Chapter 110

"Dad, the relationship between father and son for so many years...

I have always respected you and never even talked back to you.

What do you mean you and Xinghe will not have a good life when I live, you really misunderstood. "

"Misunderstanding?" Mu Henian kicked the person lying on the ground, "Is this a misunderstanding?"

"I really thought he was a doctor."

We all know that there is no point in sophistry.

Mu Henian pressed forward with every step, while Mu Ye retreated step by step.

The room is full of people from Mu Henian, where can he retreat?

Well, stop pretending, let's showdown.

Lin Xian: "Why would I know?"

"Me." Mu Henian hurried up to the man.

"Don't talk, don't talk, if you know the contact method, tell your boss immediately." Lin Xian would be a little interested in the maintenance of stability in his mouth.

Really two worlds, very different.

Lin Xian: ...

Now that you are a victim, there is no need to turn yourself into a perpetrator.

"Director Mu, tell him to let go of me, I will cast a curse now." Zhao Xiangtian struggled to get up, "I will release the curse on you first."

"It's not coming so soon, is it?" It's only been a few minutes since the location was sent.

"Bah!" Zhao Xiangtian spat at him, because he was lying on his back, and the saliva smeared on his face again, "What can't be done! When he hurts others, he should have thought of this day!"

Xiang Jian took out his mobile phone and found a series of numbers from the memo, "This is the phone number of a member inside. You contact him yourself and say that you have caught an evil cultivator, and they will send someone to investigate."

"But what you can do, I can do too." Mu Henian was about to bribe Zhao Xiangtian on the spot.

Co-author, you know that you will be punished for doing bad things.

Unexpectedly, there would be a day when the goblin persuaded people to do good, but the monks tempted people to do evil.

"Even if I did all these things, what can you do?" Mu Ye relaxed on the contrary, and said calmly, "Can you kill me? Or can you call the police and arrest me?"

I know, you don't want to let them go..."

Mu Henian was also kind, and asked Xiang Jian and the others, "Why don't you go hide on the second floor?"

Xiang Jian hesitated for a while before saying, "There are people who can deal with them, and there is an organization called the Eastern Stability Maintenance Association."

"It will take a while to get here from the city." Mu Henian said, "There is no need to leave now."

Lin Xian found a small bench to sit down and watch the show, and pulled Mu Xinghe who was standing there stupidly, "It's just up to your dad to solve it, he still has some ability."

For Mu Henian, this news came too timely, "How do I get in touch?"

Xiang Jian felt that something was wrong, very wrong.

The two tied Zhao Xiangtian and Wang Ye to the chairs and were about to hide.

Mu Henian briefly introduced himself, and then told the other party the situation here.

How do you feel that He Yuan knows this person so well?

what!Coveting the money of his parents, he actually came up with such a shameful method.

Xiang Jian: "How come?"

There was another knock on the door, and at the same time, the other party asked in wonder, "Didn't you say evil cultivators? Why are there two goblins?"


In fact, he hasn't reacted yet, he is still wondering who the 'two goblins' are.

Just when Mu Henian understood this sentence, Lin Xian looked in the direction of the gate, "This is it."

"Boss Mu, I'll help you tie them up. He Yuan and I have something to do, so we need to go out for a while."

Can this be avoided?A truly cultivated person does not only see things with his eyes.

Zhao Xiangtian had been woken up by Mu Henian's kick just now.

Well, since it's inconvenient, Mu Henian can understand.

Thinking back carefully, from the first meeting, He Yuan treated this person unusually.

Xiang Jian obviously struggled for a while, then raised his chin towards Lin Xian, "She should know."

Lin Xian looked at this scene...

"Who is it?" There was a strong southern accent on the other end of the phone.

When Mu Henian said this, Xiang Jian's entire face was filled with rejection.

"She really doesn't know." He Yuanxin said, she doesn't need to know.

"Don't listen to him." Xiang Jian directly sealed his mouth with spiritual power, "Boss Mu, casting a curse is a sorcery, once used, it will affect your luck.

Mu Ye sneered, "Who did the murder? Were any of you injured? Is there any evidence?"

"Hey, where did you get my number? I'm far away from you. Find the person in charge of your city."

He Yuan couldn't understand him like this, "It's already a crime for you to hire someone to commit murder, why can't you call the police and arrest you!"

Mu Henian: "Do you have something to go out now?"

"Yes, to be honest, our identities are inconvenient to meet people from the Stability Maintenance Committee." Xiang Jian said, "Please don't mention us in front of those people."

"I'm really sorry, I just heard about the Stability Maintenance Association, and I got your call by chance. If you are not convenient to come, please also tell me the contact information of the person in charge of our city."

The man wore heavy glasses, and his off-white T-shirt was scratched in many places.

When these words came out of his mouth, even Lin Xian was surprised.

Lin Xian snapped her fingers, the door opened, and outside stood a young man with three green leaves on his head.

"Aren't you a member of the Stability Maintenance Association?" From the elixir, he could see that this person was extraordinary, and guessed that she was probably a member of the Stability Maintenance Association.

"Thank you very much. I'm really sorry to cause you trouble. If you come over that day when you are free, I will treat you well."

"Who is Mu Henian?" The man patted off the leaves on his head while speaking.

As Lin Xian finished speaking, there was a knock on the door.

"In the end, this organization is a government agency, but it's not on the surface. The members in it are all practitioners." Xiang Jian tiptoed Zhao Xiangtian who was on the ground, "It is specially designed to deal with this kind of people."

"That's not good." Lin Xian stood up and stretched, "They don't necessarily use the means of transportation you've seen before."

"Well, I'll contact you directly here. Where are you? Send me the location later, and I'll send someone to find you."

Mu Henian called immediately, and the call was connected soon.

He was about to agree to the conditions immediately, but before he could open his mouth, he stepped on Xiang Jian and said, "Boss Mu, you have to be careful, you can't do this kind of thing."

Mu Henian: "The Eastern Stability Maintenance Association?"

The man pushed his glasses with his middle finger, "Oh, where's the evil cultivator you mentioned?"

"Let me tell you the truth." Lin Xian took out a wet towel to wipe her hands, "I've never heard of the meeting you mentioned."

Promise him that as long as the same curse is cast on Wang Ye, he will be let go.

Lin Xian: "Why not?"

Mu Henian, "I have no evidence."

"Over here." As soon as Mu Henian stepped aside, he saw four people tied to the chair in unison.

The man didn't ask which one it was, but walked up to Zhao Xiangtian directly, "You dare to come out to harm others with your little ability."

The man made a formula with both hands, and Yu Huangfu stuck it on Zhao Xiangtian's back.

 (-ι_-) Someone interrupts a code word, alas...

(End of this chapter)

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