The princess is above: the power minister's palm favor

Chapter 343 You Can't Send Them A Signal

Mo Yu's expression changed drastically. In the pill room next door, there were still many pills she had refined in recent years!
Before she had time to think about it, she turned around and headed towards the alchemy room next door.

The national teacher followed closely behind, and those who watched the excitement naturally couldn't hold back.

Li Huang and the others took advantage of the chaos and knocked over the lamp. For a while, the hall was in chaos.

"What are you still doing? Why don't you run away!"

Ling Yuan yelled, and took the lead to run out with Li Huang and Yang Liu.

Seeing this, the girls quickly followed and ran out.

Whether you can escape or not, it's better than waiting here to die.

As a result, the crowd rushed out in a swarm.

However, after leaving the palace, there are many passages, and everyone is in trouble.

It's not that no one has escaped before, but because there are too many intersections, no matter how far they run, they can always be caught.

Someone said worriedly: "No, there are people guarding every road, and we can't escape."

Otherwise, they couldn't be caught every time someone ran away.

In order to prevent them from escaping, these people can be said to have worked hard.

"What are you afraid of? There are so many people here, as long as everyone is united, even if we fight, we can fight for a bloody road!"

"If you are timid, you can only stay here in the end and let the gang inside let your blood dry!"

Ling Yuan's last words were undoubtedly a heavy hammer in the hearts of the girls.

Yes, if they don't run, they will all die!

"This girl is right, we have to be tied together, even if we die, we have to fight!"

With the response, everyone mustered up their courage and decided to fight.

"Girl, whichever way you go, we will follow!"

"Yes, since we want to be together, then don't run separately, so as not to disperse our strength."

So, everyone consciously stood behind Li Huang and the others, as if they would follow them no matter what.

Although everyone seemed to be weak girls, for some reason, they had inexplicable trust in these girls who were finally arrested.

I always feel that if they can get out alive today, they have to rely on these few people.

Ling Yuan looked at Li Huang subconsciously, Li Huang's eyebrows and eyes darkened, and said: "Since everyone is willing to be with us, then, next, I hope you can listen to us, otherwise, forgive me for not being able to go with you."

When everyone heard the words, they responded in unison: "We all listen to the girl!"

Li Huang glanced in the direction of the palace, seeing that the fire over there was getting bigger and bigger, so he waved his hand: "Hurry up! If you can't walk, let your companion help you."

After the words fell, she took the lead, chose a path at random, and rushed forward.

Ling Yuan was afraid that there would be some secret trap on the way, so she followed her step by step to protect her.

Yang Liu was suddenly left behind by the crowd, she was a little confused.

Aren't the three of them together?Why does she always feel isolated from them?

Hundreds of girls rushed into the passage, and on the other side of the palace, Mo Yu found that her alchemy room was blown to pieces, let alone pills, they were used to refine pills All materials were reduced to ashes.

Including those corpses used to refine corpse oil.

Those corpses had already been scorched black at this moment, even if they were extinguished, it would be of no use.

Mo Yu was so angry that his eyes were about to burst, and he roared: "Who the hell? Who did it?"

The national teacher was also stunned when he saw this scene: " did this explode? Girl Mo, could it be that you added something that shouldn't be added to the alchemy furnace?"

In a word, he directly cleared himself up.

It was she herself who said that there was a way to speed up the refining of what the Lord wanted. They didn't know the specific way. If the pill furnace exploded, the responsibility was of course her own, and it had nothing to do with them.

The main thing is to blame it, they don't take the blame for it.

Mo Yu naturally knew the meaning of his words, and immediately stared at him with red eyes: "You mean, all this is my fault?"

The national teacher spread his hands together, changing the previous Weiwei and panic: "But this is Miss Mo's own palace, and our people can't easily enter."

Mo Yu looked at him with a murderous look in his eyes: "Can't you come in? Yesterday these corpses were brought in by your people. How dare you say that those people under your command didn't take the opportunity to do anything!"

As her words fell, the braided men who rushed in were all angry.

"Miss Mo, when we moved the corpse in yesterday, you watched the whole process with your own eyes. Don't you know if we did anything?"

"That's right, it's clear that you are not good at doing things yourself, and now you want to put the blame on us, there is no way!"

The two parties were fighting fiercely, and suddenly someone shouted outside: "No, it's time to go!"

Everyone's face changed, and they rushed out to fight the fire.

Mo Yu rushed out, glanced at the hall that was already in flames, and asked angrily, "Where are those women?"

However, no one paid any attention to her.

Mo Yu's eyes were filled with murderous intent, he grabbed one of the men and threw him into the flames: "I am asking you something!"

The braided men who were fighting the fire were also angry immediately. They threw the buckets, pointed at Mo Yu and said, "Is there a need to ask? Of course they ran away. If you have the ability, you go after it yourself!"

Anyway, if the fire couldn't be saved, they would all have to be burned to death here, so they wouldn't have the time to chase any women.

Mo Yu's lungs were about to explode, these trash dared to disobey her.

The national teacher saw her impulse to kill, and reminded at the right time: "Miss Mo, we can't let those girls escape alive, otherwise, we will be finished here!"

It took them a lot of effort to dig out this underground palace. If it was discovered, then it would be easy for someone to take over.

At that time, the Lord will blame them, and none of them will end well.

The national teacher didn't care whether Mo Yu listened or not. After saying this, he rushed out.

With a gloomy face, Mo Yu flicked his sleeves, and followed suit.

However, when they chased to the fork, they didn't know which way to chase.

Because, it seems that every passage has left footprints.

In the end, the national teacher could only suggest: "Miss Mo, we should chase separately."

Mo Yu snorted coldly: "Didn't you send guards on every road? Can't you send them a signal?"

The national teacher sneered: "I will naturally send them a signal, but if they walk the same way together, then a few guards can't stop them."

After finishing the words, he walked to the wall and pressed on a raised place.

Immediately, a sharp siren sounded throughout the passage.

But at this moment, after hearing the alarm, Li Huang and the others, who had already run several miles away, all changed their expressions.

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