The princess is above: the power minister's palm favor

Chapter 331 Underground Treasure House

At this time, other teams came out from the passages in all directions one after another.

Most of those girls are like Yang Liu, trembling forward with a kind of ignorant fear of the future.

The three of Li Huang got into a carriage at random, and the man who led the team sat in the driver's seat of the carriage and drove the carriage forward.

The rest of the carriages filled with people followed closely behind.

This road was so quiet that only the echo of the wheels could be heard, which made the girls even more nervous and frightened.

No one dared to speak, not even to look outside.

Li Huang thought that this carriage would only take a day or two at most, and it would stop when it reached the next destination.

But she never expected that the carriage would last for seven or eight days.

Such a long time is enough for them to travel from one state to another.

Li Huang suddenly understood why they had to blindfold them at the junction of Qianzhou and Xiangzhou.

Because it takes almost seven or eight days to go from there to any state, so even if some of them are particularly smart, it is difficult to judge which continent they are sent to in a while.

So, such a long tunnel must have been dug for many years, right?

However, what surprised them even more was yet to come.

After a group of people got off the carriage, they were led by those braided men into a huge palace. Li Huang was stunned after just one glance.

Although this palace cannot be said to be comparable to Da Yuan's imperial palace in terms of magnificence, it is not bad at all compared to Prince An's Mansion or her Eldest Princess' mansion.

How much manpower, material and financial resources would it take to dig out countless passages extending in all directions underground and build a palace like this?
"What are you doing? Hurry up and go in!"

The man who led them saw her standing outside the door in a daze, not lifting her feet for a long time, so he immediately urged her.

Only then did Li Huang slowly step into the palace.

Once inside, she was stunned again.

Inside the palace, it is simply magnificent, magnificent and bejeweled.

The pavement is paved with white marble, each piece is so bright that no flaws can be seen at a glance.

Every beam and column is carved with dragons and phoenixes, which is lifelike. Every fence on the corridor is made of high-quality golden nanmu. Wherever it passes, every landscaping material comes from the best treasures in Jiangnan Water Town.

The trees in the garden are even more valuable.

Even the pearls and gems inlaid on the rockery, and the stones in the reservoir reflecting the dazzling light, each piece is worth tens of thousands of gold.

Li Huang: "..."

Did they come to an underground treasure house?
She finally understood why such a large palace and a passageway that lasted seven or eight days for a carriage journey could be dug out of the ground. Money can be seen here while breathing.

Soon, a group of women captured from all over the country stood in a large palace.

There is a huge tripod in the middle of the palace kingdom, on which there is a pill furnace, and there is a faint fragrance of medicine coming from inside.

Li Huang couldn't help but frowned, these people couldn't catch women to make alchemy, could they?
I don't seem to have heard of this kind of sorcery.

At this time, a man in Taoist robes came out of the hall.

The man looks square, with a goatee, and a wenge hairpin for his half-white hair.

It seems that there are two styles of fairy style and those with pigtails.

Ling Yuan leaned towards Li Huang unconsciously, the atmosphere in the hall seemed a little strange no matter how you looked at it.

There is also the alchemy furnace in the middle, which is a bit unusual no matter how you look at it.

At this time, the Taoist priest glanced at the girls in the hall, and frowned: "There are only so few people, not enough."

Those men with pigtails stepped forward to salute one after another.

"National teacher, this is all hard work. If too many people disappear at once, it may attract the attention of the court."

"That's right, the national teacher, we all got these through those abductions and trafficking. Even if we want to investigate in the future, we can only investigate them, but we cannot be investigated."

Li Huang was secretly startled when he heard that, these people are really calculating!

Using this method to buy people and transport them over quietly, even if one or two people are missing occasionally, the last thing is to suspect that they were sold in some poor mountain valley.

But what do they want so many girls to do?
The person known as the national teacher looked unhappy, but he still said: "Okay, since there are people, let's go and take the things out."

The braids responded and retreated.

Not long after, a group of people came in with large and small jars.

The girl didn't know what fate was waiting for them, and shrank into a ball in fright.

But how could those men allow them to hide?

Immediately, a woman standing in front was caught, and with a scream, her arm was cut open.

The man holding the jar stepped forward, opened the lid, and caught the blood on the girl's arm.

Immediately, an unspeakable stench permeated the entire hall, making one almost sick.

Li Huang firmly held down Ling Yuan's hand, lest she couldn't hold back and really wanted to explode and fight these people.

After the woman touched the blood that had been injected with a cup of tea, she was stuffed with a bottle of hemostatic medicine and thrown aside.

Then, the girls were like lambs waiting to be slaughtered, with panic and fear almost written on their faces.

Without exception, those women were all bled.

The difference is that there are quite a few of those jars, and the bloodletting women are changing them, and so are the jars.

In less than a quarter of an hour, it was Li Huang and Ling Yuan's turn.

A dark jar was opened in front of them, and only then did they see clearly that there were extremely ugly bugs lying there.

They spit out disgusting mucus while wriggling in the jar.

The braided man cut Li Huang's wrist, and the moment the blood dripped into it, it was sucked up instantly.

Those bugs are like those absorbent rags, no matter how much you drop in, they can suck it up in an instant, as if the blood never fell on them.

Li Huang felt startled, if she guessed right, these are all bugs?
With so many cup worms raised, what do these people want to do?
It wasn't until the blood in the jar couldn't be absorbed that the braided man let go of Li Huang's wrist and threw her a small bottle of hemostatic medicine.

Ling Yuan's complexion was not very good, if Li Huang had not repeatedly signaled her not to be impulsive, she would have been unable to hold back her sword hand.

Soon, the women in the hall were all bloodied.

The national teacher said indifferently: "First lock them up in groups and give them some food. Don't leave them alone at that time, the blood will be gone."

The braided men responded, and backed out with the jars in their arms.

The team leaders who were responsible for sending the girls came over one after another to take away the girls they had brought.

The three of Li Huang were led through the corridor again and came to a room.

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