Chapter 102

"Miss Lin." Zhang Yuxing greeted her, "Let me introduce myself, my name is Zhang Yuxing, Mudao's assistant."

"Lin Xian."

"Miss Lin looks familiar, have we met before?"

Lin Xian: "It's hard to tell."

Zhang Yuxing said with a smile: "You speak very Zen, it's really not good.

I heard from Xiao Zhang that your vegetables are growing well, if there are any leftovers, how about selling some to me? "

"Xiao Zhang told you this?" Lin Xian's starting point is always strange.

Zhang Yuxing choked, "You know Xiao Zhang well, it's really not what he said, I listened to it in the village."

"Why are you talking about going to school now?" Zhang Yuxing really didn't expect Lin Xian's question.

"came back."

But now, with a sudden change of environment, he may feel insecure, so he doesn't want to be separated from his mother. "

"Hahaha, don't call me wife, just call me Yongmei."

When the woman heard the name, she was even more pleasantly surprised, "Oh, I have a sister named Yongmei, our two families are destined."

"I like this place. You can come here often when the road gets better in the future." Father Lin took the opportunity to attract business for himself, "If you are satisfied with my food, I will buy it later."

Hey, I knew I wouldn't talk to her, what a neighbor who has no sense of boundaries.

"I'm home."

It's good to talk about the weather, weeds, and pests, why inquire about the private affairs of his boss's house.

His wife was puzzled.

Presumably, it is not too difficult for him to keep up with the teaching progress in the city.

"Definitely come again!" The child squeezed between his parents and said, "Your food is so delicious, it's as delicious as meat, and I eat too much, and my mother won't tell me."

She pulls weeds very quickly, first locks in her spiritual power, and then pulls upwards.

"A child, it doesn't make sense to reason with him." Lin Xiao thought he had experienced it, "Either he threatens or lures him. It's too difficult for his conscience to find out."

As soon as he stood up, he saw Lin Xian and the others.

The woman took a basket of vegetables and sat down next to Mama Lin, "Your vegetables are really good."

The middle-aged woman who has a good impression of Lin Xian has always followed Lin Xian, "It's good that young people are willing to work hard, Mrs. Lin, you are blessed."

Just listen quietly and ask.

"Miss Lin has really good hearing. You must know that Mudao's daughter and grandson were found yesterday."

What is the identity of the other party?
"I'm on a business trip." In comparison, Zhang Yuxing's response seemed a little cold, and he even deliberately kept a distance from the other party, "Go ahead, I don't want to interrupt your parent-child interaction time."


"Ah Yuan!" Papa Lin waved at them.

"Okay!" Dad Lin was of course happy when the business came to his door, "Just pull out whatever you like."

Papa Lin was picking vegetables for a customer. Rhubarb poked his head to the left and swept his tail to the right. The flying dog hair flew straight into Papa Lin's mouth.

Zhang Yuxing still used a positive statement, "My child, of course we have to send him to school. The school he was in, the quality of teaching must not be as good as that in the city, so Mudao asked me to find a cram school and let him get used to it first. adapt.

"Boss Lin, sell me some of the vegetables from your field."

The movements were so fast that others couldn't see the movements of her hands clearly.
Mama Lin just sat down, and when she looked up, there was a pile of weeds around Lin Xian.

Mama Lin: "Ah, slow down, take it easy," so don't let people see it.

I had no choice but to take it back in embarrassment, but my enthusiasm remained undiminished, and I went to Zhang Yuxing to talk, "Long time no see, I went back to your company to talk about something, and I wanted to meet you by the way, but I couldn't. What have you been up to lately?"

If the boss hadn't taken care of him in advance, there was no need to guard against this person, and he would have to find an excuse to cover it up.

When he shouted, Mama Lin also stood up.

"This is your daughter, she looks really juicy." The middle-aged woman felt inexplicably kind when she saw Lin Xian, "Your place has beautiful scenery, delicious food, and good-looking people."

Rhubarb circled among the crowd, seeing that no one was paying attention to it, he flicked his tail and ran up the mountain.

"It's okay, I'm young and strong."

From the title, it seems like someone's assistant, but her husband's enthusiasm is too much.

His mother grabbed his hair and rubbed it, "No matter how delicious it is, you can't eat it, look at your stomach!"

Just when their mother and son were joking with each other, and Lin's father laughed together, the child's father suddenly walked towards Lin Xian, "You are..."

"Oops! Bah! Move aside!"

As soon as Rhubarb saw Papa Lin, he immediately ran over and circled around his feet, whining and screaming, as excited as if he hadn't seen him in hundreds of years.

Father Lin didn't know what Da Huang was talking about, he only saw Da Huang's tongue trying to flick his face.

Mother Lin smiled, "It's fate, there is fate." But she couldn't help complaining in her heart, there are too many people calling her by this name, can it be regarded as fate?

"Be careful, don't step on the vegetables!" Papa Lin was annoyed by rhubarb, so he simply stood up and straightened his waist for the time being.

A family of five, a middle-aged couple, plus a young couple with a child.

Of course, what he was looking at was not Lin Xian, but Zhang Yuxing behind Lin Xian and Lin Xiao.

I inquired at his previous school. The class he was in was regarded as a key class in the county, and he was still in school during the summer vacation.

When Lin Xiao heard this, he clapped his hands and said, "So you came out and waited for them to do the ideological work of that child?"

'Ah-Xian is back!look!look!I'll bring her to see you! '

In the time it took to speak, I reached the end of the cement road. Not far away were Lin's father and Lin's mother in the field, as well as the client who just came today.

It's not as fast as a normal person's speed.

The guest who came today, Lin Xian had never seen before, was recommended by an old customer.

Go drink baby water, and watch the chick, very busy!Very busy!
Lin Xian came to Lin Ma's side and saw that there were all pulled out weeds around her feet, "There are so many weeds coming out again?"

"I'll weed for a while, you go to the ridge to rest." Lin Xian asked Lin Xiao to pull the man over to rest, and then squatted down and started weeding.

"Zhang Zhu! Oh, what a coincidence, I didn't expect to meet you here." The child's father wanted to shake hands excitedly, and ran half way with his hands outstretched, only to realize that his hands were covered in mud.

"It's not." There are outsiders who can't say much.

"It's like you have a child yourself."

"Where, look at how much grass there is in this field. If you can afford it, you are willing to buy my family's vegetables. Otherwise, if you plant so much land, your hair will turn gray."

"There will be more grass without pesticides, but you can rest assured after eating such vegetables." The woman said with a little deep meaning, "You have to think about why we are willing to travel so far to buy your vegetables. Your vegetables may Is it better than others?"

She emphatically emphasized the word 'good', and Mama Lin was embarrassed to hear it.

But it's not good, her daughter doesn't know where to get the strange thing.

(End of this chapter)

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