The princess is above: the power minister's palm favor

Chapter 357 Don't Want To Kill Him

Qi Mu sneered, and swung his sword with one stroke: "Put your mother's shit on! You were the ones who attacked Dayuan first. At this moment, those tens of thousands of dead bodies in beirong armor are still piled up in the mass graves in Yucheng!"

After the words fell, he rode his horse and chased after him without waiting for the other party's reaction.

The main generals of the two sides soon fought each other. Because Fengcheng's side was unprepared, Beirong's side was beaten and retreated.

In less than an hour, they were forced to withdraw for fifty miles, and they were exempted from fighting.

Qi Mu led his troops back into the city, and the young general who delivered the letter came up to meet him: "General Qi, when you came, Her Highness the Princess had an order. If the Beirong Army can't make a reasonable explanation for this, you will keep fighting until they beg for mercy!"

Qi Mu's eyes lit up: "Keep fighting? What if I take the city?"

The young general replied truthfully: "That is of course General Qi's ability. If Beirong wants a truce, it depends on how much sincerity they can show."

The words have been conveyed, and the young general is ready to go back to report.

Qi Mu rolled his eyes, and still asked one more question uneasy: "Does the eldest son know what the eldest princess said?"

The young general nodded: "The son is with the eldest princess at the moment, the general is at ease, what His Highness means is what the son means."

Qi Mu breathed a sigh of relief, as long as there are such words, then he has no scruples anymore.

As a general, who doesn't want to build a career?
Staying in this city all day, if the invincible army invades, he will never even think about being named a marquis or prime minister in this life.

But if he can take the initiative to lay down a city, then the credit will be different.

Thinking of this, Qi Mu's eyes became brighter and brighter.

On the other side of Beirong, after the truce, several generals gathered around the big tent to discuss.

"Heldan, what did Qi Mu mean just now? When did we send troops to fight them?"

"That's right, isn't our border between Beirong and Dayuan the only one? Didn't we send someone, didn't we count it?"

General Beirong spoke to me one by one, causing the chief general called Heerdan to have a headache.

"I don't know the specifics, please allow me to edit the book and report it."

After speaking, he opened the tent and walked out.

At this time, there are countless roads in Yucheng, and the Yucheng army is driving those Turkic soldiers to repair them day and night.

Finally, a soldier couldn't take it anymore, he threw his tool on the ground and said loudly: "We are not from Beirong, why should we suffer from this bird's anger!"

With the first voice comes the second, the third...

Soon, a large group of people stood up from the crowd.

Everyone was filled with righteous indignation and decided to oppose it.

They are big Turkic people, they would rather die in battle than let others drive them around like dogs.

The Yucheng Army, who was in charge of guarding them, had expected that they would be overwhelmed. He swung his whip and shouted, "What? Do you want to be lazy? Or do you want to beat me again because I surrendered and don't want to admit it?"

The Turkic soldiers who had been whipped gritted their teeth and took a deep breath.

Finally, someone jumped out and said, "Although we are surrendered soldiers, surrendered soldiers are not slaves. You have no right to treat us like this. We ask the two countries to negotiate!"

The young general Yucheng who was in charge of supervision sneered when he heard the words: "Don't worry, we have sent someone to Beirong. I believe that Beirong will send someone to talk about it soon. After all, with so many of you, they will not give up. Yours."

The face of the Turkic army changed when they heard the words, they looked at each other, then lowered their heads.

Several people whispered to each other: "They sent the letter to Beirong, and the people of Beirong will not save us."

Another person reassured: "Calm down, if Beirong doesn't save us, then let us pretend to be their army, then they will definitely be angered by Dayuan. If they don't want to be beaten to destroy the country like the Turks, they can just Can come and get us."

They want to throw them away after using them. How can there be such a cheap thing?

That night, some people tried to sneak out to ask for help, but they were all caught by the Yucheng army.

Needless to say the end, kill the chicken and respect the monkey.

All of a sudden, those who still had small thoughts stopped immediately.

In the big tent, Luo Tong, who spent most of the day with Xiao Yunlan, finally seized the opportunity to speak.

Xiao Yunlan handed him the drawn map: "I circled the suspicious places, you send someone to look at them first, if there is anything wrong, report to me in time, and I will tell you."

Luo Tong felt like a cat scratching in his heart, but if he didn't tell him, he didn't want to force him, so he could only do it honestly.

Fortunately, the people under his command are all useful, and within a day's work, they came back and returned to their lives.

"Young Master Xiao, among the places you circled, this is the only place, something is wrong."

The deputy general pointed to somewhere on his hand-drawn map and said.

Xiao Yunlan regained his energy when he heard the words, and said to Luo Tongtong, "Order a group of people and follow me."

Luo Tong looked puzzled, but he didn't dare to ask, for fear that this master would be unhappy and give him some medicine.

At this time, the doctors in the city were rushing to save people according to the antidote prescribed by Xiao Yunlan, and the rescuers from the old Rong family army came soon.

However, these reinforcements brought not only medicinal herbs, but also Gu Chenzhou who was captured a few days ago.

Li Huang was also very surprised that in this life, he could still see Gu Chenzhou, a humble man, in these three continents.

When he was thrown into the garrison, Li Huang saw the man who was so thin that he had lost his face, Li Huang wondered if they made a mistake.

"Your Highness, that's right. This is Gu Shizi himself. Zongbing Wan heard that you and Shizi are here, so he specially ordered me to escort him here."

After the words fell, a soldier came in with a basin of water and poured it directly.

Gu Chenzhou, who was half dead, was suddenly woken up, and sat up in a jerk.

Li Huang looked at him coldly: "He's not dead yet! Life is really hard."

Gu Chenzhou looked up at her, and smiled sadly: "Huang'er, if I hadn't rejected your marriage back then..."

However, before he finished speaking, he was kicked by Mo Jingzhan.

He had a gloomy and handsome face, and the murderous intent in his eyes almost turned into substance: "If you dare to say a word of nonsense again, this son will kill you now."

Gu Chenzhou stared at him, wiped the water stains on his face, and said disdainfully: "Mo Jingzhan, what right do you have to laugh at me? You just took a road that I didn't like before, if you didn't become the emperor Son-in-law, why do you think you are still alive?"

"I, Gu Chenzhou, rely on my talent and disdain to rely on a woman to make things happen. Unlike you, without this woman, you would have died a long time ago."

Before Mo Jingzhan had time to react, Li Huang took three steps in parallel and slapped him when he went up.

"Gu Chenzhou, I think there is one thing you don't quite understand, that is, the reason why he is still alive is not because he married me, but because the emperor didn't want to kill him."

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