At this moment, the door of the political hall was suddenly surrounded by people.

Then, a group of people rushed in.

A loud voice sounded: "This king wants to see who can force my father to abdicate!"

This voice fell on everyone's ears like the sound of heaven.

The old emperor was even more stunned, and then looked towards the entrance of the main hall.


Li Yuheng came against the light, tall and straight.

He was dressed in armor, held a long sword, and there were bloodstains on his face from the fight just now, and he exuded an aura of Shura.

But at this moment, in the eyes of those courtiers loyal to the old emperor, this is simply a star king descending to earth.

"His Royal Highness King Li!"

Those old ministers had tears in their eyes, they finally hoped for a savior.

Da Yuan was saved.

Li Yuheng glanced at those old ministers, and nodded slightly: "My lords are surprised, this king is back."

Immediately, he walked up to the emperor gracefully, knelt down on one knee, and said in a loud voice: "My son is late in saving me, I hope my father will forgive me."

The old emperor was so excited that his hands were shaking, and he quickly reached out to help him: "Get up, get up, as long as you come back, it's not too late."

He looked up and down at the son he hadn't seen for many years, and felt sore and astringent in his heart.

He admitted that this was not the son born to his beloved woman, and he didn't care that much about this son.

Therefore, when he asked himself to go to calm the border, he did not object.

Seeing him now, the old emperor was filled with emotion.

Those elders also rushed forward one after another, weeping with joy: "It's good that King Li is back."

At this moment, the monarch and his subjects were completely immersed in the joy of the rest of their life after the catastrophe, completely forgetting about Qin Rui and his subordinates.

Qin Rui's face was ashen, and he gritted his teeth: "His Royal Highness, when you broke into the palace, didn't you encounter the forbidden army?"

Only then did Li Yuze remember that there are still a group of disorderly officials and thieves in this hall.

He turned his head and stared at Qin Rui with sharp eyes: "Are you referring to those people outside the hall?"

Everyone looked in the direction of his finger, and saw a large area of ​​black standing outside the hall, what is it if it is not the imperial guards guarding the palace wall?
Qin Rui's expression changed, and he walked around behind Luo Jiyuan and grabbed his neck.

"Don't move! Otherwise, I'll strangle him to death!"

The old emperor was so angry that his facial muscles trembled: "Qin Rui, you are already defeated, why bother to struggle to the death?"

Luo Jiyuan sneered: "Even if you kill me, so what? Dayuan will not die because of the loss of Luo Jiyuan, and the son of my Luo family will not die because His Majesty failed to save my old life." , and betray the Lord!"

His voice is sonorous and powerful, and it is resounding.

It shocked the hearts of the courtiers in the entire hall.

Those who kneeled and surrendered just now couldn't help but feel a little red-faced and ashamed.

Some brains are already working hard, thinking about how to save themselves after the crisis is over.

The emperor will not reuse an unfaithful person again, their future is doomed to come to an end from the moment they knelt down to Qin Rui just now.

But they don't want to accept their fate yet.

Then, someone stood up and pretended to say: "You let Lord Luo go, kill me if you want to kill me."

"Yes, I can also die for Lord Luo."

The top planners in twos and threes stood up, no matter how loud they shouted, it still couldn't cover up the calculations in their eyes.

Luo Jiyuan looked at them mockingly: "I, Luo Jiyuan, don't need people like you who are greedy for life and afraid of death to pretend here!"

He turned to look at the emperor and Li Yuheng: "Your Majesty, Your Highness King Li, you don't have to worry about me, kill this gang of rebellious officials and thieves quickly."

Before Qin Rui could wait for the emperor to respond, he tightened his grip on Luo Jiyuan.

He looked at Li Yuheng with deep eyes: "His Royal Highness, the crown prince is not here at this time. Could it be that you want to replace him?"

Li Yuheng's complexion changed, he drew out his sword and pointed at him and reprimanded him: "Qin Rui, don't you try to sow discord here, the prince and I have never thought about that position!"

Qin Rui sneered: "Have you never thought about it, or have you never dared to think about it? Now, the prince and the uncle are in my hands. If they die, the throne will naturally become yours, won't it? "

"In terms of achievements, how can Li Yuxiao compare with you?"

Everyone had different expressions, and those courtiers who originally wanted to fight for the merits of the dragon became confused again.

That's right, in terms of merit, how can the Third Highness, who only wants to make money, compare with the Second Highness, who has been stationed at the border for many years and has a certain prestige in the army?
Li Yuheng's face was serious: "Qin Rui, don't stir up people's hearts, let Uncle Guo go!"

Qin Rui's eyes sank, and the men in black around him leaned towards him one after another, surrounding him tightly.

"If you don't want your uncle Guo to die, back away!"

Seeing this, Luo Jiyuan yelled: "Don't let them go, kill them quickly!"

"Your Majesty, if you let the tiger go back to the mountain, there will be endless troubles!"

The old emperor's eyes were full of struggles. He didn't want to let the tiger go back to the mountain, but he also didn't want to lose Luo Jiyuan, his right-hand man.

Seeing this, Qin Rui sneered and said, "Look, Lord Luo, you are still hesitating about the lord whom you want to be loyal to."

"It's a great honor. My life, a remnant of the previous dynasty, can be compared with yours."

After saying that, he struck Luo Jiyuan unconscious with a knife in his hand.

Then, he carried it on his shoulders, and with a flash of figure, he went straight to the gate of the palace.

Li Yuheng shrank his pupils, and hurriedly used his lightness kung fu to chase him out.

Those black-clothed assassins soon fought with the imperial guards surrounding the temple.

Qin Rui carried a person on his shoulders, but his figure was still vigorous, and he arrived at the gate of the palace in the blink of an eye.

Li Yuheng shouted: "Stop him!"

However, the guards guarding the gate were not at the same level as Qin Rui, and he jumped out without even touching a piece of his clothes.

"If you want Master Luo to live, let Li Huang come to Liangzhou in person!"

After the words fell, Qin Rui had disappeared.

Li Yuheng's soldiers immediately surrounded him: "Your Highness?"

Li Yuheng: "Seal the city gates, not a single fly can be released!"

After the words fell, he quickly turned around and returned to the palace.

Luo Jiyuan was robbed, he must report to the emperor.

Moreover, the other party asked Li Huang to go to Liangzhou by name, which meant that the other party would not want Luo Jiyuan's life yet.

However, as it was about Li Huang, the imperial court had to take appropriate measures.

As for Li Yuze, who was forgotten by everyone, he was being escorted by the rebels at this moment, and he fled in the direction of Liangzhou.

On the other side, Li Huang had just finished dealing with the food problem in Sanzhou when Yulongwei hurried in.

"Your Highness, Uncle Luo Guo was kidnapped by Feige from the capital to pass on the letter."

Li Huang stood up suddenly: "What did you say? Who kidnapped my uncle?"

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