It was originally agreed that the family is busy during this time, so let him help for a while.

As a result, he didn't know who to listen to, so he dropped the pick after only one day of work.

He also said that he also had something to do at home, and asked him what was the matter, and he actually said that he was going to work.

Is that something that matters?I have already greeted him and asked him to take four days off. Their factory has four days off every month.

Let's ask a few more questions, he turned his face and said: I will give you nothing!Even if I stay at home and find some hourly workers outside, the money I earn is my own.

This made Lin feel angry.

If there is someone else who can help, he doesn't even bother to talk to this kind of person, isn't it just asking for money!
Do me a favor between relatives, how dare I talk about this?

Lin Fang complained to his wife for a while, but her wife also felt that her brother's behavior made her lose face.

After dialing the phone, he started to line up with his brother.

Wow wow wow quarreled for a while, and finally doomed to break up.

He didn't know if he could find a job, he didn't care about eating.

Liu Dajing only knew that the people here were very polite, the front desk poured water for him, and when he entered the office, the supervisor even entertained him with snacks.

As for the position, the bodyguard has been appointed for the time being, and it will be adjusted later.

But this person lost [-] before.

He kept thinking about how the people at the front desk would react when they heard what he said.

Lin Xian: "Call someone first."

"Excuse me, can you see our boss, what's the matter?" The front desk asked politely.

It's really sad when you can't make money. What's the shame?
He used Divine Judgment and quickly came to the Mu's Building.

Lin Xian took out her mobile phone from her trouser pocket, "Boss Mu?"

He took Liu Dajing directly to his office.

In fact, as soon as the supervisor heard the news, he called Zhang Yuxing and asked for instructions on what to do.

He came to the front desk, "Hello, I want to meet the boss of your Mu family."

Liu Dajing was holding the teacup, and before he had time to take a sip, the administrator came.

"We can't..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, he heard a very loud music.

"Then please sit down for a while, I will go and talk to our supervisor."

Just ask!

Zhang Yuxing knew that the 5 yuan was given to the boss, and the boss really accepted it.He guessed that this person might have something to do with his boss.

Just as he was about to turn to leave, the front desk was finally free to take his eyes off the form for a moment.

Standing behind the crowd, Lin Xian was eating melon seeds, wondering where Lin Hongyu would be disabled.

This is not simply a good thing.

As soon as he told Boss Mu what he thought, Boss Mu immediately made a decision and decided to take him.

"Try it, it's all fresh, I just bought it today..." The supervisor hasn't said a word yet.

Although I have made a decision in my heart, to be honest, it is quite difficult to really stand at this door and want to take a step.

Lin Xian turned around and walked home, "Boss Mu, let me remind you that there is something wrong with his body being incomplete."

If he really couldn't think of it, he wouldn't make this call.

Isn't this the guy who put 5 yuan here!

Someone next to him pushed him, "Hongyu is the only child in his family, why don't you take good care of him, he is so young and still unmarried, what if he doesn't take good care of him and leaves some root cause of disease?"

"I want to get a job."

"Okay, you guys don't want to go into the house, the baby is not ready yet, don't listen to the noise." Lin Fang stopped the people who wanted to squeeze into his house.

"Are you still playing mahjong today?" Someone asked with a teacup in hand.

The monthly salary is [-] yuan, and it can be advanced in advance.

So let the supervisor take the person to the office first, and make a decision after he asks about it.

"No." Liu Dajing only remembered now, didn't he have Boss Mu Fei's contact information, why didn't he call and ask, why did he insist on coming here?
He was so rash.

So what if he tried it, at worst he would be kicked out.

I thought it was Zhang Yuxing, but I didn't expect that it was Director Mu who came directly.

"Ah Yuan?" The elder nephew came over with a cane, "Why are you always at home? Is the company on summer vacation?"

If someone else said this, the front desk might think he was sick, and the next sentence would politely ask him to go out.

She'd better ask the leader, don't make trouble for yourself.

At around eight o'clock in the morning, Liu Dajing came out of the hospital, pinched the payment slip in his hand, and decided to just listen to what the ordinary man said.

Can Mu Henian fail to think of it?

Otherwise, go out and make a phone call.

Another receptionist took Liu Dajing to sit on the sofa next to him and poured him a cup of tea.

Probably think he is rude and reckless, dislike his clothes, and then drive him away with disgust on his face.

The office door was pushed open.

Liu Dajing was so happy that he wished he could shoot the self who was outsourced to death before.

Liu Dajing didn't expect that when he came to such a big company to find a job, he could go so smoothly.

The eldest nephew was speechless. Although the aunt and nephew were of the same generation, the age difference between the two was too great, and the relationship between the two families was far away. He had never called her aunt.

As soon as she saw Liu Dajing, she recognized him.

The person holding the teacup was very addicted to cards, "Hey, Hongyu has been discharged from the hospital, so what's wrong."

Today is not the same as the day when he came to pay back the money. He lost the money and left when he paid back the money, but today, he asked for others.

Lin Fang was impatient, "Stop beating, I'm too busy at home, I'll talk about it later when the child gets better."

The front desk has never seen such a wild way of job hunting, directly looking for a job from the boss, and completely ignoring the HR department?

"Xiao Lin, I really don't know how to thank you." Mu Henian chatted happily with Lin Xian on the phone, "That expert from the Stability Maintenance Association came to work here!"

The time should be advanced to two hours ago.

Lin Fang's family also illegally operated a chess and card room.

Looking at the clothes these people were wearing, and then lowering their heads to look at their own, I really wanted to turn around and leave.

From the time he entered the door, no one disliked him because of his clothes, he was treated politely all the way, and soon met the boss of the Mu family.

What kind of importance is this? What is the identity of this person?

Mu Henian: "He said you asked him to come, alas, thank you for thinking of me whenever you have good things."

"Do you have an appointment?" There were so many things to deal with at the front desk early in the morning, and they didn't even have the time to raise their heads.

"I think even Xiang Jian is afraid of him. He is such a powerful person, what kind of trouble will he have?"

"Xiang Jian is not afraid of him, but at his age, he is really good at being able to bear such hard work and cultivate to such a level." Lin Xian ate melon seeds while walking, "A good person often has serious troubles. "

"Oh." Mu Henian sighed pretendingly, "I didn't expect that."

"Tsk tsk, Boss Mu, it's your fault that you didn't develop into the entertainment industry." Lin Xian insulted him, "It's too fake."

The title is wrong again, it should be 147

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