However, when Yulongwei took the order to stop the robbery, he was a step too late.

Qin Rui's men had already arrested him in advance.

In a certain wealthy mansion, the father and son who were locked together stared wide-eyed.

Luo Jiyuan reprimanded angrily: "What are you doing here?"

Luo Mingchuan curled his lips: "Father, they want to save you."

Luo Jiyuan sneered, and hit him bluntly: "You come to deliver the head."

Luo Mingchuan's face was full of grievances: "Father, I feel sad when you say that about me. I didn't know that these people are so insidious, and they would still arrest me."

It is reasonable to arrest his father as an uncle, but what can he do?
One has no official position, and the other has no prestige, should he be caught for nothing?
Luo Jiyuan hated iron but steel: "You are the only son of my father, and the future Luo Mansion will be handed over to you. If you are lost here, what will the Luo family do?"

Such a big kid, why don't you use your brain when doing things.

Luo Jiyuan is so angry.

Luo Mingchuan was eager to save his father at the moment, and he didn't think too much about it. Now that he was scolded a few times, he didn't dare to talk back.

"Father, I've come here, so don't scold me, I will definitely find a way to take you out."

With that said, he moved to the edge of the chair and tried to break the rope that bound his hands.

Luo Jiyuan didn't see it, he felt that his wisdom in the whole life would be defeated by him.

However, after thinking about it, I feel very relieved. At least, his son is a filial and responsible son, and he hasn't blindly expected others to save him.

Luo Mingchuan was halfway through, when he suddenly remembered his baggage, and yelled towards the door: "Hey, you all return the young master's baggage! You are such a big man, why are you still greedy for the dozens of taels in my baggage?" Can't the banknotes be made?"

The guards guarding the door almost rolled their eyes when they heard the words.

With his dozens of taels of silver bills, who cares?
They randomly send out some missions every month, and there are more than this number.

Returning the son of the family, I am embarrassed to go out with such a small amount of money.

So, without even thinking about it, he threw the burden into the house.

Luo Mingchuan's eyes lit up, he moved over, opened the bag, found two pieces of jerky from inside, and looked at his father.

"Father, are you hungry?"

The touch that Luo Jiyuan had just raised disappeared in an instant.

With a dark face, he squeezed out two words: "Don't eat."

Fortunately, he thought that his son had grown up, but he didn't expect that he was thinking about eating.

Luo Mingchuan moved to his side, and handed the dried meat to his hand: "I'm hungry, Dad, I want to grind the rope, my hands are empty, you feed me."

Luo Jiyuan: "..."

His fist was itchy.

If it weren't for being tied up now, he might not be able to resist beating him up.

This brat actually dared to let him be fed!
However, in spite of his anger, he still fed the meat into his mouth as he said.

So, while chewing the delicious jerky, Luo Mingchuan worked harder to grind the rope.

After two quarters of an hour, the rope finally broke.

He untied Luo Jiyuan in a hurry, then touched the window, wanting to push it open.

But the window was nailed on from the outside, and it could only be pushed open a crack for free.

He glanced at that slit, and there were many people standing outside.

"It's just us father and son, why send so many people around?"

Luo Mingchuan muttered, sitting on the ground discouraged.

Luo Jiyuan snorted: "Why do you think they returned the burden to you so generously?"

Even knowing that with the two of them, it is difficult to fly with wings.

However, his eyes flashed.

Before Li Huang came, he could try his best to find out what this place was and how many people were there.

On the other side, Li Huang arrived at the place specified in the letter on time——

A small courtyard with ventilation on all sides.

She looked around, it was empty, it didn't look like a person at all, and there were spider webs everywhere.

Seeing this, Ling Yuan couldn't help whispering: "Your Highness, it doesn't look like there are people living here at all, we are not being tricked, are we?"

However, just as she finished speaking, there was a cold voice from the roof over there.

"His Royal Highness, the eldest princess, is really bold. She dared to come here with only such a servant girl."

As soon as Li Huang raised her head, she met the eyes that had entangled her countless times in the dream, and hatred surged in her heart instantly.

She took a deep breath, and said: "Master Qin asked Ben Gong to come, is it just to let Ben Gong raise his head and talk to you?"

Qin Rui laughed, and jumped down with his robe lifted.

"The eldest princess was just joking. How dare I talk to you so easily when I'm not sure how many people you have brought?"

As he said that, he walked towards the stone table next to him in a loud voice.

Li Huang was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, and asked straight to the point: "Where's my uncle?"

Qin Rui sat on the stone bench with his robe lifted, and instead of answering her question, he asked instead: "Aren't you curious, why did I ask you to come by name?"

Li Huang stared at his face, only felt that some images in the dream were getting clearer and clearer, but the disgust in his heart couldn't be suppressed no matter what.

But she also knew that when this man went crazy, he could do anything.

So, she could only follow his words and ask, "Why?"

Qin Rui glanced at Ling Yuan who was beside her, the meaning was obvious, they didn't want a third person present when they were talking.

Ling Yuan became angry on the spot: "Qin, what do you want to do to our Highness?"

Send her away, lonely man and widow, if he really has some evil intentions, how can her highness be an opponent?
Qin Rui glanced at her lightly, and said: "If I really want to do something, do you think you, a yellow-haired girl, can stop me?"

Ling Yuan was silenced by him.

Indeed, it is indeed not something she can compete with who has the ability to carry Luo Jiyuan from the capital's layers of defense to Liangzhou.

But even if she dies, she can't retreat.

Seeing that she was not moving, Qin Rui could only look at Li Huang: "I forgot to tell Her Royal Highness, before you came here, my people even arrested Young Master Luo."

Li Huang: "!!!"

He looked at Li Huang, and then at Ling Yuan beside her, with a half-smile.

Li Huang took a deep breath, patted Ling Yuan's shoulder and said, "Go outside and wait for me."

Ling Yuan opened her mouth and wanted to struggle again, but after meeting Li Huang's eyes, she could only shut her mouth and obediently backed out.

Li Huang looked at Qin Rui: "What exactly do you want to say?"

If it wasn't for the other party holding a hostage in his hand, she really wanted to go up and slap him two big mouths.

Qin Rui swept away the indecent look just now, looked straight at her, and said, "Does your Highness believe in past and present lives?"

Li Huang thought she heard it wrong: "What?"

Qin Rui got up, took two steps towards her, and looked at her seriously: "If I say, I want to save the Luo family father and son, unless you come with me?"

Li Huang stared at him dumbfounded, thinking that this man was simply crazy.

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