"A...posthumous child?"

Princess Anyang really didn't know about this.

In order to fight for the throne, those brothers stumbling each other, until the end of the fight, the only one left alive is the current emperor.

Everyone thought that the first emperor had no choice but passed the throne to the current emperor.

Naturally, regarding the death of the other brothers, many people also speculated that it was the work of the current Holy Majesty.

"Yes, it's the posthumous child." Luo's lips curled into a smile, "The eldest prince back then, that is, the King of Qin, was the crown prince that His Majesty really wanted to pass on to the throne. It's a pity, because it was revealed that he killed two brothers with his own hands. When he came out, he was betrayed and beheaded because of the anger of the public."

"But no one thought that the King of Qin had a concubine at the time, who was not on the list of the King Qin's mansion, so she escaped unharmed."

Princess Anyang: "!!!"

"An unregistered concubine, who can prove that she gave birth to my elder brother's child?"

The Luo family knew that she would ask such a question, so he said: "Back then, King Qin sent his cronies to escort that concubine out of the city. They can prove that the woman had a child in her womb before she left King Qin's mansion."

"In addition, the King of Qin gave the mother and son a jade plaque that can prove their identities. I have seen it with my own eyes, and it is true."

Anyang: "..."

There are both human and material evidence, it seems that this matter cannot be faked.

If the candidate for the crown prince favored by the late emperor was really the king of Qin, then the current position is wrong.

"Princess Dachang, there is a saying that a good bird chooses a tree to live in. What's more, King Qin's lineage is orthodox. Today, he is not qualified to sit on this dragon chair. Now, a large number of knowledgeable people have gathered around the posthumous son of King Qin. Gentleman, the overthrow of today is just around the corner, why don't His Highness abandon the darkness and turn to the light as soon as possible?"

The last sentence undoubtedly became the last grass that overwhelmed the camel.

Since the other party has power, it is undoubtedly the best for her to fight for success at this moment.

Luo Shi saw that her heart was moving, so he hastened to add another sentence: "We women live in this world, don't we all live for our children? If you can give your son and daughter a title, it will not be much better than now ?”

Both left and right are the blood of the royal family, and the common people don't care much about who is the emperor, as long as they can survive.

Princess Anyang thought for a moment, and finally uttered a word: "Okay."

On the other side, after Li Huang returned to the eldest princess' mansion, A Yuan brought in soup.

"Your Highness, this is the snow clam that has been stewed in the kitchen for a day. You should drink some. I see that you haven't slept very well recently. In order not to look bad on the wedding day, you should make up more."

As she spoke, she picked up a bowl and filled it for her.

Ling Yuan stared at the pot of soup, she didn't dare to let Li Huang drink it, so she said, "Ah Yuan, the imperial doctor said that His Highness has overdone it recently, you should take this snow clam."

A Yuan glanced at her in surprise, and then looked at Li Huang with concern: "Your Highness, are you uncomfortable?"

Li Huang looked tired, and waved at her: "I really don't have much appetite recently, you should take the soup down and share it with everyone."

Ah Yuan hesitated for a moment, but in order not to arouse suspicion, she still carried the soup as she said.

As soon as she left, Ling Yuan quietly followed her back.

After the woman brought the soup back to the kitchen, she didn't share the soup with others, but poured it directly into the slop bucket.

However, she quickly picked up a few more appetizers, mixed a cold appetizer, and then scrambled for everyone to bring the dinner over.

Ling Yuan watched for a long time, but she didn't see the woman put anything in the food, so she was still a little puzzled.

However, this woman was taught by the Luo family alone, and she didn't believe that she would do nothing if she sneaked into the eldest princess's mansion.

When the food was served on the table, Ling Yuan sent everyone away.

She leaned close to Li Huang's ear and whispered: "Your Highness, this servant didn't see her touch the food, could it be that our thinking is wrong?"

Li Huang picked up a chopstick of food, put it on the tip of his nose and smelled it: "Maybe, she is learning to be smart, right?"

If she really messed with the food, then she would easily suspect her.

Therefore, she must either do it elsewhere, or the time has not yet come.

But just in case, all the dowries were prepared for her by the clothing bureau.

No matter how much Li Chuchu acts like a monster, she won't be in a hurry on the wedding day.

However, she had calculated thousands of times, but she didn't realize that the fake product made a fuss in the mansion, and it seemed that she wanted Li Huang to make a fool of herself on the wedding day.

In fact, these are just blindfolds. She has only one purpose from the beginning to the end, that is, she wants to make this marriage completely impossible.

In the blink of an eye, most of the time has passed.

Seeing that the divorce period was still three days away, Li Chuchu felt that the time was almost up, so in the name of Li Huang, he went to Prince An's Mansion to send a letter to Mo Jingzhan.

At that time, Mo Jingzhan was not in the mansion, and the housekeeper who took care of the house picked him up.

When the butler heard that it was related to the eldest princess, he immediately sent someone to call Mo Jingzhan back.

After Mo Jingzhan read the note, his expression was very strange.

Li Huang hasn't sent anyone to send him a letter for nearly half a month, and he's about to get married soon, will he have a private meeting with him?

Besides, the person who came to deliver the letter was still that impostor.

However, for Li Huang's safety, he still decided to go to the appointment.

The place where the note was written was in an elegantly decorated tea house in the south of the city.

There were very few people in the teahouse, and the shopkeeper led him into the largest private room.

Just as the tea was served, someone opened the door and came in.

Mo Jingzhan's eyes flickered for a moment, and when he was about to speak, the visitor's eyes turned red: "Mo Shizi is very supportive, if I don't invite you, you really can't bear to see him for half a month."

This demeanor, this tone, although it is quite similar to that.

However, Mo Jingzhan just felt that the person in front of him acted a little awkwardly.

He rubbed the wall of the cup and glanced at her: "Isn't His Highness trying to alienate you? Why are you complaining about this?"

Li Huang was furious and wanted to punch his chest, but he grabbed his wrist.

"Your Highness is in a hurry. We won't get married in three days." Mo Jingzhan looked straight into her eyes, "I've never seen His Highness take the initiative before."

Li Huang's face became hot, and she shyly said: "Let go!"

Unexpectedly, at this time, the door of the private room opened again, and a figure in the same clothes walked in.

Mo Jingzhan turned his head away, then froze for a moment, and quickly pushed the person in front of him away.

Intuition told him that he was going to be bad today.

Sure enough, after entering the door, the man's face turned black.

She asked flatly: "What are you doing?"

The woman in the private room has a face exactly like hers, even the hair accessories on her head are exactly the same.

Moreover, seeing how intimate the two of them were just now, are they planning to kiss each other?

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