"Whether King An has rebelled, isn't your Li Dynasty the clearest?"

"All of Prince An's Mansion has been stolen by you, but you still want to keep me and expect me to submit to you through marriage, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

His words, like a spell, lingered in Di Lihuang's ears repeatedly, lingering.

From time to time, there was a huge pain in her heart, which made her almost unable to breathe.

For a moment, she felt like a fish that landed on the shore, and no matter how hard she struggled, she couldn't get back into the water.

Just when she was about to suffocate, a familiar voice sounded anxiously.

"Your Highness, wake up, what's wrong with you, Your Highness?"

Someone shook her arm vigorously yet gently, and she suddenly sat up in shock, breathing heavily.

A soft veil was stuck to her cheek, wiping the sweat off her face.

"Your Highness is having nightmares again?"

Li Huang gasped for a few breaths, her eyes gradually focused, and then she saw clearly that the person in front of her was Mo Jingzhan.

Thinking of the scene in the dream, she subconsciously pushed him away.

Mo Jingzhan frowned at her reaction: "Your Highness, did you dream of me?"

Otherwise, how to explain the flash of defense in her eyes when she saw him?
Li Huang shook her head: "No, I just think you are too close to me, I can't breathe."

Her insincere words made Mo Jingzhan's doubts even bigger.

However, he didn't continue to ask, but quietly retreated to the side: "If your Highness needs anything, call me, I'm on the side."

When Li Huang heard this, she immediately waved her hands: "No need, you go back and rest, just let Ling Yuan come in and watch over me."

Now, Mo Jingzhan is even more sure that her nightmare this time has something to do with him.

It's not possible, she dreamed that he took away their Li Shi Dynasty's country in the dream, right?

how can that be!

Ever since he met her, he had stopped thinking about it. Where did her dream come from?

Seeing that their wedding day was approaching, he couldn't let things go wrong.

The next day, the news sent to investigate the Luo family's childbirth came back.

"Your Highness, the maids and nurses who knew the exact date of Luo's pregnancy are no longer alive. As for that doctor Feng, there is no such person in his registered household address at all."

Mu Feng handed the message back to Li Huang.

"When the imperial court reviewed it, it was obvious that someone helped Imperial Physician Feng cover up."

If not, there is no reason for the court not to know the address of such a person whose address has not been found.

Since the identity is forged, there are only two possibilities for the identity of this Imperial Physician Feng, one is a wanted fugitive, and the other is that this person is not from Dayuan.

Li Huang threw the note into the brazier, and the note instantly turned to ashes.

"Go and find out who came to the capital recently. If there are any foreigners, report the suspicious people."

Mu Feng clasped his fists in response, and stepped back.

Li Huang rubbed the center of her brows, always feeling that something big is going to happen recently, especially that Li Chuchu, who has not been found yet.

She always felt that this woman would do something else.

"Your Highness, it's been two or three days since the common people of Li escaped from the prison. People patrolling the city camp searched everywhere, but they couldn't find anyone. Could it be that she has already left the city?"

Ling Yuan took the straw paper filled with the relationship between the Pingyang Hou Mansion and the Luo family, and looked left and right, but she couldn't figure out how the Pingyang Hou Mansion was related to that vicious woman in the Luo family.

It's unlikely that when she was still a girl in the uncle's mansion, she thought that her daughter would marry Gu Shizi in the future, right?

Li Huang shook her head: "No, she must still be in the capital."

In the past few days, the gates of the major cities have been checked very strictly. Let alone a living person like Li Chuchu who wants to sneak out, it is impossible to fly out even with a fly.

And that Luo family, Concubine Xu said that she is still alive, but so far no one has been found, and it is not known whether she is still hiding in the palace or has slipped out of the city.

The old emperor has improved a lot in the past two days, but after all, he has just been detoxified, and his energy level is still low. All the affairs of the previous court can only be handled by Li Yuze.

Seeing that the wedding was less than half a month away, Li Huang felt even more uneasy.

She is still not sure what Mo Jingzhan's attitude towards King An's rebellion is.

At the same time, Concubine Xu, who was ordered to take care of Yan's family, suddenly suffered from abdominal pain. When the imperial doctor arrived, she was already dying.

At that time, Princess Anyang and his wife just arrived in the capital. As soon as they entered the palace, they heard that Concubine Xu had died.

This news is like a bolt from the blue!

"Elder Princess, Concubine Xu committed suicide by cutting her veins, and here is the bloody handwriting she left behind!"

The imperial physician who went to treat her took a piece of cloth that was suspected to be torn from her clothes, and held it in front of Princess Anyang with both hands.

Princess Anyang took it over, and there was only a short sentence written on it: Anyang, the concubine mother is guilty, and she knows that there is no way out.

Princess Anyang trembled, clutching the piece of cloth tightly, her tears bursting instantly.

Regarding Concubine Xu's murder of the emperor, the palace had already sent someone from the palace to deliver a letter to them urgently. They traveled day and night to come back as soon as possible to see each other for the last time.

However, it is still a step late.

The imperial physician: "Elder Princess, my condolences."

Anyang glared at the imperial physician with scarlet eyes: "Your Majesty did not order my mother and concubine to be executed, how did she get the sharp weapon to cut the pulse?"

"How on earth do you people in the Shenxing Division guard? How can you let people die?"

The entire Shenxing Division was so frightened that they immediately knelt down.

"Elder Princess, there were no sharp weapons in the prison cell, but yesterday Concubine Xu broke a bowl and deliberately hid a piece of it, that's why..."

The tiles were all in pieces, and no one thought that she would secretly hide one.

Anyang sneered: "Is it stupid to be my mother? If it is really my mother and concubine who wants to commit suicide, then you can't see the blood flowing all over the place?"

How much blood and how long does it take to bleed before the imperial doctor has no chance to rescue him?
"This..." The people in Shenxing Division were stopped for a while, they looked at me and I looked at you, but they didn't know how to answer.

Seeing their reaction, Anyang became even more certain of his conjecture, and turned around to find the old emperor to decide.

Unexpectedly, just as she arrived outside the bedroom, she was stopped by the imperial guards.

"Elder Princess, Your Majesty's dragon body is sick and is recuperating. If you have anything to do, please go to His Royal Highness the Crown Prince."

Anyang's face was livid: "You are presumptuous!"

"My palace wants to see the emperor now, and I'm afraid His Royal Highness still can't decide!"

After saying that, she pushed the forbidden army away, and rushed inside.

The imperial guards didn't expect that she would dare to barge in, and even pulled out the weapon at her waist.

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