After Xiuxian came back, I became a vegetable farmer

Chapter 407 The Passion of Chu Jingyu

Lin Qingqing was even more confused now, she was about to ask her why she knew the young man, but Uncle Hong came out, and she hung up the phone quickly.

Chu Jingyu began to look for Murakami.

Xialing Village has now been rectified, and every sect is hung on the gate, and those with yards are hung on the gate, so they can be seen at a glance.

However, although the house numbers are conspicuous, the order of the house numbers in Xialing Village is out of order. It might be that number 32 used to be number 86, and then it was number 5.

If you want to find No. 123, you have to look one by one.

When Chu Jingyu saw the second row, someone from the village asked, "What are you looking for?"

"I'm looking for number 123."

"Isn't that building a country?" The villagers saw him coming out of the homestay and knew that he was a tourist in the village, so they treated him very well and led him outside Lin Xian's courtyard very enthusiastically.

"It's here." After taking people to the place, the villagers were ready to leave.

But he didn't want his hands to be tightly grasped by the people around him, "Did you see the people in the yard?"

The villagers looked at the yard, and then at him, saying with obvious eyes: something is wrong, so who can't see the freshman girl squatting in the yard.

"I see, not only people but also dogs." The villager yelled at Lin Xian, "Sister, someone is looking for your house."

Lin Yuan ignored it. Now that the quality of the villagers has improved, it has provided convenience for this person.

"People have brought it, I'm going back."

Lin Xian led Rhubarb over there, "Here it is? Very fast."

Chu Jingyu stretched out his finger to poke Lin Xian, "Are you human or..."

Lin Yuan deliberately frightened him.

When the man pointed his finger over, he intentionally turned himself into a phantom.

Chu Jingyu watched helplessly as his fingers passed through this person. He froze in place for a few seconds in fright, then turned around and ran away quickly.

However, although he lived in Xialing Village for a few days, he was still not familiar with the place.

Running and rushing into the river.

It happened that there was a row of fishing guests standing on the other side of the river.

"Something fell!"

"Dog, it seems to be a big black dog."

"It seems to be a person."

"It's just a person!" The person standing closest to Chu Jingyu saw the person struggling on the water surface after the spray dispersed.

"How did you get down?"

"Catch it up!"

The temperature is low in winter, and not many people dare to jump into the water.

"Hey, is it suicide or murder?" Someone asked the person next to him, "Did you see how that man got down?"

"Murder wouldn't choose this place in broad daylight. We have so many people gathered here, who has the guts? I don't think it looks like murder. You see, that person is very energetic."

"Father, can you stop analyzing and save the person first."

The father swung the fishing rod in his hand. It is impossible for him to jump to save others, but it is still possible to give people a stick to save themselves.

He was also looking for speed, and the hook on the fishing line hadn't been removed yet. With this swing and Chu Jingyu's desperate thumping, the hook caught his face.

The more he moved the hook, the more he pulled, he cried out in pain.

Still someone picked up a long bamboo pole nearby and pushed him up.

Many people stood on the shore and pulled him.

With so many kind-hearted people around, although he was tortured, he was safe from danger.

It's just that the fishhook on the face is deeply pierced, and there are barbs that are hard to get out.

At this time, the village head heard the news from others and had already run over. Seeing how the tourists looked, he hurriedly organized people to bring warm padded jackets, and asked people to prepare the car. A hospital in the city."

Soon Chu Jingyu was wrapped in a coat and sent to the hospital in Qingning City. He got a fishhook and got a tetanus shot. The village head's son-in-law paid for all the medical expenses.

Chu Jingyu was paralyzed on the chair in the hospital, and he didn't even have the strength to move.

Only then did the village head ask him, "Young man, how did you fall into the river?"

Chu Jingyu didn't respond, his mind was still thinking about the previous events, and his hands really didn't touch that person.

That person is indeed abnormal!
"Did someone push you down?" the village head asked again.

"No." The reason why Chu Jingyu answered the village chief was to let him answer his own question, "Are you the village chief of Xialing Village?"

The village chief thought, he won't blackmail people, right? After paying the medical expenses, should he still give spiritual compensation?
"Yes, you can tell me what you want, we will discuss it."

The village chief doesn't want this person to destroy the word-of-mouth that the village has managed to build up. What if this person messes up on the Internet? Those people won't believe it either.

Therefore, if the compensation proposed by the other party is not too outrageous, the village head is willing to spend money to eliminate this risk.

But the man didn't talk about money, but asked, "Then you must know the people in your village."

The village chief hesitated for a moment, "They are all people who get along with each other on a daily basis. I must know a lot more than you."

"Is the person living in No. 123 of your village...a human?"

"Huh?" The village chief responded, what do you mean by that? "Did something happen to you with the villagers in that family?"

"No, I'm asking, are the people living in that house really human?" Chu Jingyu especially emphasized the last word.

"I can't understand what you're saying." The village chief's mind was running fast. After thinking about it, No. 123 should be Jianguo. Jianguo and his wife are not short-tempered, and the chances of conflicts with tourists are very high. Small.

By the way, it's Ah Yuan!

But A-Xian generally doesn't bully others, how talented the people in their village are now.

Chu Jingyu put it another way: "Are people living in that room or...ghosts?"

"Of course it's a human!" The village chief sighed deeply, "Young man, at such a young age, why do you think about such weird things?"

"No." Chu Jingyu said, "I met an untouchable person over there today."

At this time, the son-in-law of the village chief came up, and the village chief pulled him to the side and whispered, "You go down and give him a psychiatric department."

The son-in-law glanced at Chu Jingyu, then lowered his head and asked in the same low voice, "Are you crazy? No wonder you jumped into the river."

Chu Jingyu didn't know what those two people were muttering about. He was in a very mysterious state. He couldn't tell how frightened he was. On the contrary, there was an excitement that shouldn't have appeared in his Faintly beating in his blood.

Chu Jingyu was supported by the village chief and his son-in-law, and went to another department. He didn't see the name of the department until he got to the door.

No matter how he explained that he was not sick, the village chief didn't believe it, and said, "Here you are, let's go in and have a look."

Is this something that comes here?

Fortunately, he was really not sick. The doctor took pictures of him and did tests to confirm that he was in a normal state of mind.

When Chu Jingyu returned to Xialing Village again, it was already night, and the village chief regretted it in the car. If he had known earlier, he would not have given him a psychiatric department. It was too expensive.

The village head sent him to the door of Lin Hong's house, told him to rest well, and then went home.

Chu Jingyu didn't go back to the homestay, but went to No. 123 again.

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