Chapter 107 Here Comes
"Go and ask." Lin's father said, "After cleaning up later, you go to her house and ask her if she would like to."

"I'll go over now, you clean up the bowls on the table." Mama Lin stood up and left, "I'm just asking someone else, I guess it's enough to find six or seven people."

"Well, almost there."

Lin Xian leaned back against the wall and overheard the conversation next door, "So, Dad hopes that you can have a good relationship with the nobleman next door. From the white pill she gave you, it can be seen that she is not Simple."

Wait a minute, what happened to the part she didn't listen to just now?
How did you jump here?

She would like to see how Mu Xinghe can build a good relationship?
A few minutes later, Lin Xian saw the familiar fruit basket.

Very good, very Mushi Group style!

"Miss Lin, are you free now?"

Lin Xian looked at this much younger face, "Is there something wrong?"

"I just came here, and there are a lot of things I don't understand..." She spoke Mandarin with difficulty, struggling to figure out the words, "I want to invite you to my house."

"Spirit Juling Tree." Lin Xian said it out loud, and the people here didn't know what it was.

"Hey, you stupid young man, this is his son." The village chief stepped forward and tried to slap Xiang Jian's hand blocking the way, "My son needs to make an appointment when he sees me, so get out of the way."

"Yes, let me take a look."

"Yesterday I lost my composure and rushed to the bathroom as soon as I came back. I haven't been so embarrassed in many years." Mu Henian took the opportunity to ask, "I don't know if there is anything on your side that can replace the water ?”

"Tsk, what's going on, you young man."

Lin Xiao leaned behind Lin Xian, "I'm so embarrassed, hurry up and agree."

"Your father, I have been used to living in the city for so many years, but I don't know how to get along with people in the country. I close the door all day and hide at home. You have to talk to him.

While Lin Xian was chatting with Mu's parents, another member of Mu's family was coming here.

Mu Ye took the bodyguards and invited experts, and drove all the way from the urban area to that small road.

It is the leaves of Juling tree.

"I will pass on your words to my father."

The two of them did the doorman's work by the way, and when they saw someone coming, they opened the door.

The way they first thought was to use something to pad the concrete road so that cars could drive over it. As for what would happen to the uncured road, they couldn't control it.

But because there are no materials at hand and the terrain is dangerous, if it is placed on wet cement, it will be even more dangerous.

So what if it's really a leaf?Nothing to lose.

"Thank you very much." Mu Henian transferred the money on the spot.

"Use your brains! Find something to lay on the floor, what am I raising you for!" Mu Ye had been holding his breath for a while, and finally, at this moment, he had a small explosion.

"You find a wooden box to put it in, and it won't dry if you bury it in the soil."

The only downside is that it tastes bitter.

Mu Henian took the three leaves carefully.

When they came to Mu Henian's house, Xiang Jian and He Yuan sat at the door.

"When the matter on my side is resolved, I plan to let her go to study and develop some hobbies."

Since she was the one who called her here, Lin Xian had to say something to her, "What are your plans for the future?"

It can be seen that she has no interest in the compensation Mu Henian said.

"A total of 25, remember to transfer it to me."

"Yes." Lin Xian stretched out her hand and took it out of her trouser pocket.

No matter what the village chief said, Xiang Jian just pretended not to hear it.

Mu Henian said: "No matter what hobbies she has in the future, I will support her. This is the compensation I should make."

Riding a tricycle is really not in line with his status. .

"What kind of tree are these leaves?" She spoke in a low voice.

It's fine for him to be alone, but now that his daughter is here, he keeps her at home all day long.

Just as she was about to stuff it into her mouth, Lin Xian said, "I forgot to mention, I can only eat one slice a month."

Sitting on the back seat of the tricycle, Mu Ye simply covered his face with his hands.

"Please take a seat." Mu Henian stood up, waiting for Lin Xian to take a seat first.

The village head knew Mu Ye's identity from the phone, and he was very enthusiastic along the way.

"I've never seen normal." It's not something in this world.

"This leaf looks really special, I've never seen anything like it before."

Xiang Jian didn't listen to him, "If you don't have an appointment, wait at the door first, and wait for me to inform you."

When Mu Ye arrived, Lin Xian was still at Mu's house.

Lin Xian nodded, "It's pretty good."

Get out more. "

Mu Xinghe smiled at Lin Xian, "I don't have any plans, just follow my father's advice, just go wherever you go."

The village chief's voice was so loud, in fact, Mu Henian heard it from inside.

The spiritual energy contained in the leaves is much higher than that of the spiritual spring, and because of its gentle nature, the spiritual energy is released slowly, so ordinary people can occasionally come to a few leaves.

In the end, they got in touch with the village head of Xialing Village. The village head led people and drove two tricycles to pick them up.

"Last time you came, I was busy with the field affairs, so I didn't have time to see you. I heard that your sister has been found. Did you come to see her?"

Mu Xinghe stared at the three leaves on the table like a fugue.

Mu Henian answered directly for her.

He opened the door and let He Yuan in to report.

At the gate, Xiang Jian stopped several people, "Do you have an appointment?"

The quagga that Lin Xian raised in the world of cultivating immortals has a peculiar taste, and she likes to eat this kind of leaves, so she stocked up a lot in the ring.

Well, 25 was lost.

Xiao Zhang has already gone to take a nap next door, and once the door is closed, there are only three of them in the main room.

"Okay." Lin Xian deliberately took a step back and stepped on Lin Xiao's foot, "Then go to your house and sit for a while."

"Boss Mu, the village chief has brought four people over, and one of them seems to be your son. Do you want to see him?"

The bodyguards were making phone calls and negotiating with workers.

Mu Xinghe sat with her until now, without saying a word, but silently added tea to Lin Xian when there was no more tea in her cup.

Mu Henian had made tea and was waiting for him.

Halfway through the small road, the car had to stop and he was stuck in the middle of the road.

"Yes, yes!" Mu Henian still chose to believe her.

Mu Henian looked at the leaf in her hand, and thought it was a bit outrageous, not to mention chocolate beans, but pills, they were all kneaded like that.

Take out three emerald green leaves.

But this is the leaf!Could it be picked from a nearby tree?

"If you don't have time to eat it, it won't be dry." To say that it is dry is to save face, and the specimen can be made in two months.

I didn't expect it to come so fast.

Coincidentally, the nobleman is here, so he wants to see what kind of moth Wang Ye can make.

"Let them come in." Mu Henian took care, "You and Xiang Jian will guard at the door."


The gate opened, and the village chief's exaggerated voice sounded immediately, "Hey, I said Brother Mu, where did you find such two stunned young men?"

(End of this chapter)

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