Mrs. Xu, no, she should be called Mrs. Yu now.

Holding the warm Heli book, her eyes were red with excitement.

She didn't expect that He Lishu, which she had been thinking of so much, would be so easily obtained.

From now on, she no longer has to worry about people from the Xu family coming to trouble her.

"Since the matter has been resolved, the body deed will be returned to you."

Li Huang pushed the deed to Madam Yu, but she was pushed back by Madam Yu.

She said sincerely: "Your Highness, without you, the slave family might have to struggle in the mud pit of the Xu family. Now that this contract is signed, the slave family is His Highness's person. In the future, the slave family is willing to fight for His Highness." Manage business and fill the treasury."

As she spoke, she knelt down and bowed deeply.

After this period of contact, she can be considered to understand Li Huang, as long as she does things with all her heart, she is very good to the servants.

She knew in her heart that everything in this world was exchanged.

She will first try to hand over part of the property to the other party, and as soon as she sees the results, she will gradually hand over the rest of the property to her.

If you can't find out, the magistrate doesn't need to keep his head!

Pingyanghou was arrested, Gu Chenban is the last hope of Pingyanghoufu, he will never sit still.

Sure enough, there was a group of people waiting to block them on that road, but they were all caught up.

Ling Yuan said with a worried face.

Li Yuze was afraid that he would be angry again, so he quickly comforted him: "Father calm down, the third younger brother will definitely investigate and understand this matter. The most important thing at present is to publish this news and announce it to the world, so as not to be caught again. What people say is what offended God."

"That's good, so Bibi can trust me a bit more." Li Huang took back the deed, "But if Mrs. Yu wants to marry someone to live her own life, just tell me, Bengong I will return the deed to you."

Upon hearing this, Madam Yu quickly kowtowed: "Thank you, Your Highness, the eldest princess. My family is willing to follow the eldest princess for the rest of my life. Even if I get married in the future, my family is also willing to continue doing business for the eldest princess."

After getting into the carriage, Ling Yuan asked, "Your Highness really intends to hand over the property in the Fuchu to Madam Yu?"

Li Huang raised her eyebrows: "Did you catch someone?"

Mu Feng nodded: "It's Marquis Pingyang."

Li Huang was also somewhat interested, based on her understanding of Marquis Pingyang, even if he wanted to kill someone, he would never do it himself.

Someone buried hundreds of catties of gunpowder underground in Pengcheng!

He immediately reported the situation here to Feige back to the capital.

The celestial phenomena that the Qin Tianjian has not observed are man-made in all likelihood.

Madam Yu responded and watched her go out, and then she breathed a sigh of relief.

Just abominable!
"Check, let me check carefully, where did the gunpowder come from, and how did they get into Pengcheng? Then what do the prefects of Pengcheng do? Such a large batch of gunpowder entered his territory, he Can't see it?"

The old emperor's eyes were heavy: "You go and call Mo Shizi into the palace."

Only when she signed the deed of selling herself would the eldest princess use her with confidence. Similarly, the eldest princess would protect her unconditionally.

There is a saying that a good bird chooses a tree to live in. Instead of letting those rich and powerful oppress and sway her peers in the future, she might as well choose a strong and big tree to take advantage of.

After being reminded by him, the old emperor calmed down, and he sneered: "I just said, why is it such a coincidence that the earth dragon turned around?"

"This is an urgent military report from the border [-] miles away. Baili, Turkic, Dongyu, and Baiyue have already stockpiled troops on the border of Dayuan."

The emperor who got the news was so angry that he almost smashed the dragon case.

"The dungeon of the Three Continents is indestructible, and they dare not. There is General Ye in the south, and the second younger brother in the southwest. But in the northwest, the old generals are not strong enough, and the young generals have not yet been able to stand on their own, but it is a bit difficult."

Li Yuze silently took out a booklet from his sleeve and handed it over.

"Your Highness, you really are no longer in the Marquis of Pingyang, and your subordinates have notified the gates of the city to strictly investigate those who leave the city."

"Okay, the matter has been settled, I won't stay any longer." She got up and was about to leave, "Madam, there is no need to see you off."

On the other side, Li Yuxiao's soldiers rushed to Pengcheng with supplies in three routes, constantly changing routes on the way, and released false news that he was about to take a shortcut by water to Pengcheng.

"Your Highness, since Marquis Pingyang dared to do it himself, it means that they have already found a way out for themselves, and we should have made preparations earlier."

Li Yuze: "Father, it's not a day or two since they wanted to rebel. They came here during the Chinese New Year just to find out the truth. Now they must have got some news. They know that we will not be able to take care of both inside and outside, so they are strong." Take the courage to unite and attack."

Li Huang nodded: "A woman who even the richest man in Jiangnan is unwilling to let go shows that she must be capable. Looking at her in the capital in the past few months, she has opened several shops one after another, and they are all profitable."

After all, if he was caught, he would have no excuse to escape.

How about saying that Mrs. Yu is a smart person?

Li Huang's eyes darkened: "No, Gu Chenzhou is afraid to run away."


It has to be said that Mrs. Yu is a smart person, and Li Huang likes smart people.

Just in case, Li Yuxiao sent people to investigate the ground secretly, which really made them find it tricky.

After Mu Feng took the order to retreat, he came back soon.

He laughed back angrily: "These people still come to worship and pay tribute during the Chinese New Year. How long has it been since they planned to join forces to rebel?"

The chief steward of the eldest princess's mansion is no worse than the title of wife of the richest man in the south of the Yangtze River.

When the old emperor heard this, he immediately sat up straight, took the booklet and scanned it, then fell on the desk.

"Notify the gate of the city that Gu Chenzhou should not be allowed to escape from the city."

Afterwards, they traveled day and night and arrived in Pengcheng a few days earlier.

Li Huang nodded, as long as the city gate is locked, Gu Chenzhou won't be able to fly out even with wings.

There is such a big commotion, so many people died, and finally caused his precious daughter to bear the blame for so long, there is no reason for it!
"Father, there is one more thing, you have to be steady."

As soon as the master and servant returned to Prince An's Mansion, Mu Feng came to report: "Your Highness, someone has been sent to the prison of Dali Temple in an attempt to poison Mr. Cheng to death."

If Mrs. Yu has always been a partner with her, she really can't rest assured that she can handle some things.

Li Yuze was stunned: "Father is planning to send Mo Jingzhan? But since the beginning of the dynasty, there hasn't been anyone who has a horse and can command an army..."

He thought that the reason why the emperor granted the marriage was to take the opportunity to take back the military power in Mo Jingzhan's hands.

Unexpectedly, the old emperor snorted: "Then you go ask the civil and military of the Manchu Dynasty, who can go to the northwest to defend against the enemy?"

What the northwest has to face is Baiyue's gang of dead but not stiff old cowhide, even the brave Rong family army back then, didn't they also suffer from them?

Who dares to go?

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