The princess is above: the power minister's palm favor

Chapter 372 Your Majesty's Three Thoughts

The potato grains are indeed soft and sweet.

"In a famine year, it would be a luxury to eat a whole pot of potato grains, and you would have to eat them with the leaves of other vegetables."

"However, this thing doesn't take away the hunger, so we only planted two or three parts of the field for each household."

Li Huang asked about the yield and planting cycle of this kind of potato grain in detail, and felt that if the seeds really had problems, it would be too late to make more varieties now.

Unexpectedly, after she brought Yang Liu and the others back to the defense mansion, Ling Yuan, who had gone out to inquire about news, came back.

"Your Highness, most of the seeds in the city have problems. I have asked the servants. The seeds of Yucheng came from Yuzhou. Right now, there are uprisings in several places around Yuzhou."

"On the way back, I saw several generals from the city rushing here. It seems that things are quite serious."

Li Huang frowned, she knew that those people lurking inside the abyss would definitely cause trouble, but she didn't expect that they could really move so many places.

"Then what is the magistrate of Yuzhou doing?" Li Huang asked.

"Your Highness, the magistrate of Yuzhou has been besieged by the people of several other prefectures for selling boiled seeds to make money. He was directly pushed down from the tower by his cronies and replaced him."

"Right now, those people who were originally rioting were appeased by that confidant. Now, the pot is being pinned on the imperial court, so those people are going to rebel."

Li Huang: "..."

She didn't expect that the man who was far away in the capital could stretch his hand so long.

Either way, she was worried that she would not be able to find a chance to confront him head-on.

Although that period of grievances was in a dream, the feeling was like experiencing it personally.

If this person is not removed, the great abyss will not be peaceful.

"What's the name of the confidant of the prefect of Yuzhou?"

Ling Yuan didn't understand why she asked this suddenly, but she still replied, "It seems to be Zhang Gan."

Li Huang hooked her lips: "Didn't Zhang Gan say that the court asked them to sell those cooked seeds? You asked them to release the news, saying that the court not only distributed cooked seeds to each of their households, but also A subsidy of 100 taels."

Ling Yuan's eyes widened: "Your Highness wants to..."

Li Huang straightened her back, with a confident smile on her face: "Don't they want to spread rumors? Then I will let them know what it means to walk around without food."

"Just release the news and say that those boiled seeds were not originally used for planting, but the court accidentally broke them, but it's a pity to throw them away, so I want to send them to everyone to help them consume them together. Chengxiang Yuzhou's magistrate only distributed seeds, not money."

Ling Yuan's eyes lit up: "Your Highness is really clever."

This move directly mixed up the water, let's see what the guy surnamed Zhang can do.

What Li Huang didn't know was that not only these prefectures near Sanzhou were in turmoil, but other prefectures were also experiencing turmoil to varying degrees.

At this time, Qin Rui, who was far away in the capital, received the news, a smug smile appeared on his lips.

He just wanted cholera, the abyss of the country, to make the Li Dynasty disappear in the long river of history.

In the past few days, booklets from all over the world have been handed in frequently, and the old emperor has long been devastated.

Especially in those places that were hit by the disaster, there were problems in the reconstruction after the disaster. The people fled everywhere and sold their children and daughters.

At this time, Li Mohan stood up.

"Uncle Huang, I think that the present situation is caused by the incompetence of your monarch."

"If you want to quell public grievances, you can only resolve them by abdicating the throne."

As his words fell, there was a gasp in the entire hall.

This cheap prince who came back halfway really dare to say it!
However, as his words fell, more than half of the newly promoted officials also came out one after another, kneeling down and shouting.

"Your Majesty, for the sake of the people of the world, abdicate and let the virtuous!"

The old emperor saw it, good guy, these people were all given by Li Mohan before, and they were not on the list.

He didn't know that Li Mohan had bought half of these newly selected talents in such a short period of time.

it is good!
Really good!

At this time, a guard hurried in to report: "Your Majesty, it's not good, the rebels have invaded the capital, they said... said..."

The old emperor's heart was pounding, and he frowned and scolded: "What are you talking about? Don't hesitate!"

The guard wiped the sweat from his forehead and said, "They said that if His Majesty does not abdicate, they will kill a wave of people every hour until all the people in the capital are killed!"

The old emperor was furious when he heard the words: "Presumptuous! It's just arrogant!"

"Where are the city patrolling guards? Where did these rebels come from? Didn't they get any news before? Or, my city patrolling guards, as well as the Xi Daying guarding the capital, have all become rebels. military?"

"Your Majesty, calm down!"

All the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty knelt down, and the guards who came to report were trembling even more.

"Your Majesty, the generals of the entire Western Camp invited His Highness the Crown Prince out of the city yesterday to discuss military affairs, and directly detained His Highness the Crown Prince in the tent!"

"They said that your majesty is not worthy of virtue, and they want you to abdicate! Otherwise, they will slaughter all the people in this capital!"

As soon as the guard's words fell, another guard hurried up to the main hall and shouted: "Your Majesty, it's not good, the rebels killed ten people just now, and threatened that in half an hour if you If you don’t agree to abdicate, you will kill a hundred of them!”

"Right now, they are coming straight to the palace!"

The old emperor rushed down the steps angrily, glared at the soldier and asked, "Say it again!"

The guard was afraid of the emperor's prestige, but he still repeated what he said just now.

The old emperor was so angry that he pulled out the sword from his waist on the spot, and the veterans in the hall became anxious when they saw this.

"Think twice, Your Majesty!"

"His Royal Highness is still in their hands, you have to think about the consequences!"

As soon as Li Yuze was mentioned, the old emperor's anger was suppressed again.

No matter how dissatisfied he was with this son, it was still the eldest son born to him by his most beloved queen.

"Your Majesty, please calm down. The most important thing right now is how to quell this rebellion, rather than acting on your will."

"Yes, Your Majesty, the tens of thousands of people in the city are urgent!"

The crowd tried to persuade him, but the old emperor had a gloomy expression on his face.

Li Mohan brushed off the non-existent dust on his robe, and said lightly: "Uncle, look, abdication is the general trend, why do you have to struggle so hard?"

"If there is no prince, what do you think is the use of the throne?"

"If there are no people in this imperial city, what is the use of your emperor?"

"Listen to my nephew's persuasion, abdicate to let the virtuous, and my nephew can still let us have a way out for the sake of our relatives."

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