The princess is above: the power minister's palm favor

Chapter 306 Keep Lin'an City Safe

This is the fiefdom of King Lin'an, the emperor allowed him to have [-] private soldiers, and these private soldiers only obey him, regardless of whether Gu Chenzhou has a tiger talisman or not.

These, Gu Chenzhou will not understand.

However, he still came, and Xiao Yunlan, who was hiding in the crowd, subconsciously felt that this person had another trick.

Sure enough, Gu Chenzhou didn't panic even though he was surrounded by so many people.

He lifted the tiger talisman in his hand, and raised his voice: "Soldiers, seeing the tiger talisman is like seeing your majesty, anyone who disobeys the order, beheaded!"

However, as his words fell, the Sanzhou Army did not respond.

Gu Chenzhou's face was as black as the bottom of a pot: "What? Are you going to disobey?"

At this time, one after another, people stood up and drew their swords against the defenders of Lin'an City.

Gu Chenzhou was right, seeing the tiger talisman is like seeing the king, if they disobey their orders, they are plotting treason.

As long as the first wave of people stand up, there will be a second wave.

Soon, at least half of the members of the Three Continents Army stood up, plus those who were temporarily recruited by Gu Chenzhou on the way, a rough estimate, at least [-] to [-].

There are only [-] defenders in Lin'an.

[-] against [-], in terms of numbers, there is no chance of winning.

The smug look on Gu Chenzhou's face could hardly be concealed.

However, Xiao Yunlan had been hiding in the army for several days, and he didn't do nothing.

He lightly stepped on the city wall, and said in a non-stop manner: "The tiger talisman in Gu Chenzhou's hand is fake. He wants to occupy the fiefdom of King Lin'an, so as to control several surrounding cities. If you dare to help him, you will be the sinners of Dayuan."

Gu Chenzhou narrowed his pupils, only then did he realize that the person in front of him was actually Xiao Yunlan, and immediately laughed angrily.

"Who am I? Isn't this Dr. Xiao? You are a doctor without official position, what qualifications do you have to stand here and say this?"

Xiao Yunlan had expected that he would say that, and Dang even took out a small roll of bright yellow cloth from his bosom.

"Early before Mo Shizi left the capital, His Majesty specially gave him a secret decree, that is, the Three Continents Army only needs to obey Mo Shizi's orders, and does not have to be bound by the tiger charm."

"Furthermore, Gu Shizi is now a criminal wanted by the imperial court. Even if the tiger amulet in his hand is real, he is not qualified to mobilize the army!"

With that said, he jumped down the city wall and handed the secret decree to Wei Yongxin.

Wei Yongxin took it and glanced at it, his eyes immediately changed.

"Since Your Majesty has a secret decree, then His Majesty's secret decree shall prevail. Come and arrest these thieves who intend to rebel!"

As soon as the words fell, those soldiers who were still standing like Gu Chenzhou retreated a little in an instant.

Comparing the imperial decree with a tiger talisman that is difficult to distinguish between true and false, of course the imperial decree is the main one.

At this time, whoever dares to help Gu Chenzhou is truly rebellious.

Besides, this is Lin'an City, except for the generals appointed by King Lin'an to defend the city, they will never accept others to lead them unless there is an imperial edict.

This is the privilege granted by the emperor to the sons of his beloved women.

However, even when he realized that he had been caught, the anger on Gu Chenzhou's face was only fleeting.

Immediately, a confident smile reappeared on his face: "Marquis An Yi, are you sure you want to be an enemy of this son?"

Wei Yongxin frowned, he didn't know why the other party could still laugh at this time.

At this time, there were 3 of his guarding troops in the city, but not all of Wan Liheng's [-] regular troops entered the city, only [-], plus the [-] temporarily recruited on the way, a total of [-] soldiers and horses.

Even if the 3 recruited in the middle were all under Gu Chenzhou's command, how could his untrained [-] men be able to defeat the rest of the tens of thousands of regular troops?

So, what is he laughing at?
Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, with some bad premonitions in their hearts.

"Gu Chenzhou, you haven't recognized the situation in front of you, have you?" Wei Yongxin couldn't help asking, "You are already in the urn, can you still pull out a wave?"

Unexpectedly, Gu Chenzhou smiled coldly: "If this son dies here, Mo Jingzhan will not survive!"

Xiao Yunlan's face changed, and he slammed towards Gu Chenzhou's neck.

Gu Chenzhou did not dodge or dodge, allowing the other party to pinch his neck.

He looked at Xiao Yunlan who was impatient, and smiled flamboyantly: "The purpose of this son is not to lead the army directly to Beijing, but to transfer part of your troops from the three continents, and..."

He turned his head to look at Wan Liheng who was at the side, his eyes were full of success.

"You are the commander of the three continents."

Wan Liheng shrank his eyes and rushed forward to punch Gu Chenzhou's handsome face.

"Say! Who else did you collude with?"

Wan Liheng was about to explode.

Mo Jingzhan is currently attacking Turks, if someone attacks Sanzhou with all his strength at this time.

Then, once the three continents are lost, Mo Jingzhan will suffer from the enemy.

What a Gu Chenzhou!

A good move!
Gu Chenzhou was beaten back a few steps, blood oozing from the corner of his mouth.

However, he still smiled triumphantly: "You want to take down the Turkic. If the Turkic is in a hurry, won't you fight to the death? And Dongyu, once he gets the chance, he can hold back No soldiers?"

"Hahaha! Even if Mo Jingzhan uses his soldiers like a god, he will not be able to defeat the joint encirclement and suppression by the forces of several countries!"

Don't think that if their Pingyanghou Mansion is destroyed, their Li Family Dynasty will prosper forever!

Wan Liheng wanted to kill him, but he knew not to be impulsive.

"Marquis An Yi, I will take this guy away, and you guard Lin'an City."

As he said that, he ordered someone to bring the rope and directly tied Gu Chenzhou up.

Gu Chenzhou didn't panic about becoming a prisoner at all.

On the contrary, he was very proud of being able to make them so nervous.

Unfortunately, the other party couldn't kill him yet.

Wan Liheng got on his horse and was about to leave the city dragging people.

But Xiao Yunlan stopped him: "I just arrived in Lin'an City today, and I have to rest for two days before returning to Sanzhou. Otherwise, even if I arrive, I'm afraid I won't be able to win the battle with poor people and horses."

Wan Liheng felt that what he said made sense.

But when he thought of someone plotting against Sanzhou, he became anxious.

Xiao Yunlan dragged him aside, and said in a low voice: "You have to trust the other generals who stayed in Sanzhou. I always feel that Gu Chenzhou's purpose of saying these things at this time is not pure, and you can't be led by his nose."

Being reminded by him like this, Wan Liheng was instantly enlightened.

He slapped his forehead: "I was almost confused, thank you for reminding me."

After finishing the words, he waved his hand, signaling the Sanzhou Army to withdraw from Lin'an City, set up camp fifty miles outside the city, and make a decision after resting.

Gu Chenzhou, who was originally complacent, froze his smile upon hearing this.

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