The princess is above: the power minister's palm favor

Chapter 218 It will get better and better

"That is to say, this clue is broken again."

Li Huang frowned, she really did not expect that the enemy hiding in the dark would be so cunning.

At this time, she thought of the old lady in Pingyang Hou's mansion who claimed to be sick again, and asked: "I heard that the old lady of the Gu family was sick before, please go and give her her pulse, and search Pingyang Hou's mansion again along the way?"

Regarding this point, Mo Jingzhan did not hide it from her, and nodded honestly.

"It's true that the old lady was overly anxious, but she didn't reach that critical condition. It was just a way for the Pingyang Houfu to take the opportunity to spread the news. Now this road is also blocked by me. I want to come to their place. After a while, you will be more honest."

Li Huang thought of Li Chuchu who had been a demon many times, and asked, "The Pingyang Marquis Mansion has been turned into this, and they still plan to keep Li Chuchu!"

Mentioning this, Mo Jingzhan sneered, and said: "The old lady's illness is more or less related to this incident. She wanted to kill that woman, but Gu Shizi kept stopping her for some reason. If the two can't argue, they will get angry."

Li Huang sneered: "Old Madam Gu is the only sober person in the whole house, and the rest are fools."

Now that Li Chuchu doesn't even have the identity of the Huang family, can she still help their Gu family turn over?

However, she really underestimated Li Chuchu's ability.

A few days later, a plague appeared in the capital, and the infection rate was very fast. In just a few days, thousands of people were infected, and more than a hundred people died.

For a time, the people of the whole city panicked.

The imperial physicians were so busy that they kept their feet on the ground, gathering together overnight to study the condition.

But after researching and researching, it is impossible to formulate a suitable medicine, and all those infected with the plague can only be isolated.

At this time, Li Chuchu rushed to the gate of the mansion, and shouted at the patrolling battalions surrounding the mansion: "I have a cure for the plague, and I want to enter the palace to face the saint!"

At this time, neither the doctors in the capital city nor the imperial physicians in the palace could do anything. The people who got the news had no choice but to treat themselves as doctors, and suggested that she write the prescription first.

In this way, Li Chuchu swaggered into the palace, and, in front of all the imperial physicians, wrote down a series of prescriptions eloquently.

And claimed: "Father, this is a dream entrusted to my son by a god. In addition to giving me a good prescription to cure the disease, he also taught me many other skills, such as the art of building bridges and roads..."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone in the hall was shocked.

The theory of ghosts and gods has always been more credible than non-existent. What's more, Li Chuchu, who has never studied medicine, can write down the prescriptions, and if she is pretending to be a ghost...

In the end, the imperial doctor decided to treat a dead horse as a living horse doctor, so he asked someone to boil the medicine, and found a sick maid in the palace to try the effect.

The result was very surprising. After the maid drank the medicine, her symptoms improved significantly.

Emperor Longyan was overjoyed, and immediately ordered people to increase the amount of brewing and distribute it to the common people as soon as possible.

It took less than a month for a rapidly expanding epidemic to be completely stopped.

The common people were grateful for Li Chuchu's prescription, and they all called her a fairy descended from the earth, and spontaneously organized to go to the street and kneel down in front of the gate of Pingyang Marquis Mansion.

When Ling Yuan returned to the mansion to report the news, her face smelled like something.

"Your Highness, you didn't hear that, the people on the street now praise her like a fairy, and even the little quarrel between her and you before has been completely wiped out."

Just pissed her off.

They even said that the things that such a beautiful and kind-hearted fairy might have done before were all misunderstandings.

This person has done a lot of evil, so he was washed clean.

Speaking of this point, Li Huang also admired her, Li Chuchu, who has reached this point, yet still has the ability to turn herself over.

"Have you found out where those diseases came from?"

Li Huang asked.

Ling Yuan nodded: "It's just that a few infected people deliberately entered the city and wandered around, and then infected a large number of people. After achieving their goals, they left the city again."

Therefore, where did those people come from, and who was instigated by them, they became a mystery again.

Li Huang had a terrible headache.

The person behind the scenes really has hands and eyes.

"Your Highness, can we really think that there is nothing we can do?" Ling Yuan just felt very aggrieved, "This time I came to spread the epidemic, what about next time? They won't come to the capital to poison the city, right?"

Besides, why did that person choose Li Chuchu?

Li Huang looked at Mo Jingzhan who was lying leisurely on the soft couch and asked, "What do you think?"

Mo Jingzhan squinted his eyes: "Things seem to be getting more and more interesting. Since someone wants to hug Li Chuchu, let's take a look and see what is so wonderful about this woman."

It is worth the trouble of the black hand behind the scenes.

The common people in the capital went to Pingyang Hou's Mansion to worship every day, even if the old emperor in the palace wanted to pretend not to know.

In desperation, he had no choice but to let the Xuncheng battalion withdraw first. As for the contribution to Li Chuchu's contribution to the prescription, he hadn't figured out how to reward him.

At this time, Shangguan Ling, who saw the embarrassment of the emperor, proposed.

"Your Majesty, since the common people call her the reincarnation of a fairy, why don't you make her a saint, and let her go to the temple to pray for blessings whenever there is an earth dragon turning around or natural or man-made disasters in the future."

If you can't pray for it, this saint is not worthy of her name.

The old emperor's eyes lit up, and he praised again and again: "It really is a hero born a boy, Shangguan Aiqing's idea is very good."

Since the common people want to lift people up to heaven, as an emperor, if he does not conform to the public opinion, he may cause public resentment.

Whether or not she, Li Chuchu, is a fairy descended from the mortal world, won't you know if you exalt her?
"Come on, pass the decree..."

Li Chuchu wholeheartedly wanted to restore her royal status, but never thought that the emperor would directly confer a saint on her.

After the imperial decree was read, she was stunned by the news.

Holy Maiden—

Dayuan has never had this title since the founding of the country.

This is much more honorable than her status as a concubine of the royal family, at least she is loved by the common people.

"Chuchu, that's great."

Gu Chenzhou immediately held Li Chuchu's hand, the scar on his face had faded a lot, and his handsome face was full of sincere smiles.

The emperor made her a saint, so their Pingyang Hou Mansion will follow suit.

"Husband, don't worry, our Pingyang Hou Mansion will get better and better in the future."

Li Chuchu held the imperial decree and threw it into his arms, thinking in his heart, it seems that the ghost-masked man never lied to her.

Gu Chenzhou hugged her waist, and promised: "Since your status is no longer worthy of comparison, if you continue to make you a concubine, I am afraid it will be inappropriate. I will notify the elders of the clan and let them open the ancestral hall immediately."

Li Chuchu's heart skipped a beat, and she looked up at him tenderly with her red face up.

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