This made the students very happy.

After all, Han Chuang studied hard for ten years, who wouldn't want to be on the list?

With so many candidates in Dayuan, it is not easy to squeeze into [-] candidates. Now that they have hit the big luck, just in time to expand the territory, those who originally had little hope suddenly saw hope.

If you can't make it into the top [-], can you still not make it into the top [-]?

Not long after, Li Mohan's followers quickly got out of the crowd after reading the list, and returned to the palace.

"Your Highness, all the people on the list are on the list."

As soon as these words came out, Li Mohan almost fell off the chair.

He stared at his followers: "How is it possible? I have already reminded them, how can these people be selected?"

He seriously suspected that Li Huang really wanted to kill her brother and ascend the throne to be the Empress herself, right?
Otherwise, how could you dare to admit the people on the list knowing that there are problems?

What he couldn't figure out like him was the group of people who gave the list.

In a separate garden in the south of the city, a noble man was sitting in a chair and drinking tea in the courtyard. The mask covered most of his face, only revealing a clean chin and two very thin lips.

The subordinate hastily came in and reported: "Master, you have won the first place on the list, and all the people on the list you selected have also been admitted."

Hearing this, the man who was sipping tea with his eyes closed suddenly opened his eyes.

"They chose them all?"

He was obviously also surprised by this.

He also thought that with Li Huang's vigilance, after sending people to check the details of these people one by one, some people would be eliminated.

Unexpectedly, they were all admitted.

The subordinate saw that his attention seemed to be a little off, so he couldn't help reminding: "Master, you won the first place in the list, and you will enter the palace for an exam tomorrow. Do you really want to be an official of the Li Dynasty?"

The man pursed his lips and stood up from the reclining chair: "Why not? Didn't they take down the Turks? It's okay to let me, a first-class Jinshi, manage the newly opened land for them."

The subordinate's eyes widened. He thought the master was just taking the exam for fun, but he didn't expect that he really planned to rule the country for a person surnamed Li.

"But those surnamed Li, how are they worthy of ordering you?"

The subordinate said angrily.

The man seemed to be in a good mood, rarely angry, and just patted his subordinate on the shoulder.

"This seat is always looking for an opportunity to come to the bright side, and now, it's just right."

As he spoke, he took off his mask, revealing his cold, haughty and angular face.

When the list was released today, almost all the restaurants and teahouses in the capital were full of people, especially those near the Gongyuan.

Li Huang was sitting in Xu's teahouse, with a tea lady making tea beside her, Zuo Qing walked in with her skirt in hand, and sat down opposite her.

"Your Highness, the son of the Marquis of Shun'an has stabbed the basket again, the Marquis of Shun'an
. "

Li Huang raised her eyebrows: "You are a girl from Yushifu, and you are quite well-versed in gossip."

It seems that she has to consider deducting some money from her hidden guards?

Zuo Qing felt a little embarrassed by what she said, touched his nose and said: "Your Highness, the courtier didn't mean to inquire, who made him have a son who is arrogant and domineering?"

Ling Yuan was peeling pine nuts for Li Huang, and she couldn't help asking curiously after hearing the words: "Then the second generation ancestor returned to Beijing?"

Zuo Qing glanced at her, then at Li Huang, lowered his voice and asked, "You don't know?"

Li Huang didn't understand, so Ling Yuan also shook her head.

At this moment, she was reflecting on whether she was not competent enough?
As the personal envoy of the eldest princess, how could her ability to inquire about news be left behind?

Seeing that the tea lady had finished making the tea, Zuo Qing waved her hand to signal her to step back for now.

Then, he approached Li Huang for a few minutes, and said in a low voice: "Shun'an Hou Shizi robbed a woman with the fourth son of the Han family in the Yanyu Tower last night, and started a fight. Reported to Dali Temple."

"At this moment, both of them are still squatting in the prison of Dali Temple!"

After all, Marquis Shun'an hasn't returned to Beijing yet, and no one is qualified to go to Dali Temple to fish out the son of Marquis Shun'an.

Besides, he is so arrogant on weekdays, I am afraid that others would like him to stay in prison for a few more days, so why would anyone come to get him out of trouble?

Li Huang was startled: "Did they kill someone?"

Zuo Qing nodded: "I mistakenly killed the eldest son of the third family who went to break up the fight."

Li Huang: "!!!"

It's really embarrassing to rob a woman in a flower building and kill someone.

If he was the Marquis of Shun'an, he would wish that Nizi would stay in prison for a few more days, lest he always get himself into trouble.

Lao Tzu worked so hard to lead the troops out to quell the chaos, while his son desperately dragged himself behind his back. No wonder the Marquis of Shun'an is still like this after so many years.

"You said that the eldest son of the third house of the Han family was killed by mistake?"

Li Huang keenly sensed something tricky from this incident.

Zuo Qing nodded: "Yes, it is said that Prince Shun'an went to the Yanyu Building to find the girl he was in love with, but he heard that she was snatched away by the fourth son of the Han family. How about the arrogant and domineering Prince Shun'an?" Can you please?"

"So, he rushed in to snatch people. Mr. Han usually disobeys Mr. An Hou. If he didn't have a good father, he would not be as good as them because of his way of eating, drinking and having fun all day long. .”

Then, after a verbal conflict, the two fought.

Originally, the two were fighting each other with fists and kicks, so the eldest son of the third house of the Han family came to fight, but they pulled and pulled, and several of them bumped into the Bogu stand next to them.

The shelf crashed down and landed on the three of them.

Normally, if you get smashed by a bogu shelf, you won't die.

But who would have thought that there was a Shoushan stone on the shelf, and that stone happened to hit the head of the third son of the Han family.

The result is self-evident, the eldest son of Sanfang died.

Shun'an Hou Shizi and the fourth son of the Han family were frightened, but many people saw it at the time, and they couldn't run even if they wanted to.

"Right now, the two of them are still arguing in prison, and they both say that they didn't pull down the shelf, and Dali Temple is also suffering from a headache."

No matter what, people were killed by mistake because they fought. If they didn't deal with it, the third house of the Han family would not agree.

But if it is dealt with...

Marquis Shun'an is now leading the army, but they are going to kill his eldest son in the capital. If the news reaches his ears, there is no guarantee that he will not lead those soldiers to defect on the spot.

Li Huang took a sip of tea, and Ling Yuan pushed the peeled pine nuts to her hand.

Even a simple-minded maidservant like her can tell that things are not simple, let alone Li Huang.

Zuo Qing came here specifically to tell her about this matter, probably knowing that there was something deep in it.

It was only heard a few days ago that the Han family members rescued An Yihou's daughter, and the emperor forced them to send her back to Beijing.

Now, people haven't seen it, but such a thing happened.

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