Although Ling Yuan didn't understand what the relationship between Yun Wai Lou and the real and fake Ah Yuan was, she didn't ask any further questions and quickly withdrew.

Sure enough, that counterfeit went out to buy things for Li Huang on the pretext of half an hour ago, and never came back.

"Your Highness, that fake has indeed escaped, and the slave has already sent someone to Yunwailou. Do you suspect that the people in Yunwailou know about Ah Yuan's whereabouts?"

Li Huang took a sip of tea: "Originally, I wasn't very sure, it was just a guess."

If he didn't know where the real Ah Yuan was, how could he tell at a glance that it was a counterfeit?
Moreover, it's no secret that the eldest princess's mansion has been flying like dogs and dogs in the past ten days, as long as you pay a little attention, you will know.

However, at this moment, a familiar voice came from outside the door: "Your Highness, this servant is back."

Hearing this voice, both Li Huang and Ling Yuan couldn't help but their hearts jumped.

Yuan is back!
"Your Highness, the servants are incompetent and were caught. As a result, His Highness's dowry has not yet been prepared."

As soon as Ah Yuan entered the door, she knelt down in front of Li Huang, lowered her head, her face was full of shame.

If she didn't notice for a while and was tricked out, it wouldn't have given that common man Li Chuchu a chance to succeed.

Li Huang stretched out his hand to help her up: "Get up, I'm not stupid, if someone else sneaked into the mansion, can I not know?"

"So, their small actions did not cause any loss to the palace."

"It's you, where have you been for so many days? Nothing happened, and I didn't send someone back to report."

Speaking of this, Ah Yuan felt even more guilty: "The servant girl was rescued by Yunwailou just after she was arrested. The servant girl was supposed to come back to report, but the people in Yunwailou said that this would startle the snake and they wanted to catch it. The mastermind behind the scenes can only rest for a while."

If she had known that Li Chuchu could do so many things, she could even find a little beggar to send Ling Yuan a note.

Now, the woman has been hustling in the mansion for a while, and she probably hasn't prepared any of the dowry.

The more I think about it, the more I regret it.

Seeing her like this, Ling Yuan couldn't help it anymore: "I said, when did you become such a mother-in-law? Since His Highness recognized it as a fake at a glance, why didn't you have any preparations?"

A Yuan raised her head in a daze, glanced at her, then looked at Li Huang: "Your Highness, Ling Yuan means..."

Li Huang nodded: "The dowry can't be ruined, didn't the Department of Clothing Bureau prepare a copy?"

When her majestic eldest princess gets married, the dowry will naturally be supervised by the imperial court. As for the things in her mansion, they are just icing on the cake.

It's impossible for Li Chuchu not to know, so she did that just to cover up her real purpose.

However, today's appearance, she obviously failed.

So, what else is she going to do?
Thinking of that dream, Li Huang's eyelids couldn't help jumping up again.

Mo Jingzhan's reaction just now cannot be said to be exactly the same as the scene in the dream, but the feeling is not far from it.

"Your Highness, I see that Prince Mo is really unreliable. Is the wedding really going to be held as promised?"

Ling Yuan asked with a worried face.

She actually felt that the two of them didn't know each other well enough, so it might be inappropriate to be in such a hurry to get married.

Regarding that absurd dream, except for Mo Jingzhan, Li Huang never talked about it with anyone.

Therefore, Lingyuan only saw Mo Jingzhan's reaction in the private room before, and she was very worried. If she knew that he might even draw his sword at her master at the wedding, she might not be able to bear it. I ran into the palace privately to sue the imperial court and asked the emperor to cancel this marriage.

"Why not?" Li Huang raised his eyebrows, "I just want to see what Li Chuchu can do at my wedding."

At the same time, she also wanted to follow the vine of Luo's mother and daughter to find out the black hand behind them.

It should be sooner rather than later, and she doesn't want a black hand to do something behind her back from time to time, which will affect the stability of their Dayuan.

On the other side, Mo Jingzhan stared at Xiao Yunlan's hand giving him the pulse, and frowned: "What? You can't see it?"

Xiao Yunlan sighed, and said: "Young master, you are not poisoned. If it is within the scope of the doctor's poison, I can definitely see it."

However, his pulse was strong and powerful, and his complexion was normal, so it didn't look like he was poisoned.

As for what Mo Jingzhan described, he didn't see it with his own eyes, so it's really hard to make a conclusion.

Mo Jingzhan withdrew his hand dumbly, and opened his lips: "Trash, what do you want?"

Xiao Yunlan choked up, then refused to accept: "Your Highness, shouldn't you think carefully about what happened before you saw that woman?"

After all, he is also a genius doctor. No matter how many people in the world want to ask him to come to see him, they can't do so.

How did this get in front of him, he became a waste!
Mo Jingzhan frowned, and carefully recalled all the details after he entered the private room, and finally he could only utter one sentence: "That woman once wanted to touch me, but I stopped her. "

He thought about it carefully, that woman acted so fake, but still deliberately acted like she was going to act like a baby to him.

In any case, he did have physical contact with her.

Could it be that at that moment, what did that woman do to him?
"I'm not very clear about this situation, but Mo Yu has always been good at this kind of magic, so I'll send a letter to her to come to the capital."

It's just that he wasn't sure if their wedding would go on smoothly after calling people over...

Xiao Yunlan was almost dying of worry.

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, it's the wedding day.

Li Huang was dug out of the bed by A Yuan early in the morning, pressed against the side of the bronze mirror, and began to wash and put on her makeup.

Li Huang snorted, squinted her eyes and let the bridesmaids fiddle with her, until the phoenix crown weighed down on her neck, and she finally woke up from dozing off.

"Your Highness, let's have something to eat first, the bridal chamber will take a long time tonight."

Ling Yuan brought her two plates of snacks and kept urging the people below.

"Xifu checked carefully, if there are any leaks, take care of your skin."

"Have you cleared up the dowry? Where's the sedan chair? Have you checked it? Are there any other things you need to cross the brazier?"

"Be careful with everything, if anything goes wrong, don't blame me for not reminding you."

A group of servants responded again and again: "Yes."

Because they were messed up by Li Chuchu before, they were afraid that something might go wrong, so they checked everything she handled carefully.

Other than the occasional one or two items being vandalized, there were no other issues.

However, they were on all possible precautions, but they still failed to guard against the bridegroom himself.

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