Li Yuze looked innocent: "Father, shouldn't you ask Mo Jingzhan about these things? There are not many people in the capital who have the ability to enter and leave the East Palace without leaving a trace, and the minister has done nothing. As for the Fang family, she was also taken away by Huang'er."

As for where he took it, he didn't know.

The old emperor frowned, why was there a bit of resentment in his tone?

Could it be that the brothers and sisters had some troubles?

"Where is Mo Shizi? Didn't come to court today?" the old emperor asked.

The courtiers looked at each other, and finally shook their heads.

Mo Jingzhan's current status, although he is still Prince An's son, has no real official position. Therefore, whether he can go to court depends entirely on whether he wants to come, or whether the emperor has ordered him to come every day.

"Your Majesty, His Highness the Crown Prince is right. In the capital, there is no one else who can have such high martial arts except Mo Shizi. I think it is better to pass Mo Shizi into the palace and ask him face to face. , after all, if His Royal Highness wants to do something, why is it in the East Palace?"

The courtiers standing in line with Li Yuze immediately stood up to speak for Li Yuze.

"Lord Kuang is right, Your Majesty, although Prince Mo is about to become the eldest princess's horse, but his ability is there after all. In order to avoid misunderstanding, it is better to ask him to explain clearly to His Royal Highness."

The few courtiers who alluded to his wolf ambition just now couldn't help but stand up again, pointing at his nose just to preach.

Well, it looks like he's still an acquaintance.

After saying that, he strode into the hall in a black robe, and rushed to the emperor who was standing above him to salute.

All eyes were on Mo Jingzhan. Anyone who said this would have to kneel down in fear to show their loyalty.


"With the pride of your Mo Shizi, is it possible that you will obediently submit to His Highness the Crown Prince in the future?"

Mo Jingzhan raised his eyebrows and looked at the bold courtier.

After all, his ability to be attached to a horse is too good, so it may not be a good thing.

It was this aura that suppressed Li Yuze, the crown prince.

When he stood there, the surrounding courtiers involuntarily retreated into their own queues, and even the few ministers who had justly asked him to confront him before also shut their mouths.


All they think in their hearts is that this blame, even if it has nothing to do with Mo Jingzhan, they must find a way to throw it on him.

"You...why did you do this?" Even Taifu Fang was shocked, pointed at him with trembling fingers and asked, "My Fang family has no grudge against you."

"Exemption." The emperor said indifferently, "You should have heard what Fang Qing and all the loves said just now. I want to hear your opinion."

The old emperor saw the small thoughts of these people at a glance, and immediately sneered, and sat back on the dragon chair with his robe lifted: "Then Xuanmo's son will enter the palace."

Although he had no idea of ​​setting up a female crown prince, looking at the courtiers standing next to him, it was obvious that they all had this kind of worry in their hearts.

"Your lords were right just now. It is true that I infiltrated the East Palace, changed the paintings, and then single-handedly planned the events of yesterday. Even Mrs. Gu's body is still in the Eldest Princess' Mansion at this moment."

Those courtiers standing in line with Li Yuze looked at each other secretly, and they all saw deep fear in each other's eyes.

The whole hall is boiling!

He glanced lightly at Li Yuze who was next to him, cupped his hands and said to the emperor, "Return to Your Majesty, there is indeed a little disagreement between the minister and the Crown Prince, if he ascends the throne in the future, let the minister let him call him around, The minister really can't do it."

Unexpectedly, as soon as the words fell, Mo Jingzhan's cold voice came from His Highness: "No need, I have been waiting for Your Highness for a long time."

However, just when everyone thought that Mo Jingzhan was going to use his sharp tongue to clean up the matter, he nodded and admitted.

The old emperor frowned, pretending to be angry: "Why did you do this?"

He couldn't think of any reason for Mo Jingzhan to harm his Fang family's girl.

Therefore, one of the ministers stood up and boldly said: "Perhaps, you just want to frame His Highness the Crown Prince with this, so that we can unite and bring down the Crown Prince. As for your purpose of doing this, that is Only you know it."

Not to mention the shock of the surrounding ministers, even the emperor sitting at the top was a little surprised.

"See Your Majesty."

However, not only did he not show any trace of panic on his face, he also stood up straight.

To be a queen?
Since the founding of Dayuan, there has never been such a precedent. Isn't this Mo Shizi crazy?
Faced with Mo Jingzhan's forceful question, Kuang Zhulan straightened her back and raised her neck, although she was a little guilty, and said, "Is there something wrong with the officer thinking so?"

Asking this question is not without boldness.

After all, Mo Jingzhan is really outstanding, if Dayuan's country can be handed over to the couple, maybe it can really be improved to a higher level.

Everyone was taken aback by his question, but they didn't expect that he was waiting for them here.

His Majesty's eyes were all on his side, and those ministers who stood in line with Li Yuze had even thought about how they would trip him up if Mo Jingzhan denied it categorically.

"Master Kuang, do you want to say that this son wants to help the eldest princess to be a queen, so he has to help her get rid of the stumbling block of His Highness the crown prince?"

After the words fell, the hall boiled again.

Mo Jingzhan felt that this person was really interesting.

As soon as these words came out, the hall was silent for a while, and soon became noisy again.

This person is none other than Kuang Zhulan, the servant of the household department who stopped Li Yuze outside the palace gate that day to sow discord between their siblings.

Mo Jingzhan spread his hands, his face full of innocence: "Your Majesty, I don't know why I did this, so, those adults who kept implying that this matter is none other than the minister, what do you think is the purpose of this prince's doing this?" ?”

Taifu Fang was very sad. When Mo Jingzhan was off for the scientific examination, he was the main examiner, and he personally presented Mo Jingzhan's answer sheet to the emperor to give him a ranking. How to say it, he is also half a teacher.

"Mo Shizi, it is true that you are capable of writing and martial arts. You are a great talent, but you should have the way to be a minister. Even if you don't admire His Royal Highness, he is a king and you are a minister, and you should not give birth to something that you should not have. mind."

"That is, if you are so rebellious, aren't you afraid of being laughed at by future generations?"

"Fortunately, Mo Shizi still wrote such beautiful policies and theories back then. I didn't expect them to be empty talk."

Several elders of the Hanlin Academy stepped forward, citing scriptures and allusions, spit flying all over the place.

In the end, he knelt directly on the main hall and shouted hoarsely: "Your Majesty, no matter how talented he is, he can't stay with such disobedience!"

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