
This old woman is worse than her shameless mother.

It's just like touching porcelain when you meet people.

After the woman howled twice, she immediately jumped up and grabbed Ling Yuan's arm: "You can't leave, you beat someone and want to leave, there's no way!"

"Go! Let's meet the officials!"

Ling Yuan really wanted to roll her eyes. Such poor eye skills might not even believe the people watching.

So, she reminded: "You are white, you have to roll around the nail board first when you see an official, you first weigh whether your old bones can stand it."

When the old woman heard that she was going to roll the nailboard, she shivered immediately.

Immediately, she straightened her neck and said: "Aren't you also white, you want to roll together, I think you are thin-skinned and lazy, I am afraid that you will die before me."

This old woman's words are also vicious, and every word and every word is cursing people to death.

Speaking of it, they just met by chance, but they didn't buy the spices from her family, so they wished that they would die.

In the crowd, those who couldn't understand the old woman's style pointed at her again.

The old woman was not afraid at all, she held her neck high, like a dead pig not afraid of boiling water.

Ling Yuan sneered: "Don't worry, as long as I enter the Yamen, the officials will not dare to beat me."

The old woman looked her up and down, and found that although she was wearing ordinary clothes, the material of the clothes was very good, compared with what Yang Liu was wearing, it was even worse.

There was a chug in her heart.

Does this girl really have some great background?

Moving his gaze to the side, he saw that Li Huang was calm and composed from the beginning to the end, and when he heard that she was going to report to the police, he didn't even change his eyes.

This kind of demeanor, even if she is dressed like an ordinary person, she really makes the old woman a little afraid.

"I don't care, you just broke my old lady's wrist with so much effort, and you have to pay for it."

"If you don't pay, then see the official."

However, just as she finished speaking, a cold voice suddenly came from the other side.

"This son is an official, but this son wants to see why he dares to play tricks on this son's territory!"

When everyone heard the words, Qi Qi looked towards the source of the sound, and saw Mo Jing walking over imposingly in a black brocade robe.

The crowd automatically made way for him, Mo Jingzhan grasped Li Huang's hand, and shot at the old woman with piercing eyes.

"The blackmail has actually been blackmailed to the eldest princess of the court. This son sees that you are impatient!"

The old woman's eyes widened, and then her legs gave way, and she knelt down.

The old woman's daughter-in-law's face was as white as paper, and she knelt on the ground tremblingly, not daring to say a word.

Those who watched the excitement did not expect that the ordinary girl in front of them was Princess Dayuan.

The eldest princess of Dayuan, isn't that the wife of their Lord of Three Continents?

Thinking of this, everyone knelt down in unison: "See the eldest princess!"

Li Huang said lightly: "Stay flat, since I have come to these three continents, I don't pay attention to those red tapes."

After everyone thanked them, they got up and thought to themselves, this eldest princess has a really good temper.

Seeing that everyone around her got up, the old lady wanted to follow suit, but just as one of her legs moved, Ling Yuan's scabbard rested on her shoulder.

The old woman had never seen such a battle before, Dang even trembled a little with fright.

"Girl, if you have something to say, please say it. Just now, the old lady was blind and didn't know that the nobleman was coming. Miss, for the sake of my old lady's age, please forgive me this time."

Ling Yuan sneered: "Didn't you just say that you were going to see the official?"

The old woman trembled, and she said with a sad face: "Caomin dare not!"

It has long been heard that the eldest princess brought her maid to Yucheng, and on the day the Turks attacked the city, she even entered the enemy camp and disrupted the enemy's fighting style. If it was not for her, the danger of Yucheng would not be resolved so quickly. up.

Even the fact that there were spies hidden in the ground was found out by her personal risk.

These days, the streets and alleys are rumored that the eldest princess is brave and resourceful, cares about the country and the people, and is the best match for their young master.

Now, the Lord is standing in front of her, yet she dares to blackmail him.

The old woman wanted to give herself a few big mouths.

"Don't you dare? Didn't you just look like you were catching us to pick up wool? Now, tell me, how much is this spice?"

As Ling Yuan said, she struck the old woman's shoulder with a sword, and the old woman gritted her teeth in pain.

The old woman raised her eyes to glance at Ling Yuan, and then at Mo Jingzhan with a dark and handsome face, she was so frightened that her liver and gallbladder split.

"Five...fifty wen, no, twenty wen!"

Immediately, she quickly shook her head and waved her hands and said, "No, I dare not accept money from the nobleman, and treat it as the filial piety of the grassroots to the nobleman."

After she finished speaking, she kowtowed heavily, and she caught a glimpse of her daughter-in-law from the corner of her eye, her eyes were full of resentment.

It's all this bitch, otherwise, how could she provoke these evil stars.

When I go back, let's see how she cleans her up.

Ling Yuan, who had been staring at her every move, caught her gaze, and even frowned.

She looked at Yang Liu: "Give her fifty coins, so as not to say that our princess is using power to oppress others."

Yang Liu immediately untied a cloth bag from her waist, took out the copper coins that had been strung in advance, and stuffed them into the little woman's hands.

Holding the money in her hands, the little woman looked at her mother-in-law and Ling Yuan in a bewildered manner, always feeling a little hot.

Ling Yuan seemed to see her fear, and comforted her: "Don't worry, if your wicked mother-in-law dares to make things difficult for you when you get home, you can come to the Garrison Mansion to find me."

As she spoke, she tied up the spice bag and carried it on her shoulders.

Take a good stroll down the street, Xingzhi will be wiped out by these people, it's better to go back to the house earlier to make pots.

So, she looked at Li Huang and asked: "Does Your Highness want to continue to hang out with Shizi or go back now?"

Li Huang felt that if his identity was exposed today, he would have to be cautious wherever he went, and it was not very interesting to walk around, so he looked at Mo Jingzhan.

"Go home."

Mo Jingzhan nodded: "Okay, then go back home."

The guard drove the carriage over with a wink: "Your Highness, young master, get in the carriage."

Mo Jingzhan gave him a look of admiration, and the guard was immediately elated. It seems that his monthly silver can increase a bit this month.

A group of people sat in a carriage and quickly disappeared at the end of the street.

As soon as the person left, the old woman jumped up from the ground like a tiger, and snatched the copper coin from the daughter-in-law's hand.

Cursing and cursing: "You little bastard, don't think that nobles really look down on people like you, get out of here!"

"If you're hungry, see if I don't peel off your skin!"

The people who hadn't dispersed pointed at the wicked woman again.

"Eat your daughter-in-law's food all day, spend your daughter-in-law's food, and treat your daughter-in-law like this, it's really not a thing!"

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