The princess is above: the power minister's palm favor

Chapter 260 Little Marquis Zhang Jing

Li Yuze thought about all the generals in the dynasty, and found that no one could deal with Xiyue's barbarians.

If Marquis Rong An is still alive, he can give it a try.

But now, Marquis Rong An is no longer there, and the outstanding disciples who guarded the border with Marquis Rong An all died in battle.

The youngest son of the Marquis of Rong An is now the supporter of the Rong family, but he is not naturally suitable for martial arts, so he is a civil servant.

Let him kill the enemy, it is better to let him die.

At this moment, someone from the palace came in to report: "Your Majesty, the young master of the Rong family has returned to Beijing and is asking to see you outside the palace gate."

The father and son were stunned for a moment, Li Yuze raised his eyebrows: "So fast?"

The news he received yesterday said he was hundreds of miles away.

The palace man replied respectfully: "Your Highness, Young Master Rong has got the news that Xiyue is trying to invade our border of Dayuan again, so he hurried back to the capital."

When the old emperor heard this, he immediately regained his spirits: "Did he come for Xiyue?"

For some reason, the old emperor suddenly had some expectations for the youngest son of the Rong family who fled the capital since he was a child.

Perhaps, even if the son raised by Marquis Rong'an can't practice martial arts, he still has a good brain, right?

"Quick, Xuan come in."

The palace servants took orders and immediately went to invite Rong Xiaohou into the palace.

Young Master Rong is only in his early thirties now. Although he is a civil servant, his brows reveal the heroic spirit of the Rong family in bloody battles.

As soon as he entered the hall, he kowtowed in front of the emperor and said, "The honorable seat of my humble minister is to see Your Majesty."

"Your Majesty, I am willing to personally lead the troops to the northwest and drive Xiyue out of my abyss."

The emperor was stunned for a moment, but he still asked hesitantly: "Rong Aiqing, swords have no eyes on this battlefield, you are a literati..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was stopped by the honorary seat: "Your Majesty, I am a commander-in-chief. You only need to command the army in the rear, and you don't need to go to the battlefield to fight in person. Besides, throughout the ages, It is not an example that no civil servants went to the battlefield to command and won the battle."

"Your Majesty, if the debt between my Rong family and Xiyue cannot be recovered with my own hands, how can I have the face to face my ancestors underground after a hundred years?"

The old emperor was silent, and said: "Rong Aiqing, even if I approve you, how do you plan to convince the public?"

In the army, no matter what your status is, they only serve those who are capable.

Otherwise, even the prince, they would not obey the command.

What's more, half of those guarding the northwest border are from Pingyanghou.

Now that Marquis Pingyang has been captured and Gu Chenzhou has escaped, those people will not listen to the honorary seat.

Rong Xi was confident when he heard the words: "Your Majesty, you know, what is the meaning of the red cherry gun that Marquis Pingyang kept in his mansion?"

The emperor didn't know why he suddenly brought up the gun, but he still asked cooperatively, "What's the meaning?"

Rong Xi said: "Your Majesty, there is a list hidden in that gun. The people on that list are the nails that Pingyang Hou hid in Rong's army back then. His Majesty must have sent someone to check the list. "

"The people who can be found on the list are either dead or missing, and the rest are found to be no such person. I wonder if Weichen is right?"

The emperor shrank his pupils and subconsciously stood up.

"You know that list?"

Rong Xi nodded: "In the battle between my father and Xiyue, everyone thought it was my father's improper command, but who knew that it was all a conspiracy formed by Pingyanghou and Xiyue in advance."

"The people on that list are all from Xiyue, and they withdrew to Xiyue after the incident was completed."

So, that's why they couldn't find out the background of those people after searching for so long.

These, in fact, Mo Jingzhan had guessed before, but it was not confirmed, and he just mentioned it to the old emperor.

Now that Rong Xi said so himself, the old emperor looked at Rong Xi more seriously.

"You mentioning this list, how does it relate to how you convince the public?"

Only then did Rong Xi start to talk about the key points: "Your Majesty, how did these people get into my Rong family's army back then? As long as I let my ministers go to the northwest border, within three days, I will definitely make those people obey."

As long as you pick a few guilty ones out to kill chickens and respect monkeys, are you afraid that others will be disobedient?

What's more, he didn't really do nothing in Yongzhou these years.

His Rong family has been in the army for generations, but when he came to him, his roots were cut off.

The emperor saw that he was confident, so he stopped talking, but Li Yuze couldn't help asking: "Young Lord Rong, if you go to the border, you won't be able to sleep comfortably in a tent at the rear. You have to understand the art of war and tactics." ..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was cut off by the honor seat: "This minister comes from a family of generals, and the art of war strategy is a compulsory course. Please rest assured, Your Highness."

Li Yuze pursed his lips. To be honest, he was not very relieved.

After all, handing over the control of the border to a person who has never led a soldier, if something goes wrong, the consequences will be disastrous.

But how poisonous are the emperor's eyes?
At a glance, he could see that the light in the eyes of the young man in front of him was brighter than ever before.

He was also young, and even today, he still has a big heart.

Therefore, he nodded: "Okay, as long as you can do it, I will hand over the Northwest Army to you again, but if it fails..."

The latter words are self-evident.

Rong Xi bowed immediately, with a solemn expression on his face: "If it fails, there are hundreds of people in my Rong family, and they are willing to listen to His Majesty."

In other words, he is willing to bet his whole family's life for this chance of a comeback.

Seeing that he was so forthright, the old emperor immediately made a decision and said: "Okay, then you can send troops to go out immediately. When you return, I will hold a celebration banquet for you."

Rong Xi's eyes lit up, and he immediately said loudly: "Thank you, Your Majesty!"

After speaking, he strode back out.

Li Yuze looked worried: "Father, do you want to send a few more military advisers to Young Master Rong to follow, if this..."

The old emperor waved his hand: "It's okay, he must not have that ability, and he doesn't dare to gamble his whole family's life. Even if the border is broken, wouldn't there be your second brother?"

In the final analysis, he was indirectly involved in the matter of the Rong Family Army.

I believe that Li Yuheng wants to avenge the revenge of those years more than anyone else.

The news of Rong Xi's return to Beijing spread quickly.

When Li Huang got the news, he looked at Mo Jingzhan in surprise: "Isn't it two days before we arrive? You sent him a letter?"

Mo Jingzhan didn't deny it either: "The matter of the Rong family's army is ultimately the enmity of his Rong family, and he needs to understand it himself."

He had received the news of Xiyue's rise of troops two days earlier, and sent a copy to the honorary seat in advance.

Others don't know the strength of Rong Xi, but he knows it clearly.

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