Those who didn't know thought he was talking about rare treasures, or some vegetables.

As for!
Zhang Yuxing took the radish back and gave it to He Yuan, asking him to make a pickled radish.

As soon as He Yuan took the hand, he asked, "Is it the food from the Lin family next door?"

"You can see this?" Zhang Yuxing wondered, "Is there a mark on his radish?"

Really marked.

Any practitioner who is really capable can feel the fluctuation of spiritual power in the dish as soon as they get it.

There must be more grass in the immortal's field, one night when he is not on duty, he will pull it out again.

"In the whole village, his cherry radishes are so juicy."

"Hey, it's the chef after all."

He Yuan had to remind him, "I am a bodyguard."

Lin Xiao was the only one who fed the chickens.

Zhang Yuxing would rather stand in the kitchen and talk nonsense with He Yuan than sit in the main room.

"If you can see it, is it still a goblin?" Lin Xian warned him: "Since you don't practice, don't be too curious about the affairs of extraordinary people. Knowing more is not good for you."

"Do rich people still need to benefit? They are happy enough." Lin Xian filled the drinking fountain in the chicken coop with the spiritual spring, "It's over! Go home and eat."

Even if you don't really put it in front of your eyes, as long as the accumulated amount in the ledger is increasing, you can make people dance happily.

As for Lin Xiao's condescending attitude when he said this, Lin Xian really felt his entanglement.

The oppressive atmosphere was blocked by a wall, and Lin Xian's house next door, standing on the cornerstone of [-] million, lived happily and freely.

Lin Xian: "Pretty! It has to be you."

After Lin's father finished dancing, he remembered that there were still two people missing in the family, "Where are the children?"

It was so embarrassing.

Lin Xian asked her, "Who can afford health care products?"

Lin Xiao scratched his arms and scratched the back of his head.

On the surface, the resources that people can touch appear to be scarce, and the aura is relatively thin.

That's right, He Xian can be a bodyguard now, and it's not surprising that her sister communicates with dogs.

"The aura is gone, how much can enter the human body in a natural state? The premise of cultivating immortals is that your body must absorb the aura by itself."

Rhubarb: "Wooooowowow."

No matter how he looks at it, he doesn't like it.

"No, I was thinking..."

"Have you finished moving the grass?" Lin Xian reckoned that what was on him was the last basket.

"Ah? Why? It's not that there is no aura, it's just that there is less aura."

When the merchants came, they asked Xi Zong to pick them up on a three-wheeler. When they left, they naturally had to go to trouble again.

Lin Xiao pinched the empty paper cup, "If this thing is used as a health care product, it will be really health care.

Father Lin went to trouble Xizong again.

He carried a basket of grass and walked to the side of the chicken coop, seeing that the two of them were chatting quite similarly.

You said before that cultivating immortals is dangerous, but there are also successful ones. You are a ready-made example.

Lin Xiao poured heavily.

"What do you mean by 'you'?" Lin Xian asked him back: "Apart from me, which immortal have you met?"

The two slowed down, stepped on the most solid soil, and talked about the most illusory future.

His treatment plan is to send Xu Dagui to school, so that he won't be an eyesore in front of him.

He added: "Don't talk about young people wanting to exercise. This is not exercise. I almost exhausted me."

If we want to set up a health care product factory, will it be considered a benefit to mankind? "

"Feed the chickens on the hill."

"Heh!" Lin Xiao was speechless, "Sister! The most extraordinary person is you!"

Lin Xiao looked puzzled, what did it say?

The boss and his grandson are still in a stalemate.

"A rich man."

Father Lin followed him all the way, and he was relieved when he saw him getting into the car.

"I'm different." Lin Xian said confidently, "I have a plan."

I wanted to cut it off, but I was not sure if cutting it off would affect my daughter's life, so I was forced to choose conservative treatment.

"So many people are staring at the vegetable field, and the grass is gone with a wave of my hand. Is it just a daytime hell?" Lin Xian handed over a cup of Lingquan, "Drink some."

Needless to say, Lingquan is really amazing.

Where's his sister?His sister and Da Huang squatted together to study how to eat chicken.

Money is really a good thing.

If you drink it when your body is in good condition, you will only be amazed at its taste, and if you drink it when your body is not in good condition, you will be able to appreciate its wonder even more.

After all, what is the stalemate between people and tumors?From Mu Henian's point of view, Xu Dagui is like a tumor growing on her daughter.

"I was thinking, if I can endure the thunder punishment, can I also cultivate immortality?"

She knew that the so-called greedy eyes were just a nonsense excuse to avoid that nasty reason.

After getting off the mountain, Lin Xiaocai asked, "Sister, didn't you say that there are goblins practicing on the mountain? Why haven't I seen them?"

His legs stopped shaking, his back stopped bending, and he could even jump in place.

What does that mean, you know? "

Lin Xian found it funny.

"No." Lin Xian said, "It represents the vast majority of people who cannot cultivate immortality."

It should not be accurate to say that there is a stalemate.

It was only 10 minutes ago that he knew for sure that his sister could really communicate with Rhubarb across species.

"There is no threshold for cultivating immortality. We are born as human beings, so we already have the upper hand." Lin Xian was the first to formally analyze for him what he would face if he cultivated immortality.

Lin Xiao guessed, "It's just that the cultivation is slower?"

So I thought, maybe ha, as your younger brother, do I have a bit of talent for cultivating immortals? "

When they got home, the couple hurriedly kept the accounts after closing the door.

"It's over." Lin Xiao poured the grass into the chicken coop with deep resentment, "Why do you ask me to move the things you can finish in minutes?"

"Oh, you know, I'm talking about you, how far are you from them.

Lin Xiao really didn't have any strength at all. He couldn't stand up straight. He had to support his knees to barely stand still. But after drinking a cup of spiritual spring, his body seemed to go back in time. The strength he lost before returned to his body little by little. .

The grass that Lin Xian plucked just now, he moved from the bottom of the mountain to the chicken coop on the mountain.

"Speak happily!"

"Why do you want to cultivate immortality?" Lin Xian asked him.

"Our world is different from the world of cultivating immortals that I fell into.

"Just greedy." Lin Xiao said, "I think you guys are amazing."

Although this side is relatively safe, it also hides underground because of the absence of those ferocious beasts.

The sound of salad made Lin Xian roll her eyes, "Do you have fleas on you?"

Lin Xian: "Meat has to be braised in soy sauce, but the chicken soup is also fresh."

Lin Xiao pinched his chin, "Why do I feel like I don't understand?"

"I don't understand, let's put it simply." Lin Xian said, "You see, you can breathe from birth, and you are born to breathe?
Reiki can be regarded as the air in the world of cultivating immortals.

To be able to cultivate immortality, one must be born with the ability to breathe spiritual energy. "

"Wait a minute." Lin Xiao's mind circled several times, "Are you saying that I don't have the qualifications to cultivate immortals at all?"

"I didn't say whether you can cultivate immortality or not. Generally speaking, you don't know until you practice."

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