned around, Fang's face changed slightly, but soon returned to normal.

It seems that Gu Chenzhou's regular wife is not an ordinary person. With Li Chuchu's brain, he wants to beg for food under her hands. It seems that he can bear it.

However, Li Chuchu, who claims to be proficient in this way, has been sitting in his seat, drinking tea silently with his head down.
Li Huang glanced at her strangely, only felt that this woman was abnormal.

The corner of Li Huang's mouth twitched, something was wrong?Something is very wrong.

He kept the painting himself, and he didn't take it out until just now.

"Since His Royal Highness invites people to appreciate the paintings, my husband and I have a lot of experience in this way, so we will come here for a walk."

"My lord laughed. Our carriage broke down shortly after we left the mansion. We stopped for repairs and asked Sister Li to go ahead. The guards of the Eastern Palace also recognized her, and they definitely wouldn't let her in. You Say yes?"

At this time, Li Yuze added another sentence: "If anyone can tell, no matter whether this painting is real or not, I will give him the real painting."

The rules are so good that people can't find any faults.

Moreover, accepting the reality of being expelled from the royal family so quickly is a bit out of Li Chuchu's style.

Li Yuxiao couldn't help but teased aloud.

Li Huang couldn't help but take another look at her. Has this woman changed her gender?

"See King Lin'an, see Eldest Princess."

"Gu Shizi's family is really interesting. He took a wife and a concubine with him when he went out, and they had to go their separate ways."

After finishing speaking, she tugged on Li Yuxiao's sleeve and entered the palace gate first.

Li Chuchu seemed to have noticed her gaze, and looked up at her with a strange smile.

"She said she came with Gu Chenzhou, but she didn't see anyone." Li Yuxiao looked around, and the carriage of Pingyang Hou's Mansion had stopped at the open space on the opposite street corner. He rubbed his chin and muttered , "Is it possible that there is no piece?"

Master Wu's pinnacle work is priceless, and many literati want to buy it back for collection.

Gu Chenzhou's body stiffened instinctively, but he still stretched out his arm, letting her hold it, and limped into the East Palace.

Li Huang raised her eyebrows, as expected of a girl trained by Fang's family, this etiquette is the standard.

That frequent smile showed everyone's demeanor.

After she finished explaining very calmly, she bid farewell to them and slowly entered the gate.

There was a slight unnaturalness on Gu Chenzhou's face, but the smile on Fang's face was still decent, as if the person he mentioned just now had nothing to do with her.

Appreciation of calligraphy and painting is a compulsory course for young masters in aristocratic families, and many people have achieved a little success in this area. On weekdays, they like to go to the Antique Calligraphy and Painting Street to search for some masters' posthumous works.

She said in the most gentle and appropriate tone: "Husband, let's go in quickly, we will be laughed at if we are late."

The entire East Palace was suddenly in turmoil.

"Young Madam Gu is right. It's just that she is willing to let my concubine take the lead. Her demeanor is admirable. She deserves to be a girl trained by the Fang family."

"Quick! Go get the imperial physician!"

After all, these young masters and young ladies are the hearts and minds of the big families. If something goes wrong in the East Palace, even if Li Yuze is the crown prince, he will not be able to escape the blame.

When everyone heard this, they immediately came to Xingzhi.

As a real brother of yours, you can keep your heart calm, so why should I be angry when I am a regular wife who is pressing on her head?
Looking at this Fang's smiling face, Li Huang suddenly read the meaning in her eyes, and immediately raised her eyebrows.

At this time, someone tried to shout: "That painting is poisonous!"

"Impossible, how could there be poison on that painting?"

Unexpectedly, His Royal Highness is really a big hand!
Thinking of this, everyone couldn't sit still, and they all got up and walked towards the painting.

Hearing this, Li Chuchu was not only not angry at all, but even stepped forward to greet the two of them politely.

Li Huang's gaze subconsciously searched for Li Chuchu's figure.

However, where is the shadow of Li Chuchu in the venue?
She yelled inwardly that she was not good, and quickly told the attendants beside her: "Go and find, where is Li Chuchu? And Mrs. Gu, seems to have disappeared."

Unfortunately, Gu Chenzhou was not in the crowd either.

This is interesting.

What do the three of them want to do in the East Palace?
Soon, people from the entire hospital came.

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