Seeing that she swallowed the poison without blinking, Ling Yuan was also taken aback for a moment.

"Are you really not afraid to die here with us?"

They did not reveal their plans to her.

Without knowing anything, she was able to follow them with her eyes closed. I have to say that this girl is also a ruthless person.

Yang Liu looked at death like home: "Anyway, if I don't stay with you, I will die here sooner or later. What I said to that person just now is not all acted out. Instead of dying here in a daze, it's better to give it a go! "

Li Huang couldn't help giving her a high look.

A girl who grew up in a small town can have such courage, if she can't use it for herself, wouldn't she be taking advantage of others?

With that in mind, she made up her mind.

After the three of them swallowed the elixir, the man came back with two jars in his arms.

Li Huang looked at it and frowned: "Why are there only two of them? Didn't I remember that you have at least a hundred of them?"

One feeds one pot, and there are hundreds of girls standing in the hall, isn't it just a hundred pots?

However, the man hesitated: "Why don't you try to see if you can feed two jars of worms at once?"

If this method fails, wouldn't it mean cutting their blood for nothing?

Several people looked at each other and felt that what he said was reasonable, so they stopped talking.

Yang Liu decided for the sake of the table, to go first.

She cut her wrist neatly and dripped blood into the jar.

At first, the worms in the jar were still crazily absorbing her blood, but gradually, they couldn't absorb her blood anymore.

Li Huang glanced at it, and said: "Your Miss Mo's method doesn't work either, this bug can only suck so much blood, even if it drains a person's blood, it won't work."

Ling Yuan: "That's right, it's like growing vegetables, it takes time to consume those things, otherwise, no matter how much dung you pour, it's useless."

Yang Liu nodded approvingly.

But she knew very well that when she did bloodletting last time, at least a big bowl of blood went out.

But today she felt it clearly, so she put half a bowl in, and the worm stopped sucking.

How weird!
After feeding two cans of worms, Yang Liu seemed to be on the verge of falling, and Ling Yuan immediately stepped forward to support him.

The man couldn't bear it, and said: "You guys rest first, I'll let someone prepare some nourishing meals for you."

After speaking, he took the jar and left.

As soon as the person left, Yang Liu sat up straight immediately, grabbed Ling Yuan's hand and asked, "The pill, isn't it poison, but a miracle drug that can make those bugs suck less?"

It's no wonder she thought so, after all, she hasn't felt any discomfort since she took that pill until now.

However, Ling Yuan told her very seriously: "That is really poison."

Yang Liu's face froze: "Why? Are you lying to me?"

She looked at Li Huang again, and Li Huang nodded vigorously at her.

It was not only poison, but also Xiao Yunlan's own poison. Unless his medical skills were better than his, most people would not be able to cure it.

When Ling Yuan brought it out, it was just in case.

After receiving confirmation from two people in a row, Yang Liu's complexion completely collapsed: "Then, what are the consequences of this poison...?"

She did go all out, but she didn't want to be in pain before she died.

Li Huang comforted her: "Don't worry, you won't feel anything, just eat a jelly bean."

However, Yang Liu became even more flustered when she said that.

He refused to say that the more powerful the poison, the more colorless, odorless and insensitive, and he didn't know how he died in the end.

Seeing her paler face, Ling Yuan patted her on the shoulder heavily, and said earnestly: "Don't worry, there is a companion on the road to Huangquan."


was not comforted.

She decided not to sit with these two dumb women. She had lost so much blood just now, she decided to go to sleep first.

"Call me when the meal comes, I'll go and have a rest first."

After speaking, she got up and went back to the room.

Ling Yuan covered her mouth and snickered, Li Huang looked at her: "Look, it scares people."

Ling Yuan scratched her head: "But, didn't His Highness scare her first?"

Li Huang glared at her: "I didn't tell her that she would die."

Ling Yuan stuck out her tongue: "Your servant is wrong, but, Your Highness, he just brought in two pots, which is far from our goal."

Li Huang touched her chin, looked at her and asked: "At night, you find a chance to put some in the tea for the girls in every room."

She didn't believe it, but with Mo Yu's urgency, she could wait seven days before taking their blood.

Ling Yuan touched the belt. Fortunately, she sewed the pills and powder into the belt before changing clothes.

Even the hairpin on the head is specially made, which can not only hide poison, but also hide hidden weapons.

The hidden weapon used to kill the braided man in the hall before was a needle thinner than the needle on the tail of a wasp.

After it was kept and injected into the body, no abnormality was found.

Soon, the braided man who was in charge of them came in with a sumptuous lunch.

Not only six dishes and one soup with delicious color, flavor and taste, but also a big pot of nourishing desserts to nourish qi and blood.

"Eat slowly, and I'll watch outside the door."

After the man finished speaking, he was about to go out.

Ling Yuan stopped him: "Brother, we must know your name, right? Otherwise, it would be troublesome to call you that every day."

The man thought for a while and spit out two words: "Ah Wu."


Ling Yuan thought that some organizations would not name the tools in their hands, and sorting them by numbers is convenient and simple.

After Ah Wu went out, Ling Yuan went back to her room to call Yang Liu.

In fact, Yang Liu hadn't fallen asleep all this time, and when the smell of food outside was wafting, she couldn't lie down.

Therefore, as soon as Ling Yuan opened the door, she sat up.

"I'm starving to death. I want to eat more. If I die, I will be a hungry ghost."

As she spoke, she rubbed her stomach, skipped Ling Yuan, sat down at the dining table, and started serving soup for herself.

Ling Yuan originally wanted to say a few words about her, but was stopped by Li Huang's eyes.

"I have to say, this chef's craftsmanship is really good, and his dishes are more than those in Jiangnan."

After Yang Liu drank a bowl of soup in one go, she looked at them, "How long will it take for this poison to take hold? How many days can I live?"

Li Huang felt that if she didn't speak clearly, the girl probably wouldn't be able to sleep tonight.

She hooked her fingers at her, and Yang Liu moved her ears closer.

"This poison won't kill you, don't worry, you won't die."

Hearing what she said, Yang Liu breathed a sigh of relief.

She picked up another dish with chopsticks: "I thought I was really going to die, it scared me to death."

After chewing the vegetables hard for a few times, she glared at Ling Yuan: "We have agreed, when you run away, you must take me with you, otherwise, even if I'm a ghost, I won't let you go."

Ling Yuan thought to herself, I am not afraid of people, how can I be afraid of ghosts?

However, in order to appease the girl, she agreed with her a few words against her will.

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