"Still strengthening the seal, why is it just an offering, the evil spirit is stronger than before, can't we see it!" Fang Jinhua sighed heavily, "I'm afraid you can't see it? You don't understand at all!"

Behind the bed curtain, the three hissing in pain looked at each other.

They still know a little about Feng Shui, especially He Daoxing, who is old and has heard a lot.

Now that he mentioned it, he remembered that some years ago, he seemed to have heard an old man in the association say that there was a seal of evil spirit on the Qingcui Mountain.

If it was that group of evil spirits, after all these years of worship, how dangerous it would become.

He Daoxing didn't dare to think deeply.

Similarly, he didn't dare to think whether Mr. Sun in the next bed was a magic stick.

If so, what has become of holding him up all these years?

"Mr. Fang, speak with respect." Sun Yi'an clenched his fist while supporting the bed, "I'm still the director of the association."

"It's him! He's emotionally unstable." The old man on the opposite bed brought a doctor over, "Hurry up and move it away. There's no bed over there, so we can't arrange people here. This is an internal medicine department after all."

The doctors wondered, "Who said he was a psychiatrist?"

Uncle: "Need to say it? It's so obvious."

"Master, where are you going? How could you send a psychiatric patient here." The doctor stepped forward to check the patient's information, "Sun Yi'an, right? How do you feel? Are you better than yesterday?"

Sun Yi'an took advantage of this opportunity to avoid confrontation with Fang Jinhua.

Fang Jinhua was very upset, but he couldn't say anything in front of the doctor.

Besides, what words are useful?This is a person who doesn't understand anything. He doesn't know how to become the manager. He doesn't know how many stupid things he has done in these years.

Seeing him felt upset, Fang Jinhua hurriedly left the hospital, it is better to contact the headquarters of the association as soon as possible.

"Zhang Song!"

Zhang Song took a step behind and was stopped by He Daoxing.

Seeing the father-in-law walking away, Zhang Song turned and returned to He Daoxing's bedside, "Director He, what do you want me to do?"

He Daoxing lowered his voice, "Don't pretend to be serious, for the sake of the things I gave you, you have to help me no matter what."

Zhang Song: "What do you want me to help you with?"

"Help me restore my cultivation."

Zhang Song sneered, "You treat me like a god? Say something feasible? Don't think you can threaten me. I came to listen to you just because of my kindness."

"A Song!"

Zhang Song heard the old man's voice outside, and left a sentence for He Daoxing: "Director He, please call me after you think it over."

Inside Lin Xiao's dormitory.

Lin Xiaozheng was mad, "Can you see me? From such a distance, separated by countless walls, you can actually see me!"

Lin Xian: "Is it so difficult to accept?" Haven't you experienced it yourself?

"Wow, it's a ghost if you can accept it! If you were replaced by someone who can monitor you in all directions and around the clock, can you accept it?"

Lin Xian grabbed Tianlei who was working hard, "Although it's not a human being, there is indeed such a thing watching over me."

Lin Xiao: ...I really don't know what to say for a while.

"You fairies don't respect other people's privacy too much." Lin Xiao said, "What if I'm taking a shower when you look at me?"

"Just wash it." Lin Xian didn't care, "I don't dislike you."

"Huh?" Lin Xiao laughed angrily, "You look down on me, and I still have to be disgusted by you?"

"Don't mess around, I've never seen anyone who emphasizes privacy with a god."

Lin Xian threw two Rejuvenation Pills to him, "Keep it well, and take one if you feel unwell."

Lin Xiao still remembered the taste of this thing, and when he thought about it, even the sausage in his hand didn't taste good anymore.

But the things his sister sold are definitely good things, and he must keep them.

"I set up a formation on that basin, and I can't leave it to you. The sausages are finished, remember to call me to get the basin." Lin Xian finished explaining and was about to leave, but was stopped by Lin Xiaoerkang, "How can I contact you? ?”

Lin Xian looked at him like he was looking at a fool, "Call me!"

Lin Xiao himself thought it was funny. With his brain, he was always unable to combine fantasy events with the real world.

He always felt that her sister teleported over to fetch things, and he had to use some mysterious magic to summon her.

Purely mindless.

"Well, sister, I can't finish eating so much, why don't I share some with my classmates?" Lin Xiao asked for her opinion.

"Split." It's just an ordinary starch sausage.

Not long after Lin Xian left, Lin Xian's roommate who had gone out came back, and was really shocked when she saw the sausage in the basin, "No, Lin Xiao, you also started cooking and broadcasting?"

"What is eating and broadcasting, I just made some fried sausages, do you want to eat?"

Who can resist the temptation of starch sausage.

However, this is older, and the people in the dormitory can't finish it until they vomit.

The boss of Lin Xiao's dormitory is a cheerful person who has a good relationship with everyone in the class. He took Lin Xiao and distributed the rest to the people in the class.

During this period, Lin Xiao met a girl named Lin Mumu. Although he was in the same class as him, she hadn't said anything before. She came from a developed coastal city, and Lin Xiao always thought she was a proud person.

Unexpectedly, after talking with him this time, I found out that he is very nice and warm to him.

He even asked him in a low voice, "Are you posting videos online?"

Lin Xiao was taken aback, and Lin Mumu turned on the phone to show him, "Is this your account? I heard the voice and thought it looked like you."

Seeing Lin Xiao nodding, Lin Mumu said happily: "I am your fan, your video is so good!"

After going back and forth, the two left their contact information.

Lin Xiao was very happy. She never thought that her voice would be remembered by other girls.

After distributing the sausages, I sat on the stool blushing for half an hour before calling Lin Xian.

At that time, Lin Xian was eating hot pot by the river, and his avatar was watching a movie outside, so he didn't have time to get it, so he let Tianlei go.

Tianlei didn't want to, he came down to monitor Lin Xian, not to do chores for Lin Xian.

But who can't resist the temptation, there are too many delicacies in the world, Lin Xian can always find something to crave it.

Liu Dajing promised to teach Mu Xinghe the technique, so he really took it to heart.

That afternoon, he packed his things and prepared to meet his first apprentice.

Seeing that he was about to go out with a pile of rags on his back, Liu Baihua stopped him, "What are you doing with those things?"

"Teaching people spells." Liu Dajing bypassed him, "Don't get in the way, if you go later, you won't be able to teach for a few hours today."

Liu Baihua was surprised, "Have you accepted an apprentice? Do I have a grandson?"

"It was the boss who helped me back then. His daughter also practiced, but no one taught her the spells, so please let me go and have a look."

When Liu Baihua heard that she was the boss's daughter, she looked forward to disappearing in an instant. She thought she was someone who was favored by Da Jing for her talent, but it turned out that she was trying to return the favor.

Cultivation is not something that those delicate girls can leave.

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