Mo Yu's face was dark, she hated people saying that her medical skills were not as good as Nan Zhao's.

Indeed, in the past, as long as Nan Zhao was there, she didn't need to take action.

It is precisely because of this that no one else knows the depth of her medical skills.

So, when Xiao Yunlan said that to her, she was immediately annoyed.

"What is Nan Zhao? Comparing me to her, you think you didn't die fast enough!"

Xiao Yunlan didn't take it seriously, and turned to look at Yulongwei and the soldiers they brought, and asked, "What do you think?"

Everyone moved their hands and feet, took a few deep breaths, and replied one after another: "Young Master Xiao, I feel much better."

Mo Yu frowned: "How is that possible? You probably don't even know if you're going to die soon."

This is the poison she personally prepared. Not only is it colorless and odorless, but the higher the martial arts and the deeper the internal energy of the poisoned person, the faster it will happen.

Even with her special antidote, it still takes three days and three nights to completely detoxify.

How long did it take before they agreed?

Wouldn't the poison she made with so much effort become a joke?

However, one of the Dragon Guards quickly told her with actions whether the antidote they inhaled had any effect.

He raised the saber in his hand, tapped his foot, and rushed towards Mo Yu like lightning.

A cold light flashed, and then, something soft hit her on the face.

After a few breaths.

The bone-piercing pain hit her whole body, and it was only later that Mo Yu realized that the one that hit her on the face just now was actually her palm!


her hands!
She glared at the Dragon Guard angrily, that damned slave, dared to break her hand!
Yu Longwei held a beautiful sword flower in his hand, curled his lips and said: "I'm just using my actions to prove to the girl whether this poison can be cured or not."

As he spoke, he slapped his palm again and sent Mo Yu flying ten feet away.

A mouthful of blood spewed out, and Mo Yu felt that his internal organs were about to be displaced.

She took a breath and roared, "Kill all of these people!"

With an order, those women who had been hit by the worm rushed towards Yulongwei again.

Li Huang's expression changed, and he picked Mo Yu up from the ground: "Tell them to stop!"

Mo Yu was in a state of insanity at the moment, she was crying and laughing at the same time: "Li Huang, so what if you are the eldest princess? It's not like you can't save these people in the end!"

"Today, even if I die, I will take you to be buried with me!"

"These people can't stop. Since I planted a worm on her, their lives are no longer their own. If you want to end all this, you can only kill their lives first, hahaha—— "

For a moment, Li Huang only felt that his anger was rushing towards Tian Ling Gai.

"Mo Yu! You are simply crazy!"

When the words fell, she threw the person out directly.

Mo Yu was thrown heavily on the ground like a rag bag.

But she didn't seem to feel the pain, and she was still laughing.

"So what if you kill me? There are so many lives here, and you can't save any of them."

"Also, my ability to raise cup worms has long surpassed that of Miao Jiang. At this moment, maybe the soldiers in Dayuan have a cup worm hidden in their bodies. Once the enemy invades, they will give it to themselves first. One knife, hahaha!"

Let alone Li Huang, Ling Yuan's blood surged when she heard it.

"Your Highness, since this woman wants to die, it's better to let the slaves finish her off."

As she spoke, she shook the soft sword in her hand.

Li Huang took a deep breath and suppressed the anger in her heart: "No hurry, she wants to have fun, but I won't give it to you."

After saying that, her dagger had already come to Mo Yugen, directly cutting her face.

Mo Yu yelled again in pain, she covered her face, and glared at her resentfully: "Li Huang, even if I die, I can drag so many people into quilts, I am not at a loss, but you, Da Yuan Your Eldest Princess, how does it feel to watch so many of your subjects die here?"

However, before she finished speaking, she was stabbed again in the hand.

At this moment, Li Huang wanted to cut off her flesh piece by piece, but when she made the third cut, she obviously found that as the smell of blood in the air became heavier, the fighting power of those poisoned women It's even more prosperous.

Seeing that Yulongwei's side was almost overwhelmed, after all, those were all flowery girls, and it was somewhat unbearable for them to kill them with one blow.

However, they have a heart of compassion, but those girls who are manipulated by the worms don't.

With more and more blood on their hands, the bloodthirsty light in their eyes became more intense, and Mo Yu's eyes became more and more crazy.

Li Huang thought of Nan Zhao who had rushed to the capital to stir up a storm, and suddenly realized something, and hurriedly called: "Lord Xiao, come here."

Xiao Yunlan kicked the woman who jumped in front of him and flew away, turned around and jumped towards her.

"What is Your Highness calling me for?"

Li Huang said uncertainly: "Look, is there any cup worm in Mo Yu's body?"

Xiao Yunlan didn't understand what she meant by her words, but he still kept Mo Yu's pulse.

Ever since Nan Zhao made a fuss in the capital, he really devoted himself to researching those cup worms, and now he felt the difference when he felt his pulse.

"Your Highness, her veins are a bit strange. They are similar to those of Nan Zhao back then, but they are a little different."

He couldn't tell exactly what was different.

After all, he is not good at it.

Li Huang didn't want to embarrass him, he just said: "If she has a mother cup in her body, if she is killed, can those girls be saved?"

Mo Yu stared at her: "Li Huang, did you have your brain eaten by worms? How can there be worms in this girl's body?"

She kept those bugs to deal with others, not herself.

Li Huang glanced at her contemptuously: "You don't even know that there are worms in your body, but you are still proficient in this way."

As she spoke, she picked up her severed hand and threw it towards the girls pile.

Probably because they smelled her unique scent of blood, those girls rushed to snatch the severed hand. The person who snatched it hugged it and sucked it for a while. It looked like a ghost that had been hungry for thousands of years.

This scene is so creepy to watch.

Even Mo Yu was shocked.

They are also greedy for her blood, does that mean that once they get out of control, they will kill her too!

The thought made her feel bad.

"No, it's impossible! How can there be a cup in my body?"

However, before she could accept this fact, the woman who licked the blood from her severed hand rushed towards her with bright eyes.

For the first time, Mo Yu's face revealed a look of panic.

She was sure at first that as long as it dragged on for another quarter of an hour, someone would come to rescue her.

But now, these damned people are not dead, but she is really going to die.

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