Firstly, the eldest prince committed the crime of robbing and beheading his entire family, not to mention his blood, even a housemaid could not escape, so how could he leave his blood?

"The first eldest prince's crimes are horrendous, and the late emperor will never allow a trace of blood to be left behind!"

Li Mohan stared at him with dark eyes: "What nonsense are you talking about? My father was just framed. If the late Emperor hadn't been guilty, how could he have allowed me to survive?"

Marquis Pingyang looked up to the sky and laughed loudly as if he had heard some joke: "It's been more than 20 years, and this Marquis has never heard such ridiculous words."

He stopped smiling suddenly, and stared at Li Mohan with sharp eyes: "Back then, the first prince personally planned to kill the second and third princes, then blamed the fourth prince, sent people to assassinate the fifth prince, and ambushed the sixth prince. If it wasn't for the fact that the current sage is far away in the fiefdom, I'm afraid that he would inevitably be slaughtered by him."

"It's just such a blood-debt person, and you're still here to complain for him?"

"The first emperor also hoped that he would be wronged, but when the house was ransacked, do you know what was hidden in his secret room?"

Li Mohan fixed his eyes on him, unable to believe what he heard.

However, he still asked, "What did you find?"

Marquis Pingyang smiled coldly, and said word by word: "I found the dragon robe! The first eldest prince had long been plotting against him, and planned to force the late emperor to abdicate after killing all his brothers."

Li Mohan was greatly shocked, and shook his head again and again: "No, it's impossible! You're talking nonsense! Who are you? Who arranged for you to tell me this here? Who?"

He roared hoarsely, and his roar echoed throughout the cell.

Marquis Pingyang smiled calmly, straightened his back, and said proudly: "This Marquis is Marquis Pingyang, who was in charge of copying the Grand Prince's mansion back then was Ben Marquis, what Ben Marquis said is true, if there is even half a lie, let me My son who was on the run was caught immediately."

Li Mohan: "!!!"

He has heard of what Pingyang Hou and his son did.

What surprised him was that Marquis Pingyang was already a dead fish on the chopping board, yet he wanted to speak for Jinshang.

Could it be that what he said was true?
That night, Li Mohan's entire worldview was turned upside down.

When Li Mohan entered the prison of Dali Temple, several families were really happy and some were sad.

Originally, the emperor asked him to cooperate with the Ministry of Rites to organize the scientific examination, but when he went in, things had to be rearranged.

This is too busy for the officials of the Ministry of Rites.

As the students came to the capital one after another, Madam Yu's library also opened.

No matter the students from the poor family or the children from the rich family, they were very curious about this kind of library that they had never heard of before, and they went shopping one after another.

The decoration of Yu's Library is more warm and elegant than that of Yu's Tea House. Moreover, there is a screen between each seat, which can ensure that people who read books will not be disturbed.

The tea and snacks are made in the backyard, and they will never disturb the guests inside to read.

The shopkeeper's counter is set at the entrance, and a big signboard is erected at the entrance. The rules for entering the store and reading books are clearly written, so you can know it at a glance.

Only three days after its opening, more than half of the guests in the capital went to Yu's Teahouse, and the other half went to Yu's Library.

The shopkeeper of Yuzhenlou fiddled with the abacus, feeling a little angry.

It's been half a month, and the business is not as good as the daily revenue of a store. How can I hand this account to the owner?
The more you think, the more angry you are.

No, he can't sit still and wait for death. That woman surnamed Yu is not a human being, so don't blame him for being rude!

Didn't she want to do business for students?
Who doesn't have a scholar anymore!
The next day.

Madam Yu was calculating the bill at the counter, when suddenly a sharp voice sounded: "Shopkeeper, what's the matter? Why do you have bugs in your dim sum? Could it be that this is bullying us poor students for not giving us enough money?"

The voice was not low at all, not only the people on the first floor heard it, but even the people sitting on the second floor heard it.

He directly brought the poor student in, instantly attracting everyone's attention.

There is no doubt that most of those who can sit here for half a day are students from poor families.

Madam Yu frowned, looked up at the person who was speaking, and saw a young man in his early twenties with somewhat sinister eyes, walking towards this side with a plate of snacks.

Looking at the material of the clothes on his body, it is actually the best brocade.

Such a person, poor family?
Madam Yu secretly sneered, perhaps it wasn't her opponent who came here to mess with her.

Seeing that she didn't show any timidity on her face, the man put the plate in his hand heavily in front of her, and said arrogantly: "If your library doesn't give a reasonable explanation today, my son will make everyone in the whole capital stand up." You know, your Yu Family Library, relying on the support of the eldest princess, doesn't pay attention to poor students like us at all."

"It's the same dim sum, but if you give it to us, it's not clean, and if you give it to the rich, it's the top quality ingredients. Why? Isn't it your own rule that you can sit here for a day for just a cup of tea?"

With a few words, he mobilized the emotions of other poor students.

They all echoed loudly: "The shopkeeper, since you have opened a store, you must be honest. How can you last for a long time?"

"That's right. Although we are poor today, who can guarantee that next month's scientific examination will not be named on the list? The proprietress's vision is too narrow for doing things like this."

Everyone talked in one go, as if they had already convicted Mrs. Yu.

Just at this moment, Li Huang, who was passing by here and wanted to go into the store, had a panoramic view of all this.

She turned her head to look at Ling Yuan, and asked silently, "That man doesn't look like a student from other places."

The corners of Ling Yuan's eyes twitched, and she leaned into her ear and whispered, "Your Highness, that is the brother-in-law of the shopkeeper of Yuzhen Building, and the family has quite a lot of money."

Her voice was low, but it was enough for those who were close to hear her.

Then, someone carefully looked at the kid's clothes.

Looking at it, someone was surprised: "Huh? You are wearing brocade, you have the nerve to say you are poor?"

Being reminded by this person, someone recognized him immediately.

"Isn't this the brother-in-law of Li San's family? What's the matter? Your brother-in-law's Yuzhen Building's business is not good, so you are asked to come here to find trouble?"

In a word, the boy's skin was stripped off in an instant.

At this time, the students sitting here suddenly realized that they were sent by their opponents to make trouble.

Li San's brother-in-law looked gloomy, stared at the person who revealed his identity, and cursed: "Wang Pi, what does it matter to you that I come here to read? I am also an exec, so what if I borrowed two good clothes from my relatives? "

Hearing this, Ling Yuan immediately laughed out loud: "You have the nerve to call yourself an examiner just for the ink in your belly? Don't you think that others have forgotten about cheating in the examination room? Bar?"

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