"Chairman! Don't go." Xiao Zhang leaned over and grabbed Mu Henian, "Get in the car quickly, let's leave first."

"It's okay." Mu Henian seemed calm and composed at the moment, "It's just that someone wants to see me, so you can wait in the car with peace of mind."

"Who is it! I've never seen such a weird thing when I grow up, let's go first!" Xiao Zhang held on to Mu Henian's shirt and didn't let go.

The hem of Mu Henian's short-sleeved shirt was originally tucked into his clothes, but he pulled it all out.

"Hey, hurry up and relax..."

Before Mu Henian could finish his words, the door of the villa opened.

Three people came out from the inside, "The distinguished guest has arrived, but we have not greeted him from afar, we have neglected him."

Mu Henian quickly patted Xiao Zhang's hand away, and used the car door to cover the hem of his clothes back.

The three were dressed in black, and one of them looked about the same age as Mu Henian. He walked among them and came to Mu Henian with a smile.

Xiao Zhang quickly got out of the car.

He quickly walked around to Mu Henian, blocking the three of them, "Who are you!"

To be honest, Xiao Zhang felt that his question was inaccurate, and he even suspected that the three in front of him might not be human beings.

Otherwise, how could they encounter such a strange thing today?
"Don't be nervous." The middle-aged man standing in the middle stretched out his hand, "Chairman Mu, the leader of my family would like to say a few words to you."

Mu Henian is not nervous.

There is a noble person to make the bottom line, and the video phone in his pocket is still connected, besides, the clothes are also tidied up.

Nothing to be nervous about.

The three of them went to the villa to welcome the year of Mu He, and Xiao Zhang also followed.

"It's a confidential matter that cannot be leaked, Chairman Mu, please wait outside."

In just a few words, Mu Henian only saw two words from these people: arrogance.

These three people seemed to have kind smiles on the surface, but their attitude towards Xiao Zhang was completely ignored.

No matter what Xiao Zhang said, the three of them acted as if they didn't hear it.

Even if Xiao Zhang was asked to wait outside, they only informed him of Mu Henian.

What kind of person is it?How arrogant.

Think of his extraordinary nobleman, even if she has mental problems, she never treats others like this.

"Xiao Zhang, go back to the car and wait, I'll be right out."

Xiao Zhang was worried, and his worried eyes kept chasing Mu Henian until Mu Henian entered the villa, and the gate of the villa smashed his sight.

When Mu Henian entered the villa, he saw a young man sitting behind the tea table.

The man was holding a teacup in his hand. The first time he saw Mu Henian, he raised the cup to him, and then put the cup of tea on the opposite side.

The young man compared the chair opposite and said, "Director Mu, please sit down."

At this point, Mu Henian didn't hold back, and went directly to sit down.

"Excellent, I'm sorry." Mu Henian clasped his fists at him.

The young man smiled, "Mr. Mu is being polite."

Mu Henian: "I don't know, why did the expert bring me here?"

"Excuse me, Director Mu. I really wanted to tell you something, but I was afraid that you wouldn't believe it. I had no choice but to use this method." The middle-aged man in black said, "Let me introduce it to you first. It belongs to a national public servant, and this is the person in charge of our department, Mr. Sun."

The young man nodded towards Mu Henian, and said his name, "Sun Yi'an."

"What department are you?" Mu Henian had some acting skills.

In Xialing Village, Lin Xian was lying on a rocking chair, listening to the sound coming from the phone.

Hearing that voice, my heart suddenly became tired.

It's amazing that there are such oily things in the world.

"Eastern Stability Maintenance Association." Sun Yi'an said, "You must have an impression of this organization. Your stepson has just been handed over from our department."

Mu Henian hasn't heard from Wang Ye for a long time, "Hand over?" Is it going to be released?

"Yes, we have already investigated the crimes he committed. Since he is not a practitioner, he will naturally be transferred to an ordinary prison."

"How long has he been sentenced?" Mu Henian took this opportunity to ask.

"According to the theory of intentional homicide, it will take at least ten years to come out."

Mu Henian was quite satisfied with the result.

"I don't know if you are satisfied with this result." Sun Yi'an asked.

"As a victim, I naturally hope that he will be punished accordingly." Mu Henian said nothing.

Sun Yi'an laughed twice, "It must be because of this that you got to know Liu Dajing from our association."

Mu Henian thought to himself, this point of purpose is really the same as the nobleman's analysis.

Steady and steady, "Yes."

"You also know that we are public officials, and we are not allowed to engage in other jobs according to the regulations. Why do you want to hire employees of the association?"

Mu Henian said: "I didn't know much about your association before, and I didn't know there was such a regulation. If there is something wrong, please forgive me."

Sun Yi'an: "Of course, those who don't know are not to blame. You just need to terminate the labor relationship as soon as possible."

Mu Henian nodded, and he said, "Okay, then I'll tell him when I get back."

Sun Yi'an took Mu Henian's cooperation as a matter of course.

"Director Mu, let's have some tea." Sun Yi'an pointed to the tea in front of him.

Mu Henian didn't move, who knows what's in the tea, he was poisoned before.

"No, although I'm not a national official, I'm still very busy." He stood up, "Let me go first."

"Director He, send one to Mu Dong."

When Mu Henian heard the word send, his heart trembled. Why did he always feel that he was going to send him back to his hometown?

"Master Mu, please."

It was only a few words, but the people waiting outside were already anxious.

Seeing that Mu Henian came out intact, Xiao Zhang rushed up immediately, and was so excited that he even supported him, "Chairman, are you alright?"

There were still those three people watching behind him, and Mu Henian looked calm, "I can do anything, but I just said a few words, let's go back."

After the car drove for a while, Mu Henian immediately took out the phone from his pocket.

"Little Lin, are you still there?"

Lin Xian could not be seen on the phone, only the shaking sky.

The screen flickered, and Lin Xian's face appeared.

"You are really good at predicting things, those people really came to me because of Mr. Liu." Mu Henian said, "Did you hear what was said just now?

I complied with him.

You said, what should I do about this matter? "

Lin Xian asked back, "How do you want to deal with this?"

"What about public officials, but I see them like that, so it's really hard to have a good impression." Mu Henian said the truth at this time, "I don't even need to think about what they told me, I know it is specifically aimed at Mr. Liu of.

Mr. Liu helped me twice, and he needs the job now.

I am emotional and reasonable, and should not do what they say. "

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